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  1. Hi all, I am working on a building evacuation project through Simio. I want to know how can I block a sink object, so entities can not exit through that sink. I also need to know if I can somehow define this situation in referenced property under Experiment and try different scenarios. For example in each scenario I block one of the exits and monitor the number exited (survivors) or evacuation time. My other problem is simulating fire with different rates and interaction of it with the entities, as when they see fire they avoid running toward that direction and change the route. Thank you for your help,
  2. Hi there - My entities are going into a wait step based on a condition. So at any point in time I may or may not have multiple entities in the wait step. When I fire an event to release entity from the wait step all the entities which are in the wait step at the time event is fired get released. I don't want that, I want wait to release only one entity every time release event is fired. Any ideas how I can achieve this? Thank you.
  3. Hi LizMB, Without evaluating your model in detail, that error is due to a transfer not being completed (transfer request while entity is still being transferred previously). It is typically when you make use of a transfer step and either not end the transfer (using and "End Transfer" step), before transferring it again or when Simio attempts to transfer the entity (due to inherent worker/node/vehicle logic) before the end transfer is completed. It could also be if you interrupt something before a transfer action has completed. What also happens is when you have processes executing e.g. On-Entered and the same entity executes one or more such processes at the same time, resulting in a inherent transfer request before the previous has completed. It could be a matter of timing or the sequence of events, or a problem in your logic. When you are using a transfer step in your logic it is useful to have a process with an End Transfer step that is either subscribed to certain events or executed on an event triggered e.g. StationName.Entered. If you were to interrupt a process/action, you can either fire the trigger event or just use logic to test whether the entity has transferred. With an add-on process it is best to understand the sequence of events happening in the Simio logic and ensure certain logic gets completed first or that you don't have parallel requests at the same time. As you can see there are multiple ways to address something like this and your approach depends on your logic and the system being modeled. Good Luck. H
  4. Heidy, maybe you can do it using 2 timers. The first one for the starting time and the second one for the 3 hrs period. You can also use the first timer and a Delay step of 3hrs, then a Fire step. Rds
  5. You can just use a process with a WAIT step. On entity arrival you will fire and event and the process will go on. I also belive that a worker is derived from entity so you can use workers instead of entities. Or the best fitting thing is to use consume step to consume a material (the tools). And have two inventories for it (one near the machine, one in the warehouse of tools). There are some simbits with the basic inventory concepts.
  6. I believe you can't create of vector of elements. Although, you can create a element reference state vector, which might be helpful. Your best bet would probably be modelling your process logic to trigger events through the Fire step, instead of using a timer. Or maybe adding a timer inside a object model, so every instance of that object has its own timer.
  7. Check my attached model. I'm not sure if this was the best approach, but it works. I created two events: One is triggered 100 times to executes another process 100 times. Each process will run its own Delay step and fire the second event to trigger the source. Let me know if this isn't what you need. 100 entities.spfx
  8. Hi Alb, What I would suggest is for you to use process logic to create your order entities rather than a source. The Create process step can be used to create entities just like a source, and you can put in logic that looks up the percentages. I would also suggest you use timers or perhaps a source to just create trigger entities that tells your model when to fire events (perform logic). For example, in your above case, perhaps have a source that creates an entity at 7pm, 7:30pm, and 8pm. These entities then trigger the process to be executed that decides the percentage of entities to be created at each time.
  9. Hi, I am looking for an event which can be used in a Wait step in a process which is triggered by an entity finishing processing in a station. Also potentially an event which is triggered when an entity exits a station. Do I have to manually fire an event with an addon process from every station which I wish to do this?
  10. Jeff's solution is elegant and enough. Still, I liked the way you handled the problem via processes. You need not to define Stopcreatingentities event to fire. I revised your logic and attached its revised form as a png file (can not saved my changes due to having a different version of simio).
