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  1. I am not sure if you can transfer explicit row reference. what you could do though is search through a table, get the row reference you need and save it as a state on entity/token. You can use the state reference later.
    1 point
  2. Hi Annika, First, you will need to set up a data table where you are auto-creating the objects. I would recommend subclassing the Server into MyServer like you mentioned. In the data table, add an Object Instance Property column and set Object Type to 'MyServer' and Default Value Instantiation to 'AutoCreateInstance'. Then add two Node Instance Property columns, one that you can list the destination Node and the other where you list the Output Node of the auto-created MyServer. Ensure you set Auto-set Table Row Reference on the column where you list the Output Node of the auto-created MyServer to 'True'. Then on the MyServer, set Entity Destination Type to 'Specific' and Node Name to 'TableName.NodeInstancePropertyName'. You can then right click on the MyServer and select 'Update 'MyServer' Property Defaults From This'. You can then add more MyServers into the data table where you are auto-creating them and they will all route the entities to the correct next Node. Caleb
    1 point
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