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  1. I have recreated a system to see theoretical capacities and it has multiple sources (1 parent and 2 different members that I combine). I have turned off balking because that interferes with my unit mix. I have also changed all buffers to a finite number and crossing logic capacities to 1. Even with all of this, I still hit the 2500 max entities and an error pops up. This system should only be able to hold a couple hundred, so I know I don't need to adjust my capacity size. I made the units stop at the 1st server so I could isolate the issue and it appears to be upon creation or in the combiner. My question is, how can I have unit production pause (not stop) when the buffers and capacities are full? I have attached the file for reference. APS Design 2.spfx
  2. I am trying to run a simulation with only 10 entities throughout the entire simulation. Is that possible? Thanks,
  3. Hi, Is it possible to set the state variable of the parent entity in a batch equal to the sum of state variables of all member entities in the batch? Context of the case; a truck (parent) is loaded with x number of orders (members). These orders have a specific value for the state variable 'NumberOfRollContainers'. The truck has the state variable 'TotalRollContainers', which should equal the sum of the 'NumberOfRollContainers' in that batch. Kind regards, Christa
  4. Hello and thanks for reading, I'm building a model that should replicate how vessels are handled within a port area. Within this area, there are multiple Terminals (servers) and ships (entities) that have to visit any number of terminals. Their processing times at each server vary. With their sequences predefined, I have managed to model this accurately, based on a first come first serve or another dispatching rule. I'd like to implement a dynamic sequence. 1) How can I model a certain degree of freedom in their sequences - e.g. a vessel is free to choose between sequence XABZ or XBAZ, depending on the queue size at A or B at the time of leaving X? However, in reality, these vessels enter the system, draft a sequence that is suitable for their loading plan, and then try to reserve serving times at the various terminals. I have tried wrapping my head around ways to model this, but can't seem to think of a way how. I could create a large amount of state variables for each server, that denotes whether or not a certain slot has been reserved, but that is not suitable for running long simulations. I read on this forum post that I could perhaps use a storage element, and store the reservations in there. How would I go about saving reservation-related information? Should I store that on the barge entity or in the terminal's reservation storage? How should I go about modelling timeslots in itself? 2) How can I model 'future' reservations of entities at the various servers? Finally, if this functions properly, and entities can request reservations at the various servers, I would like to have the servers compare all the requests at a certain cutoff time, and for all the doubly requested slots have it allocate the reservation based on the entities' characteristics. 3) Would I have to store the reservation data on both the entity and the server side for them to both make calculations with them, or is it enough to have them all on the server side, and denote whether they have been accepted with e.g. a boolean property? My apologies for the long post. Do not hesitate to ask for more information. Kind regards, Tom
  5. Just wondering how can I model the behavior of slowing down when two entities come across each other from two directions? Any clue or suggestions?
  6. Please help, I am at a loss, I have been trying for hours now and I assume the solution to be very simple and I'm just overlooking it. I have three entities going through my system; Ship, Truck and Train. All three entities have different carbon emissions. I want to create a status label that shows the total carbon emissions per entity based on kilometers traveled in the system. The label should show something like 'ShipEntity.Totaldistancetraveled * 0.323 (or whatever co2 output is for that entity)'. However you can't set 'totaldistancetraveled' or record it with any variable for these entities, only the 'ModelEntity' that I didnt create myself but is always there when you start. Also, I don't want to use vehicles. I just want to use entities through my system. Please help me. I have attached the model for your reference, I dont know if that is necessary or if it helps. Kind regards, Jason Corridor Model 0.05.spfx
  7. Please help, I am at a loss, I have been trying for hours now and I assume the solution to be very simple and I'm just overlooking it. I have three entities going through my system; Ship, Truck and Train. All three entities have different carbon emissions. I want to create a status label that shows the total carbon emissions per entity based on kilometers traveled in the system. The label should show something like 'ShipEntity.Totaldistancetraveled * 0.323 (or whatever co2 output is for that entity)'. However you can't set 'totaldistancetraveled' or record it with any variable for these entities, only the 'ModelEntity' that I didnt create myself but is always there when you start. Also, I don't want to use vehicles. I just want to use entities through my system. Please help me. I have attached the model for your reference, I dont know if that is necessary or if it helps. Kind regards, Jason Corridor Model 0.06.spfx
  8. Need some direction on creating mass load of entities. Attached is my file for version 10.174. Haven’t updated yet to 187. In the file I have two models: VIR_Workflow and CVOR. I’m trying to recreate what I did in VIR_Workflow where I imported a table of all the entities. It would be daunting to creating hundreds of individual entities. I want to do the same thing with CVOR however, it did not load to create the entities itself as I thought is capable of doing. There’s over 5000 entities for this model. I have also attached the CVS files I used to import data. Please advise the best way to load in pre-sets of data to create the entities instead of doing it manually. Or if there's something simpler in doing what I want to do please share. I think I missed some kind of step. SIMIO.zip
  9. I am trying to simulate a model of a factory where 6 hours of planned maintenance occurs every Wednesday at the same time, from 8am to 2pm on the production line. There is a second almost duplicate line which can then be operated when the maintenance begins, it is attached to the 1st line after the source and the first server. The factory is 24/7 in production. When this occurs the 1st line should clear of all entities and should remain empty for the 6 hours. How is it possible to simulate this 6 hours of no production on the first line after the first server and when this happens the source should continue producing but follow another path to a second line after the first server. From this experiment i want to see how many entities can still be created over a period of time when the maintenance occurs by using the second line.