  11. I'm pretty sure my whole approach is flawed, but I don't see how else to do this. The attached is a very simplified version of what I'm trying to do. In the real problem, I have empty containers that enter a detached queue based on when they are retrieved from customers. I also have workers that need to select (through a fairly complicated process) which of these containers to batch together to enter a filling station. This selection process is complicated because it depends on filling material, pressure, volume, and safety stock of the sku (multiple skus can be combined in same batch provided filling material, pressure, and volume of container match). Anyway, what I'm aiming for is Create a batch When the worker is idle, he will go to a node and search among empty containers in the detached queue to assemble a complete batch. If there aren't enough containers, the worker will wait, idle. As empty containers arrive at the detached queue, they should trigger, somehow, the worker to try to create a batch again. There are new containers now, so maybe a batch is possible. (Preferably, since hundreds of containers could arrive at a time, this trigger would be for all the containers arriving at this specific time, not each container doing a separate trigger.) With the batch, the worker should move to a server, seize it and wait while the containers are filled. Then move to a separator to separate out the batch, moving the containers to full inventory and the worker should go back to try to create another batch. I'm stuck in a couple of places, specifically (so far) . . . I can't seem to get the worker, once batched, to move to the filling station. In fact, the Move block in PickingStation_Entered doesn't even fire. I can't figure out how to get the entity to trigger the worker to reevaluate the batching process. However I try this, the batching process is executed by either the entity's token or a model token. I can't see how to get the worker to be the executing token. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Model.spfx
  12. Thank you gocken. This is so helpful. It makes things much simpler. I created an example with an entity which uses the worker as a transporter to go to the parent node at the combiner. the batch is created and they move on together. This seems to work well. But, I need to be able to perform the batch selection in a process. This is where things keep falling apart for me. I made the combiner match on member and parent, giving the entities a state variable set to True if those items were to be batched. I want to set this in an add-on process. Further, I need to be able to trigger this process when either a parent or a member entity enter their input buffers. I have an example attached that uses the add-on process. Once the parent enters the input buffer, the parent can choose what to batch. The batched items move on to server1 and the separator. Then, the worker (entity and transport) return to parent input of combiner, but it's empty. The unbatched entity goes to server2 (just to ensure it arrives after the parent). I thought it would leave server2 and trigger an add-on process on arriving at the member input node, but the add-on process is triggered when still at the server2 output node. So, in the add-on process, I transfer the parent to the parent input node (just to get the parent to kick off its own add-on process, but it doesn't know where to search for the member entity because it's still at server2. How do I get a process to fire to determine what to batch whenever either a parent or a member arrives? using combiner.spfx
  13. In the source of my model, I would like to generate arrival events by looking through row by row of a given table. However, I only want to create the 2nd arrival event when all the entities of the created by the first arrival event has moved beyond a certain point, where Globalstatevalue = 0. So in my process flow, I did something like this:When the globalstatevalue = 0, I want to go to the next row of my table and generate the 2nd arrival. I did this my fire an event The setting at my source: Arrival Mode: On event Triggering Event Name: name of event that I fired in the process flow. I managed to get the initial arrival to make sure that the Globalstatevalue = 0. condition is reached. However, the 2nd event is not triggerd at all and the CurrentRowNumber is not incremented as well. May I have some advice please? Thank you
  14. Hi gocken Its a model-level(i.e global state variable. For example, initially the value of currentrownumber is 1. It is used to make reference to the first row of a data table to create a particular number of entities as the first arrival event. After the created entities of the first arrival event reached some downstream workstation in the model, the Keep Track Population global state variable is set to zero. Then at this point, I want to create a second arrival event by referencing to the second row in the data table. I do this by incrementing the gobal state variable currentrownumber by 1 and fire an event right after. I would like to use this event to trigger the second arrival by making reference to the second row in the data table. In my model, i would like to continue generating the next arrival events by referring to each row of a data table from row 1 to the final row. Hope this clarifies my question. Thank you very much!
  15. Create a process which includes a search step for searching a specific entity. Fire this process whenever a specific condition occurs.
  16. The Workstation release problem is solved Thank you so much. By the way, is it impossible to change Time Offset in timer element during model running? I' ve just tried to dynamically change the state variable, SchduledDateTime during run-time, but the changed value is not considered .. I mean, I made a button which fire a event to change the value of ScheduledDateTime to later time. During running the simulation, I clicked the button and check the value to change using Status label. The problem is .. the value was changed in the status label, but the timer event cannot fire at the changed time. So.. I thought time Offset cannot be changed during model running.. Am I Right..? or Are there any ideas to solve it?
