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  2. I am not sure if you can transfer explicit row reference. what you could do though is search through a table, get the row reference you need and save it as a state on entity/token. You can use the state reference later.
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  4. Hi all, I would like to know if there is a way the access/save/transfer referenced row information between entities and objects. Would be glad if you could help. Best regards, Tolgahan
  5. Thank you so much! The piece that I was missing was adding the output node as a column with Auto-set Table Row Reference set to True. By adding this column and setting the row reference it therefore connects the source block with its output node. [I have shown a source object but the same is true for the Server object.]
  6. Hi Annika, First, you will need to set up a data table where you are auto-creating the objects. I would recommend subclassing the Server into MyServer like you mentioned. In the data table, add an Object Instance Property column and set Object Type to 'MyServer' and Default Value Instantiation to 'AutoCreateInstance'. Then add two Node Instance Property columns, one that you can list the destination Node and the other where you list the Output Node of the auto-created MyServer. Ensure you set Auto-set Table Row Reference on the column where you list the Output Node of the auto-created MyServer to 'True'. Then on the MyServer, set Entity Destination Type to 'Specific' and Node Name to 'TableName.NodeInstancePropertyName'. You can then right click on the MyServer and select 'Update 'MyServer' Property Defaults From This'. You can then add more MyServers into the data table where you are auto-creating them and they will all route the entities to the correct next Node. Caleb
  7. Hello, I would like to auto-create a new server object from a table and assign the "Entity Destination Type" as well as the "Node Name" from values in the table. I have tried used the Add Data Table From Schema option for the Server object, but this only covers table columns for the server NOT the input or output nodes. I have tried subclassing the server object (MyServer) and setting the "Entity Destination Type" and "Node Name" of the output node of the MyServer object. That works well but I would need different MyServer objects for every unique combination of "Entity Destination Type" and "Node Name". For example, MyServerA would route to "Specific" and "Input@Sink1" and "MyServerB" would route to "Specific" and "Input@Sink2". But I would rather just have a single MyServer object and use a table column to set the values for the output nodes. What is the best way of doing that? Thank you Annika
  8. @CChan the ability to use a Status Table for an Output Table was added to Sprint 262!
  9. this is an old thread, but I'm looking for something similar. I want to suspend the task sequence processing but only for the entity that is transferring out of the workstation, not permanently suspend the processing for that server. Is there a way I can accomplish this? Thank you
  10. Greetings, I want to add a scrap rate to an entity that goes through the process process using a server, for example, 1.5% product scrap, is there a way to create this without using the “Selection Weight” logic after creating the Line? Thank you, best regards.
  11. Mr. MauricioBiolato, Thank you, your guidance seems to be working for me for now. I will tinker a little more and check again after completing the process in my head, if I need it, I will log in here with my new problem. Thanks again.
  12. Hi Onat, There are a few ways you can do that. I guess the easier one is to use a separator like the picture bellow In the saparator options you should choose "Create New" hope this helps. Rds.
  13. Hello, I want to create a process in Simio, but despite my attempts and research, I couldn't achieve a result, so I decided to write here to find a solution. I want any A entity to enter a server and exit as 70 B entities. In short, the process I want to create is as follows: a roll is connected to a machine, and the machine cuts the fabric wound on the roll into 70 equal parts, turning it into smaller rolls. I tried to use the "create" step in the process but couldn't reach a conclusion. I am looking forward to your assistance. Thank you and best regards.
  14. Hi all, I think the addition of the statue table is great as I can watch my table values change as the simulation goes. This works great for a data table with output col. Is there a way to link the statue table to an output table? I need the ability to addrow as the simulation goes and I still want to create a statue table to keep track of the values. This feature is desired because I need to use this model and a submodel. I need to be able to track the output table in the sub-model from the master model. Thanks
  15. Hello, I have a simulation model where each server has a task sequence. For some of the tasks, a worker is seized. However, when the workers go off-shift, the entity is left in the server until a worker goes on-shift the following day. I need the workers to stay until all entities are out of the servers each day. I already have the off-shift rule for each task as "Finish Work Already Started". I also cannot reserve the worker because the worker needs to be free to do other tasks when they are not seized by that entity. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!
