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Found 21 results

  1. Hello, i am using the Financials Properties in Simio. In this simple model, i have parameters for different cost types (see in the picture). All the cost types are used with the default financial states. The dynamic label of the ModelEntiy shows the expression "ModelEntity.Cost", so it roll all the cost components up in the particular entity. The entity in the processing has a value of 76.84. (rolled up) Now my question is, is it possible to see all the cost components for all my model entity, for example as a expression in a floor label or in a data table. Thank you!
  2. First of all, Thank you so much for the answer in advance, but could I bother anyone who answers with some example model or picture of the method I am still new to SIMIO, so I am concerned about following the advice correctly. 1) Let's say every day I have X number of people arriving( using distribution to generate numbers outside SIMIO randomly). This is the shop where people visit from 8.00 to 20.00 every day with different visit rates per hour (example as below), and I use X to time to this percentage so I can get the exact number of visits per hour. The problem is I want to make an arrival interval random with some sort of function/distribution or table(excel calculation), not a stable arrival rate. My idea is random from 0 to 1 and gives the random number (Y) to match with X outside SIMIO and put the whole table in, but I wonder, is there any better method than this? 2) The second question is about two entities from different sources, A and B. A and B will go through the same server for three servers, but after server 3, one will go to 4, and one will go to 5. Can you give me any advice on how to do that
  3. Hi All,

    In my model, I have a transfer node and the entity could go to either of the next 2 serves as in the picture.

    I have assigned product number(1,2,3...) to entities …., if product “1” moves from transfer node to S1 and the next product is also “1”, it should also move to S1 and if the product number changes its should change the server to S2. So the entire batch gets processed on one server.

    After processing from S1 and S2 the entity should flow in batch so that at S3 I have batch production

    Right now the entities go based on “By Link Weight” and randomly goes to the server which affects S1,S2,S3 servers setup time

    Any thoughts how can that be achieved, I do not want to setup a sequence table.