  17. You asked for "a way to start/stop timers on a specific entity without creating a bunch of different events". As I understand it, Enable is just a switch that stops/starts the Timer clock. It has nothing to do with triggering events and does not require any events. So if you set a timer to fire in 60 minutes, then after 10 minutes disable the timer, the timer should fire its event 50 minutes after it is enabled.
  18. Probably a stupid question, but doesn't the enabled just enable the start and not necessarily fire an event to START or STOP the timer?
  19. Yeah the elevator library needs some work. It is not written for a generic Simio application, hence it is difficult to exact "default" Simio Logic. What I found of particular difficulty was assigning control logic to entities entering and exiting the elevator nodes. More generic controls are also needed to exact and mitigate the need to repurpose logic as a subclassed object. i.e. as a quick and dirty solution, I moved the on entered process block in the subclassed myelevatornode object to the front (attached), else the process call is omitted for all loading entities entering the node. I think the object needs a good dose of standard simio logic governance, i.e. when does an add on process trigger fire, or when does a state assignment get made...etc...before it can be released as a standard Simio object.... Nonetheless it is a very helpful and cool object. If I get the project we are bidding on I will give it go !!
  20. For this particular scenario, you could have a Timer (see Definitions tab, Elements button on panel). The timer would define the time(s) that an event is triggered - for example if the simulation starts at 12 am, then you could have the first timer event at 5 hours (5 am) and then every 12 hours after that (5 pm, 5am, 5pm, etc.). The 'event' that the entity would wait for would then be TimerName.Event. You could use a Decide step before putting the entity into the Wait step, then the event would be automatically fired at a given time by the Timer element. (instead of by a Fire step).
  21. Hello, I have question about batching for my model. I would like to batch my entities in a specific node in my model and release them at a specific time. In other word, entities come to first server and they need to stay there until a specific time (for example 5 am and 5 pm) and then at that specific time they can be transferred to the second server. Could you please help me how to model it? I wanted to use Add.on process and using Wait and Fire steps but I do not know how to define an event. Also, I am not sure if my idea is correct? I really appreciate if you could help me
  22. Hello, In my model I’ve made entity arrival mode to be On event and I’ve created an event named CommandeEvent in the Definition ==>event section. In order to action the event, I’ve created a process called ProcessEvent in which I have a decide step followed by a fire step that fire the CommandeEvent if the condition in the Decide step is respected. But when I run the model, the entities are not created. Is there something I should do differently or add ? Thank you, Flora
  23. If you mean that an entity should not advance to the next location unless it is available: Try using Node Lists when routing entities to the next location. Lists automatically block the entity from moving forward if the destination server is not available. 1. Create a node list in Definitions>Lists 2. Set the input and output buffers to 0 on your servers 3. On the output nodes, set Entity destination type to "Select From List" and choose the node list. If you mean you have a group entities that are processing at different servers and none in that group can advance until all are processed: Use a Wait step and event. After each entity finishes, trigger the wait step to wait for an event. After the last entity finishes, fire the Event. You will probably also use a Decide step to separate the non-last entities (wait for event) from the last entity (fire event).
  24. Hello! I'm having problems with the WAIT process. I'm modelling trucks who brings pallets. This trucks must be heavy at the server "weighing". Later, It goes to a separate, where the truck goes to the sink1. And the separate create 3 copies of pallets entities. This pallets must be heave at the server "weighingPallets" and finally go to the sink2. My problem is that i just can have one truck with his pallets (3 pallets) after the server "weighing". After the truck and his pallets go to them sinks, the next truck can advance. I create several process. 2 to count the quantity (trucks and pallets), 1 to fire the event "WAIT" and 1 to wait until the condition "QuantityPallets > 0 && QuantityTruck > 0". Please someone help me with this. I don't know what else to do. wait.spfx
  25. Your logic is fully right. But, you have to send an entity (or any token) to the processevent to fire your event. Examine the sample model I attached. OnRunInitialized process I created an entity and by using this entity I activated the process1 to fire the event. You should apply this type of logic. sample model.spfx
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