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  1. Hi There, I have lots of experience in simulation but I'm new to Simio - my apologies if my Simio vocabulary/conceptualization is off or if this question has been asked already. I'm working to build a queue model simulation with a network of services and multiple staff types. In my mind, it makes the best sense to do this using the standard library of servers and resource pools (to visualize the network for stakeholders and be able to model multiple staff with different schedules that can each respond to multiple services). Right now, I am starting with a single stage M/M/c type queue to make sure that my implementation is correct before scaling this upwards. I checked out the SimBit titled 'Source – Server – Sink' that has three different M/M/c implementations; however, none of them use Resource Pool objects or combine process triggers with the standard library. I was able to implement a basic model that tries to combine a resource pool with a server by triggering separate Seize and Release process triggers on entry to the server object and after the processing time is completed, respectively. It runs without error; however, the results for average time in system (calculated by an average of a tally statistic that is only recorded for every 500th customer/entity), the results are one third less than in a scenario where I don't use a resource pool and set the capacity of the server explicitly, (which I validated against M/M/c formulae results). Does anyone have tips for how to link servers and resource pools and troubleshoot this scenario? Is there a SimBit or other example out there that is relevant? Am I triggering the seize/resource processes at the wrong points in time? Or is my framework for how to conceptualize this in the Simio environment missing a key concept? Thanks!!
  2. Hi All,

    I have a server and I have to write out in a csv whenever the resource state of the server changes like from processing to blocked  or from blocked to processing and so on, I do not have a RPS version. any suggestions to this will be really helpful. Thanks


    1. gocken


      Hi Chandak, 
      from definitions tab add a monitor element (i.e., monitor1) in your model and set its state variable name property to i.e., Server1.ResourceState. Also, from definitions tab include an excelconnect element which is a user defined element. set its excel workbook property as i.e., resource_state.xlsx (create a resource_state.xlsx file in the same folder where your .spfx file will run). In processes tab create a new process i.e., Process 1 and in there place an assign step and an excel write step (from user defined steps). Define a state variable i.e., row_index. in assign step set state variable name property as row_index and set new value property as row_index+1. In excel write step set excelconnect property as ExcelConnect1, set worksheet as "sheet 1" (resource_state.xlsx excel file's sheet name), set row as row_index, leave starting column property as default, and add two items such as "ResourceState" and "Run.TimeNow". at last, select process1 and set triggering event name as Monitor1.Event. 
      also, in order to get different resource states in your excel file you can define a work schedule or a failure mechanism on your server object. Hope it works?  

    2. Unmesh.Chandak


      Dear Gocken,

      Thank you so much for your response. That is really helpful. Appreciate it.