  10. Hi all!, would you help me with this? I want to do a discrete simulation of the current situation in a Hospital in the inpatient unit. I have the data of one year of patients, (over 18,000 people) and I want to use that data in the simulation. That would make more easy to model the server processing times, while we will use the real server times and sequences that each patient had, instead to use probabilities and distributions for the sequence and server times respectively. So, I created a table where each row represent a patient with a sequence (which bed he was assigned due to his level of acuity) and the time that he spent in that bed before he was dispatched. The are more times involve, but we can focus in those parameters to have it more simple. So, the table have the patient name (entity) ,bed (sequence) and Length of Stay in the bed (server processing time). I don't know if is possible that when I create each entity, I can assign, based on that table, the sequence and the server processing time for each patient. How I can do that? Thanks for your time and help
  11. Hi All, It's been a while since I have last used Simio and I have an issue that I think should be simple. I have two entities running on a production line, one gets processed by a server and the second entity type moves through the same server almost like a conveyor with no processing. I can work around this by adding another conveyor around the server, but in real life the product does flow through this server and eats at it's capacity. Is there anyway to set up different processing times for multiple entity types on a server? Thanks, Brendan
  12. Heya, I am experiencing some difficulties, with something that I would like to model. In short I would like to model the following: One road going from A to B by using a source and a Sink. Only trucks (entities) will be on this road, and they will be able to notice which truck is the most nearby. The truck is looking for another nearby ruck to group up with, and will try to form a couple, "Truck Platooning". Until one of them decides to make a turn to a different destination (passes a node, and decides to move to a different sink). During this time the following truck will safe fuel and thus costs. At the moment I am quite stuck with the following. I would like to make use of the find step and vectors. But there are not that many examples around on how to properly use them. I would like to let the entities update their location.x every second in the vector. Meanwhile the entities will use the findstep to find the nearest entitiy, and select this entity to 'catch-up' with. How do I make a list of these entities, and keep updating their location?
  13. Hello, I am modeling a store with a few workers and 3 cash desk. Two of them are always open. If the Queue in front of the two cash desk gets to long a 3rd worker is opening the 3rd cash desk. The Problem is: I dont know how to tell the Entities to only chose the 3rd cash desk if it is in use/open. Thanks in advance
  14. Hello, this is probably a trivial question but I've already read a lot of material and tried a lot of things but I've been unable to do what I need. I have a Top Model which represents the general view of my facility, and a submodel consisting of a Workstation and some additional logic of combiners and separators. This submodel represents a machine that I want to instantiate in my Top Model multiple times. Now, I'll need to assign an operator present in the Top Model to perform the setup and teardown steps in my Workstation. And so, I've tried to reference the Secondary Resources, so I can assign the operators in the top model. But referencing the secondary resources it does not seem to work since the top model does not get access to the subfields in the Secondary Resources (Object type, Object Name etc.). I've also tried to individually reference each subfield but this also does not seem to work, since the referenced subfields do not seem to be part of the Secondary Resources Repeat Group. Which is the cleanest way to achieve want I want? Thank you in advance, Pedro Prates
  15. In my model, I have a separator that will create 4 exact copies of the input entity. I would like to assign different values of states to each of these 4 copies. How can I do so? Thank you!