  16. Hello SIMIO experts, I am looking to understand how to retrieve the defined end-of-shift time from a work schedule for specific workers in SIMIO. Specifically, I need to identify only those workers who finish their shifts after a certain time. Could you guide me on how to access and filter this information effectively in the simulation model? Thank you for your assistance!
  17. @dsturrock Thank you, David, for your advice. I ultimately implemented the second method, creating a custom worker in which I set up a custom state variable that I could update and monitor without any issues. Thank you for your detailed response, Best regards, Raimundo Yachan
  18. Okay, I can't find my old example to show what I mean, but as you noted, primary resource capacity becomes irrelevant if secondary resources are shared. Even if the primary capacity is finite, one can imagine it as a table or a counter space where some work is performed. That's how I have ended up describing the distinction between primary and secondary resources. Thank you for your kind reply.
  19. Perhaps I am missing something, but I don't recall Simio ever being able to work as you described. We generally recommend making the server capacity Infinite, so it becomes irrelevant, then relying on a secondary resource to be the constraint. I think this approach will work fine for the case you describe.
  20. I had once constructed a model where four servers shared a single resource pool. I had done that by setting their capacities to 0 and forcing them rely on the secondary resources seized from that pool. However, I am seeing that the current version of Simio does not allow that. If the server capacities are set to zero, they don't work at all. In other words, that shared pool can only be used as the source of their secondary resources. My question is, is there another method of forcing the servers seize their primary resources from a shared pool, like in the model of a fast-food establishment where just one employee accepts orders but also prepares fries and drinks and then the same employee delivers the completed orders?
  21. It would also be interesting to be able to modify or include new ResourceAutoStates, which are limited to those defined by default (Starved, Busy, etc).
  22. Before you start adding state variables to a library object, I suggest that you first familiarize yourself with all of the existing states. One easy way to do this is to instantiate the object (e.g., Worker1) and then go to any expression field and type "Worker." and look at the list. In the case of Worker, there are over 100 states, functions, and properties built-in to the Worker object. Another way is to subclass the Worker, then go to the Definitions tab of the MyWorker object and you can see all of the built-in definitions by category: There is a pretty good chance that what you need is already there. But if not, use the same screen illustrated above and add whatever state (or property, event, ...) that you need. As far as referencing or assigning that custom state or a built-in state, it is done using ObjectName.StateName. For example if you added a state named TimeStartedMove to MyWorker, and you wanted to assign that value, you might assign MyWorker.TimeStartedMove to TimeNow. The tricky part, especially with more complex objects like Workers, is to determine exactly when/how to assign that value. Sometimes you can interact with the model itself to insert an Assign at the correct location (let's say in the Loaded Add-on Process). Or sometimes you might need to override the process logic in your custom object. The SimBits RecordDistanceTraveled and ElectricVehicle are examples to review.
  23. Hello SIMIO experts, I am currently working on a project where I need to assign state variables to a worker and manage these variables throughout the simulation. I'm looking for guidance on a few key aspects: Assigning a State Variable to a Worker: How can I assign a state variable (e.g., a boolean or numerical value) to a worker in SIMIO? I want to track attributes such as availability, task completion count, or other custom metrics. Updating the State Variable During the Simulation: What is the best practice for updating the state variable of a worker based on specific events or conditions during the simulation? For instance, updating the availability status when a worker starts or completes a task. Accessing the State Variable: How can I access or consult the state variable of a worker at any point in the simulation for monitoring or decision-making purposes? Any advice or example models that illustrate these processes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
  24. Hi everyone, I am working on a model for a project and I need to make so for each server, only one worker will be assigned and work at that server for the workers entire shift. I have uploaded a simplified version of my model. The workers schedules are already in the model. For example: On day 1, worker 1 works all day so they should go to either room1 or room2 (servers) and then only go to that server for the rest of the day. Worker 2 works only in the morning and should take which room/server is not taken by worker 1. Once worker 2's shift is over, worker 3 should come in and take the room that worker 2 left. After the day is over, the room assignment should reset for the next day. Is there a way to do this in Simio? Thanks in advance for any help! WorkerServerModel.spfx
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