  3. To keep things simple, let's just say I have two servers. At these two servers are 3 resources each: Server A has Resource 1, 2, and 3, and Server B has Resource 4, 5, and 6. I have a pre-determined list of Resources that needs to be selected. For example, the Entity would need to go to Server A to select Resource 2 and then Server B to select Resource 4 and then exit. I need help with the logic to help make this work. But then, once the order is finished, the resources to capture changes so the entity might have to go to Server B to get Resource 6 and then Server A to get Resource 1, then to the sink. In the big scheme of things, I'm going to have many Servers and each Server is going to have at least 4 Resources. I'm trying to figure out how to do this in the most efficient way whether it be through lists or built in properties. Thanks in advance!
  4. I am working on a simulation of a number of firms processing raw products. If I represent the firms as resources in a server -so that the server capacity represents the number of firms, how could I identify which resource/firm processed a certain batch of products? Can this be done with a server having a capacity of its own, or should I use a pool of (secondary) resources with id labels so I can use that id to label the product batch?
  5. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has a good idea for how to view a resource's utilization according to the day of the week in the pivot grid of an experiment? Currently, my best idea is to just have a status plot in the facility window to illustrate this but I'd prefer to have an average utilization by day of resources in the pivot table. The scenario I'm working with is having "technician" resources that are being seized by server objects to do "maintenance" on the truck entities coming into the maintenance shop. I'd like to see which days of the week are the busiest so I could determine where to schedule new technicians. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Pit-To-Bay Off-Shift Rule Fixed.spfx
  6. Hello, I am modeling a store with a few workers and 3 cash desk. Two of them are always open. If the Queue in front of the two cash desk gets to long a 3rd worker is opening the 3rd cash desk. The Problem is: I dont know how to tell the Entities to only chose the 3rd cash desk if it is in use/open. Thanks in advance
  7. Hello Team, Question, on the simulation that I'm working. I want to be able to choose the worker that could do the task. for example I have 4 stations where we perform welding and grinding. the Welder can do welding and grinding, but the grinders can only do grinding. since I have 4 stations i'm using the process time as the welding time and the teardown as grinding time. currently, I have as secondary resources the welders for setup and process and the grinders for teardown. I have 2 welders and 2 grinders. I would like to be able to call either a welder or grinder to perform the grinding (teardown) task. because on most time both grinder are busy and I can use a welder to do the task. Thanks for your inputs. Htatton
  8. Hi everybody! I have a server where 3 workers or less are seized at te same time to complete the processing. In the "After_processing" process logic I would like to verify if a resource is indeed seized or not before to try to release it. I tried to use State variables which I give specific values at some strategical steps but I still have failures that occurs once in a while. I have no clue on how to do else. Could someone help me to find a "clean"way to do it ? Thank's in advance! Pierre
  9. Hello! In my model, there are 5 machines running for production. Each machine has opportunity to be failed, the mean time between two failures is exponential(4.5) hours, and the repair time will last triangular(20,25,30) minutes. I use 5 Resource to represent these 5 machines and place them on the canvas because I want to see the state changing of each machine during the model running. Five entities will be created at the time zero simultaneously and the Source will only create 5 entities, those entities arrive at a Server which capacity be set to 5 and the Server’s processing time is exponential(4.5) hours. When one entity go out the Server, it means one machine (Resource) failed. My question is how can I find the corresponding resource related to this entity and change its state to failure and then after certain time duration of repairing to change its state to busy. Say, if entity 3 go out the Server, then I need to set the state of Resource 3 to failure and then change it back to busy. I want to use list or table to achieve my job such that the model can fit for very large amount of machine’s condition, e.g. 1000 machines. Thanks!
  10. Is there a way to simulate using a resource intermittently during processing? For example, a machining process involves cutting moves at the specified feed rate and it also includes "rapid" non-cutting moves. The cutting tool will only be consumed during the cutting moves and will not be consumed during the rapid moves, but all of these moves are encompassed in the term "processing" Is there a way of modelling this behaviour in Simio? Best Kevin
  11. Dear all, I have searched for quite a while in the public part of this forum, but I could not find the solution of my problem even though there were some similar issues. I have four servers and a worker who is required as secondary resource for each of them. The worker switches and is doing fine so far. However, for my optimization problem, I need to simulate the amount of workers that are necessary to ensure smooth operations. Therefore, I would like to change the capacity of each server to 2 for 2 workers or to 3 to simulate 3 workers, etc. Sadly, the capacity of the server is not changing in the simulation even though the data are entered. Is there a solution to increase the capacity of servers with a worker as secondary resource so that always several entities are processed when the simulated worker arrives? Thank you very much for your support. Greetings from Hamburg, Armin