  16. I have one data table to create Order entities(based on SimBit - Entity by data table). Each order has properties such as type of Part and number of Parts. Each Order entity needs to reference a Part data table (based on SimBit - Leveled Arrivals) for that type of Part to create all the part entities for that order. Each Order type has an associated Part data table. I'm not sure how to establish the relationship between the order entity and the correct part data table. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
  17. This is my first post on Simio forums so please let me know if this is the incorrect place. I have Default (Parent) entities that must go through only one series of combiners for processing the members (ModelEntity 1,2,3) that get attached. At the end of the series, a separator removes all members and the parent entity circles back to the start to acquire new members. No parent entity can start processing in the combiner series while another entity is going through that combiner series. I cannot figure out how to stop entities from entering the first combiner in a series while there is another entity processing in the same series. Ideally I would like to store these parent entities at a location until a series of combiners are free for processing. CombinersInSeries.spfx
  18. Hello, I have a source that I need to let create 5 entities per arrival before 1 minute runtime and 1 entity per arrival after 1 minute, how do I do that? Thank you
  19. Hi, I have a PersonEntity and I would like have different behaviour to it depending on whether it's a woman or a man (and obviously the symbols have to be correct). That's why I figured that 2 object instances would be a good approach, 1 male and 1 female. But now I wonder what my approach should be in the rest of the modelling. For example if I want to randomly spawn females and males from a source, how do I express this in the entity type, as I have to choose there between male and female already. How do I refer in expressions to the object instance? f.e. IF(male); do command So I have 3 questions: 1) is my strategy good? 2) how do I dynamically change the entity type in sources? 3) how do I use object instances (or object types) in expressions like if-statements? Thank you so much in advance, Jarek Result
  20. sorry for the trivial question: I have a system in which the source generates three different entities (A, B, C). I want you to generate a precise number of each one. For example, first 100 of type A, then 200 of type b and finally 300 of type c. So they do not have to be generated randomly. how can I do? Thanks in advance Carlo
  21. I'm trying to model airport ground operations using workers for the different processes, servers for the gates, entities for arriving airplanes and TransferNodes to control the flow of entities and workers. My research is focused on the control of these ground processes, but I can't get my process logic correct.. I attached a simple model to help answering the question. I want the workers to move to the right server before the entity arrives there and can immediately start processing the entities. One method is to use a global queue from which workers decide which entity to process next based on some criteria and dynamic rule selection. In the attached model I use two entities which go to Gate1 and Gate2. Gate 1 needs workers move to the node before it can start processing, Gate 2 does not. Using an add-on process, I move the worker to the gate before it is requested and wait for the entity to arrive. But for some reason it does not start processing immediately when the entity arrives and I can't figure out how to model this correctly.. It's the first time I'm using Simio, so I some help would be appreciated on how to set up the logic for my processes.. I'm kinda stuck now on how to get some basics thing in my model right or if I'm using the right processes steps.. Thanks in advance! TestModelWorkers.spfx
  22. Hi everyone, My name is Sergio Hernández and I'm doing my university final project with SIMIO and i found it some problems doing it. I'm trying to simulate a bottling line with conveyors, but the problem is that in real, in some tracts, the bottles through in the line in parallel position. How can i obtain that two or more entities flow through the line? Is it possible? P.S.: Is it possible to extract entities properties like size of the entity (x,y,z) to export this data? Thank you very much in advance, i look forward to your answer. Best Regards, Sergio.
  23. How can I schedule a randomly distributed death event for each entity, and pull them out of the system (or perhaps route to a "mortality" sink) if it occurs before they have already left? Somewhat similar to reneging, but I need mortality to be possible during a service, not only in queues. If an entity is removed from service, I also need the seized resources to be released. What I have tried so far: When an entity is created, I provide them with a state variable for TimeTillDeath, lets say exponential(2) hours. This is a real number, not a datetime. As they enter each queue, I set the reneg trigger as ModelEntity.TimeTillDeath subtract any elapsed time since creation, min 0. This works to model mortality while they are waiting for service, but not during a service. Any help is appreciated, KO
  24. Hi everybody! I have a server where 3 workers or less are seized at te same time to complete the processing. In the "After_processing" process logic I would like to verify if a resource is indeed seized or not before to try to release it. I tried to use State variables which I give specific values at some strategical steps but I still have failures that occurs once in a while. I have no clue on how to do else. Could someone help me to find a "clean"way to do it ? Thank's in advance! Pierre
  25. Hello Simio Forum I'm trying to create a model where I create 3 entities at the same time assign them to different routes and then batch them together again at the end of the routes. I got all the different processes at the different routes figured but i cant find a way to create the 3 different entities simultaneously. Hope that you can help, maybe the answer is obvious, thank you
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