  4. Thanks you so much for you help Liz. That's such an advanced modeling techinique I had never heard of before. I would never be able to figure it out myself. It has almost worked but correctly. It has recorded the results for some tallies correctly but recorded some tallies on the wrong tally. I think there is a problem with the set row feature somewhere. I have no problem with setting rows elsewhere in the model such as arrivals from production and arrivals from truck tables create entities correctly with all their state variables. The product list table also has unique "productnames" (entity instances), set as key and auto set-row property is set to true. I have added another coloumn with element tally statistics reference (DistanceOnForklift) to products table. I have auto created it as you suggested and turned on the auto-set row feature to true. Both my product names and tally statistics coloumn are set as key in same "products" table. But the tally step still doesnt record them to the correct tally statistics. Where am I doing wrong? Would you still be able to help me? Shall I send you the model in private message? Here is the formula I have inputted 'Products[Products.ProductName.RowForKey(ModelEntity.EntityType.Name)].DistanceOnForklift' and in the picture below you can see that tally step records into wrong tally element on last three entries. I would be glad if you could help me.
  5. I'm having some trouble with worker actions and transfer steps. Below is a picture of my current model. I have also attached the simio file itself. What I want to happen: Worker1 carries both entities to their respective nodes and leaves them in their respective stations after worker(A/B) "checks them" (I used a delay to simulate this check) and then Worker1 moves on. The worker(A/B) only picks up the entity if needed. So if the worker was with another entity in process (like Srv(A/B)), he would go check the new entity so that worker1 can move on, but would return to finish out the first entity to the end. My problem: Worker1 doesn't wait for the other workers to check and move on, just puts in station and moves on. I can suspend and resume the processes and get the worker to the (A/B)PICK nodes, but the worker picks the new entity up and starts that. The entity they were working on before just vanishes or something. Then everything becomes a standstill. Lastly, I run into this transfer error so much, and can never figure out exactly what causes it. ModelForQuestionCOPY2.spfx
  6. Hello, I have recently encountered an issue while simulating an airport checkpoint and thus leading to the following question: Is it possible to match member and parent priorities under certain conditions? I am trying to differentiate between those travelers (parent entity) and baggage (member entity) going though an additional screening process prior to exiting the model. Take the following image as an example. I managed to provide a priority (red status label) to those entities going through the additional screening while also providing a rule for those with a priority of 5 to exit though Sink 3 (Those with a priority of 1 should exit through Sink1 ). However, the rule seems to only apply to the parent for a reason I assume to be that the baggage is an entity initiated by a "create" step in the processes window, rather than at its own source as the parent. The current rule I have is to decide the following ModelEntity.Priority==5.0, then assigning the desired node (Input@Sink3). In the picture, although the baggage (member) has a priority of 5, the traveler (parent) has a priority of 1 and the rule only applies to the parent. How could I match the priority of the parent, only under the case in which the parent has a higher priority? (Perhaps match the greatest priority of the member and the parent to generalize) I have tried everything possible and I cannot figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. You change entities symbol through thier ModelEntity.Picture state. Select your entity and Add Additional Symbol in the Symbol tab; Customize the new symbol however you want; Look for servers State Assignment; Assign a new value to ModelEntity.Picture (0: default symbol; 1: new symbol). Check the attached model in this post if you need help. Change Entity Picture.spfx
  8. I appreciate your help as it solved the problem! However, I have one more question. When I apply the rule for only two separators there is no issue, but when I try to apply it to multiple separators a new challenge is encountered. Take the new picture as a reference. Instead of having one server being linked to two different separators, now I have multiple servers (Server 2-7) linked to a shared transfer node that is linked to multiple separators (Separator 3-8). If I apply the same rule, when all the separators are in the active position (value of 1), all the entities are prone to use separator 3 and 4 being that it is the closest to the transfer node. This occurrence generates an outstanding entity queue as none are being routed to separators 5 -8, even though they are active. Similarly, if I provide separator 3 and 4 with an off shift rule (value of 0), the entities are prone to use separator 5 and 6, and not take separator 7 and 8 to alleviate the queue. The question is: Is there a way to apply a routing logic in the transfer node that aside from taking the path to the active separator, also distributes the entities uniformly(or take the one with the shortest route)between all available (active) separators?
  9. Hi, How can I change a state variable of a flow entity? For example, I want to change the color (i.e. picture state) of the entity based on the flow connector that the entity enters. Any suggestions how to do that (apart from converting the flow entity into a discrete entity and then back to a flow entity)? Especially, because flow connectors do not have Add-On processes. Any ideas are appreciated. I have already reviewed the SimBits for flow library and could not figure out. Thanks!
  10. Hi Team, Good morning, I have a question that I need support. On my simulation under Planning tab then Entity workflow I see the Orders that I created, but also some other items that I don't know where those came from. that is using resources. for example, I highlight on the picture attached on red color. OrderWIP01 is waiting for the grinder [1] on the finish1_1, when I looked for it, I saw that is on Phx4.89. What is that Phx4.89? Phx4 is one of the names of the entities. but why does appear as entity and not as a Order? At the moment I looking for why to increase the output, as the simulation is giving me 17 unit per shift, but engineering said that it should be around 20. I want to make sure the simulation is done correctly. Thanks in advance. Regards, Htatton Arm-boom-draft-R1-test-092718-Test-Scheduled-3tacking.spfx
  11. Hi I am trying to create a model that the vehicle can pick up entities from different location based on the capacity of the Track. For now, my model will be stuck whenever the Track is full. Based on my model, I have attached a picture below. The Transfercar2 will pick up an entity from extrusion2 and drop it off at Track_2A, or pick up an entity from extrusion1 and drop it off at Track_3A. However, the transfercar2 does not know the capacity of the Track. I wonder how to do an add-on process or any other methods could fix this problem. As a result, if the Track_3A is full, the transfercar2 will go to extrusion2 to pick up an entity and drop it off at Track_2A, if the Track_2A is full, the transfercar2 will go to extrusion 1 to pick up an entity and drop it off at Track_3A. (On the picture, Track_3A is above Track_2A) Thank you.
  12. Or, if you only want to change the first entity, you can go directly to it and change it without any process steps. As an example, in the attached model I change the picture of the entity riding a vehicle when it enters TransferNode1. Note that the condition is required to prevent trying to change the picture when the vehicle goes back through the node without an entity. ChangeEntityPictureOnTransporter.spfx