  12. Is it possible to release a resource after a model entity departs the system? I am trying to model a case when an exam room in a hospital is cleaned after a patient leaves the system. The exam room should not be made available to other patients prior to cleaning. It seems the default is to release all associated resources when an entity departs the system. Thanks in advance!
  13. Hi, I'm already assigning resources based on priority, but if I have a high-priority entity hit a certain point and there are no resources available (capacity ==0), I want to branch off and have a resource "stolen" from a lower priority entity so that my high-pri entity can get service. Does this imply a release-seize? Maybe I could fire an event and all my low-pri processes are listening to do a release? But how could I make it so that not everyone dumps their resource? Or is this a "Move"? Note that there isn't actual movement, so I'm not sure if this applies. Any tips gratefully received! I'm not sure even how to use "Candidate" well, in order to see if the "Candidate"s Owner is a low-pri entity or not.
  14. I wanted to know how to compute a resource state time for a worker object with a dynamical population over experiments. I know how to do for a fixed population, and sum over all the population gives me the desired computation but I don’t want to put a lot of decides to do when the population is a dynamical property. Is it a more natural way in Simio instead of using the way: WorkerName[1].ResourceState.PercentTime(7)+WorkerName[2].ResourceState.PercentTime(7)+...? Thank's!
  15. Hi having a "Simio block" moment (like a writers block). I've got a model where several servers seize a single resource how can I prioritise which server gets the resource? Many mixing vessels only 1 potting scales. Thanks in advance Martin.
  16. Hello, In my model, there are multiple servers for which a secondary resource seize is required. Different pools of potential secondary resources are listed in Object Lists. I would like any given server to pick from a different list depending on the value of a Property, For example, if Property==A, then the Server should pick from the Object List "A", if Property==B, then from List "B". I tried changing the "Object List Name" expression to become a conditional one, but it did not work. Should I instead try to keep the List name the same, while changing the members of this list conditionally? Is it something that can be done through an Add-On Process? Thanks a lot for your time!
  17. Hello, I am working on a model that process jobs (dolls) on a single station. I have 3 types of job that could be processed by just 1 resource. Resources are flexible and may do the same job but each one has its own time to do the task. Jobs are processed based on their smallest processing time. So far, the attached model could select the smallest processing time and pick the right resource (based on the index on the table) but I could not find a way to physically seize the right resource. On the seize step, I just put the preferred one; which means, it will always seize Resource 1. Here, I am starting by deterministic processing times (known in advance) but targeting the stochastic ones later on (for example: Random.Uniform(1,4)), that is why the selection must be dynamic. For example, when I get the green doll, the model is able to process it in 4 min and pick the correspondent resource (resource 4 in this case as we can see on the attached status label) but physically, Resource 1 is doing the job. Any help folks. Thank you. MyModel_6_Version 3.spfx
  18. I have a model where a resource needs to be shared between 3 servers based on a time schedule. For example, at 1:00 AM, the resource needs to be at server 1. at 2:00 AM, the resource needs to be at server 2. at 3:00 AM, the resource needs to be at server 3. at 4:00 AM, the resource needs to be at server 2. What is the best way to implement this when you have a schedule for 24 hours?
  19. Hello, This topic was posted on public discussions and was replied by Dave Sturrock. I am trying to set up a model with server and workers and increase the capacity by adding more resource. I added Data Schedule where I can set the Value to 1 or 2 (workers) but this does not impact the capacity. Please find attached the model. Thanks. Model11.spfx
  20. Hello guys, If we add one more resource (worker) to a server, the capacity is basically doubled. I am not able to identify that on a simple model with 1 server and 2 workers. Please any help,
  21. HI all, I keep running into an error every time I run my model and I'm not sure what it means. The dialog box says: --------------- Entity: PartType.88 A Runtime error was detected at time 288.17 Hours at the following process step: Object: Model Process: Srv8_AfterProcessing Token: Token.1 Step: [Release] ReleaseTool Property: NumberOfObjects Error releasing resources of type Specific 'Tool1' owned by object 'PartType.88'. Unable to release '1' resource object(s) of the specified type because the number of individual resources owned and satisfying release conditions is only '0'. --------------------- My model is set up so that it creates entities (PartType 0 through 4) so that it will make one PartType 0, then one PartType 1, ... , then one PartType 4, and start back over at PartType 0. (Based on the SimBit "Sequential Processing By Batch Specified in Table"). As each entity enters the model after being assigned a specific type, it seizes capacity in a resource specific to that PartType. The resource remains seized until the last server before the sink (Srv8), where the resource is released. The seize/release operations are accomplished using Add-On Process Triggers. Not sure if it's relevant, but the entities must ride on one of 4 transporter between all servers. Can anyone help me solve this error? If I understand it correctly, somewhere along the way more resource capacity is being released than seized and I'm not sure why.
  22. Hi all, I'm a new user to Simio and am having to give myself a crash course in the software, so please bear with me. I posted this in the material handling forum but have realized that this is probably a better question for the SI Objects forum. My project is a manufacturing facility that involves product being created, processed, and finished in tooling, which is transported between process steps by transporter vehicles. My team is attempting to determine the need for additional tooling and transporters in this facility, and so material handling and resources are the main focus area of the project. Can entities seize resources across multiple workstations? IE, an entity (product) would seize a resource (tooling) out of the Source, and continue seizing that same resource as it travels through several workstations, and then release the resource as the entity enters the Sink? In our facility, the product is supported in tooling as it undergoes multiple operations at different workstations, and we need a way to model the tooling utilization. The transporters can come and go freely while the part/product & tooling combination are in process at each workstation. Is it possible to model this in Simio? Or reasoning behind using the objects the way we are is so that we can track utilization of the tooling and transporters to determine at what production rate they cross the 100% utilization rate threshold. Thanks in advance.
  23. When does a resource change capacity when this is requested through a schedule or through an assignment of the CurrentCapacity? When studying the behavior, we deduced the following, but want to check that it is correct (the documentation did not give much information): 1. When the resource is busy (say, fully occupied with a capacity of 5), and the capacity is decreased to 1 or more, all entities that are in process finish their work as scheduled. The effective change apparently takes place after busy entities are finished. (in Arena, this was either the IGNORE or the WAIT behavior). 2. When the resource is busy (say, fully occupied with a capacity of 5), and the capacity is decreased to 0, it immediately stops processing the current entities, which will stay in the Processing queue. When capacity is increased again to 5, the entities are finished. (in Arena, this was the PREEMPT behavior). 3. When the resource is busy (say, fully occupied with a capacity of 5), and the capacity is decreased to 0, it immediately stops processing the current entities. When capacity is increased again to, e.g., 1, all entities seem to finish at the same time. This is strange, because one would expect the entities to be finished one-by-one. This could be considered a bug? Finally, is it possible to implement IGNORE (schedule change starts late if entity busy, but next schedule change remains unchanged), WAIT (schedule change starts late if entity busy, and next schedule change is shifted accordingly) and PREEMPT (schedule change starts immediately) behaviors in Simio? -- Alexander Verbraeck, TU Delft, Netherlands
  24. Hello, I'm working on an emergency department (ED) model where I'm using both nurses and doctors as resources. At the ED, there is a 4:1 Patient to Nurse ratio, meaning that on average, a nurse takes care of 4 patients at the same time. When I was thinking about how to implement this logic on Simio, I looked at this option on the Seize step under Advanced options (you can see it on the picture I attached). I set the Units per Object to 0.25 - because I thought that every time a patient seizes a nurse, it will take out 0.25 out of 1 unit of capacity, instead of taking the whole 1, allowing for 3 other patients to seize her before she is completely busy. However, this doesn't work, because I ran a model trace as I ran the model and the server is ignoring the seize because the "Units per object" is set to 0 (which is not, it's set to 0.25) - the exact model trace comment is: "Ignoring resource release of type Specific 'Nurse'. The required capacity units per object '0' is not a positive quantity.". Therefore, the model ignores the resource seize and processes the entity without the resource. Is this because this property field only works with integers? I thought of a work around by just multiplying my number of nurses by 4 to account for that, but that's not optimal. Would there be any other way of achieving this? Thank you very much for the help!
  25. Hi I am trying to model a process with Server seizing a resource for fixed amount of time then releasing it before the Sever processing is over. I tried using a timer with TimeInState as an interval time to check period the resource has been busy then trigger an event after fixed time to release the resource .This has not been working and I am getting an error massage . Could any body suggest away to do this ? Thanks Malseiari
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