  13. Yes you can. You will need to look into the contents of the RideStation and access the entity there. Since you put this post in the public area where file cannot be attached, I can't share a model or screen shots, but the expression would look something like this: Vehicle.RideStation.Contents.FirstItem.ModelEntity.Picture FYI, the Simio Insiders forums are a much better place to post such requests.
  14. Thanks for the model provided Mr. Sturrock. I just have one more issue. If you run the attached model you will realize that now the vehicle is able to be processed in both servers. Thereafter, once the vehicle has entered into the Input@Sink1, it should drop off the entities allocated in its RideStation and then come back to the Output@Source1 for continuing with its operation (logic that is specificed in the add-on process Destroying Entity on the Sink 1 through the step Transfer). However, when the vehicle enter in that basic node, the entities remain on its RideStation, the vehicle is being "parked" in the InputBuffer of the Sink1 and the error described in the picture suddenly appears. Could you provide me some advice about the way in which I can resolve this issue? Thanks again for your support. VehicleTransfer.spfx
  15. Thank you for your answer. I've already looked deeply for sequences. I have two questions. (My model is attached for better comprehension). I'd like to add that this is a first part of my system, which is approximately 6 times bigger than this model. 1 - I was not able to make the sequence showed in the picture. In the model (Data window - SequenceTable - ProductC - Row 11) the next step should be M2 if the previous choice was M1 or M4 if the previous choice was M3. 2 - How can I define different processing times, since that the processing time in any machine will depend on which the entity is. For example, the processing time for entity A in M2 is 1,2 min while it is 2,1 min for the entity B. I did a table for it (Data window - Processing Times) but I couldn't reference it in the workstation's (M1-M6) properties. Thank you very much! FMS_part1.spfx
  16. Hello, I am trying to combine different types of entities (coming from different sources) using a combiner. Layout: 1. One source connected to the parent node of a standard library combiner. 2. Two sources (each with a different entity) connected to the MemberInput of the combiner. I saw the Simbit but I am struggling with the matching logic for this configuration. I tried: - Matching Rule: 'Match Members' - Member Match Expression: ModelEntity.BatchMembers.IndexOfItem( Entity2) && ModelEntity.BatchMembers.IndexOfItem( Entity3) This is a rather simple problem but I would appreciate a quick hint. Larger picture: Assembly of many parts into a product with each part represented as an entity. Thanks, Michael
  17. Hello, I'm working on an emergency department (ED) model where I'm using both nurses and doctors as resources. At the ED, there is a 4:1 Patient to Nurse ratio, meaning that on average, a nurse takes care of 4 patients at the same time. When I was thinking about how to implement this logic on Simio, I looked at this option on the Seize step under Advanced options (you can see it on the picture I attached). I set the Units per Object to 0.25 - because I thought that every time a patient seizes a nurse, it will take out 0.25 out of 1 unit of capacity, instead of taking the whole 1, allowing for 3 other patients to seize her before she is completely busy. However, this doesn't work, because I ran a model trace as I ran the model and the server is ignoring the seize because the "Units per object" is set to 0 (which is not, it's set to 0.25) - the exact model trace comment is: "Ignoring resource release of type Specific 'Nurse'. The required capacity units per object '0' is not a positive quantity.". Therefore, the model ignores the resource seize and processes the entity without the resource. Is this because this property field only works with integers? I thought of a work around by just multiplying my number of nurses by 4 to account for that, but that's not optimal. Would there be any other way of achieving this? Thank you very much for the help!
  18. Hi, Dave from the picture it tells us we could combine entities from different routes( more than 2 ) into 1 entity. and the batch quantity of each route can vary.... so for example, we can get 1A,2B,3C,1D,etc..............and combine into 1 X and the batch quantity can also use Expression, not necessarily a constant. the quantity of combing routes can be changed if you pull the black rectangel below.... Sometimes we don't want "box in box" concept, we only need to batching different quantities of entity type into 1. and then separate at some point just as when they are batched together... current construct of Cominer can only bacth two routes, due to its parent/member logic..
  19. Hi, I am having some trouble with the search step. My model has three entities (instances of the Default Entity): • Gear • Housing • Pinion Entities have a string property called stColor I have a table, tabPartsInfo, where I have the following fields • EntityType (object reference property) • Color (string property) • Picture (integer) Every row of this table contains the combination of what picture should be assigned to every type of entity according to their color. For example picture 1, might mean white for gears but blue for pinions. Entities of each of the types enter the model and are given a value for stColor. After that I want to use the search step so that I find the row where • EntityType is the corresponding entity and • Color is the corresponding stColor for that entity. I have configured the step search as follows Collection Type: TableRows Table Name: tabPartsInfo Match Condition: modelEntity.stColor==tabPartsInfo.Color && modelEntity = tabPartsInfo.EntityType Although diffent values for stColor are given to entities, the picture does not change. I hope you can provide me with some help. Regards,
  20. To continue the above post regarding referencing. Rule 1) States are generally referenced in the form ., for example Entity.Priority. Rule 2) You can only reference a property or state at the level it was defined, or on an object derived from that. For example Entity.Priority and ModelEntity.Priority are both valid. But Entity.Picture is not valid because the Picture state was defined on ModelEntity and is not defined on Entity. Rule 3) For the greatest flexibility it is best to use the object definition on which the state was defined. For example you will note that if you use a Ranking Rule of FIFO on a Server (or many other objects) the default expression is Entity.Priority. You could easily change that to ModelEntity.Priority and it would work equally well in most models. But if your model has another entity definition, say SpecialEntity, that went through that Seize, you would get an error. Why? Because when Simio attempted to evaluate the expression ModelEntity.Priority it would fail because SpecialEntity is not a ModelEntity. But the default expression Entity.Priority will still work because SpecialEntity is derived from Entity and in fact is an Entity.
  21. Entity is an object definition and is a base object, i.e. one of the fundamental building blocks that other objects are built with. Its properties and states are defined as part of the Simio engine and are not under user control. Costs and Priority are examples of states that are defined on Entity. ModelEntity is an object definition derived from Entity. It contains all of the properties, states, and behaviors that an Entity has, plus more. For example a ModelEntity contains Picture and Animation states and the OnEnteredFreeSpace process that are not defined on Entity. DefaultEntity is not an object definition, but is rather an Instance of the ModelEntity object definition. So it has all the characteristics of a ModelEntity, but each instance can have its own property values. You can see in this screen shot (from ModelEntity > Definitions > States) that Priority is a state inherited from Entity, but Picture is a state defined on ModelEntity. You might search Help on Hierarchy for additional information.
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