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  1. Hi all! I have built a model, but in order to verify the model behavior I want to get data on individual entities. In my model there are 4 types of entities, of which approximately 1300 are created in total. I would like to get data on these 1300 entities in order to compare it with the real system data. Does anybody know how to get data of the individual entities? Thank you! Kind regards, Roeland
  2. I have 2 transports delivering entities to 3 servers. What should be happening is that Transport 1 loads entities to capacity (12) then moves to Server 1 and delivers all of the entities (12). Transport 2 should load 12 entities and deliver all 12 to Server 2. Transport 1 returns to Home Node and loads 12 more entities for delivery to Server 3... and so on. However, what is happening is that both Transports are loading 12 entities then moving to Server 1 and delivering 4 entities each, then on to Server 2 and repeat and so on. I have removed and added servers to confirm that for some reason the Transports are delivering 1/#ofServers of their total capacity, conducting all of their deliveries and then returning to home once empty. I have limited the timepath to each Server to only allow 1 Transport at a time, but then Transport 2 just waits at the Home Node until Transport 1 is on its way to Server 2. Then it moves to Server 1 and just ends up one node behind Transport 1 at all times. The dispatch logic: (Server1.InputBuffer.Contents.NumberWaiting <= 12)||(Server2.InputBuffer.Contents.NumberWaiting <= 12)||(Server3.InputBuffer.Contents.NumberWaiting <= 12); set at Smallest Value for Selection Goal; Selects from a List of all Server Nodes.
  3. You can create a customized server, where you can store the entities in the processing station, with processing time as zero and at the output node of the server make the ride on capacity as true. Also in add on process trigger for transport request you can choose the waiting for vehicle by stacking number. Stacking_RideRequest.spfx
  4. A quick solution to force all entities to get dropped at the same place is to add an add-on-process when an entity is loaded. which Checks if the entity is the first item in the vehicle and if not set its destination node to the first item. Decide: Token.associatedobject==Token.ContextObject.Vehicle.RideStation.Contents.FirstItem If False -> SetNode: Token.ContextObject.Vehicle.RideStation.Contents.FirstItem.ModelEntity.destinationnode a more elegant solution would probably involve batching the entities into a bucket that would then get transported to the destination. Upload 11.1.21.spfx
  5. Hi M_A, Just setting the Sequence property to 'Sequence1' should be enough since you set up relational tables. Because you have Maximum Arrivals set to '1', it is going to produce 1 entity type. I would switch your Maximum Arrivals to '35' and number of entities per arrival to '1'. You will also need to set your interarrival time to '0', so all 35 show up at the same time. It might be best to use a second Source object to create your second shift. I would increase the length of the Ride Station Queue in order to see all 6 passengers boarding the Vehicle. I think the network is fine, but hard to debug. Be sure all travel destinations for the Vehicle are possible. Thanks, Ryan
  6. Hi M_A, It is difficult to determine what could be causing this without seeing the model. Here are a few things I suggest investigating: Ensure that your model run time is set run long enough for all of your entities to flow through your system. To test this, I would set your model run time to Infinity, and create 1 set of 35 employees. Then see how long it take for the model to cycle through all entities. You may be able to use some Animation at this step to see where the entities are getting stuck. Along with #1, I suggest turning on the Model Trace and reviewing the steps taken for each of your employees and the bus. If you are using an unbounded random distribution (for example a normal distribution) for any of your processing times, then the result of that distribution could be something very large. You should be able to see if that is the case within your Model Trace review as well. Lastly, make sure all of your Transfer Nodes are set to route By Sequence and require the bus for transport. Hope this helps. Thanks, Ryan
  7. I found a quite nice solution (attached). Thanks again for your help, really appreciated Create Entities of certain part of ArrivalTable.spfx
  8. ok, I see. Let's try the attached file pls. Create Entities of certain part of ArrivalTable_1.spfx
  9. Hi Mirek, I have managed to do something. In this version of your model you have the ability to enter the entity type to be generated via a stringproperty of model. Then, the right entity type is generated and follows its own task sequence. Note that, I included the logic into onruninitialized process (to see whether it is operating as it is intended). You can move this logic into your own process and trigger anytime you want. By this way you are allowed to change the entity type whenever it is required over the simulation run. Hope this works for you. Create Entities of certain part of ArrivalTable.spfx
  10. Thanks again for your help. There you have the attached model. There you should see that the refernce to the TaskSequenceTable does not work. The right Entity (B) gets created but it points to the TaskSequence of Entity (A) Create Entities of certain part of ArrivalTable.spfx
  11. You only have to change the key_value_to_generate property of the model to generate entities from whichever stream you want. Examine the attached model and do not hesitate for asking more. Hope this helps! create Entities of certain part of ArrivalTable.spfx
  12. I am very new to simio and need to create a model for a class. My problem statement is based on services provided by a cafetería. I have 3 types of clients, with their respective proportions. Additionally, each client has their own sequence. I have already made a data table with the proportions and a sequence table for each client. After the clients finish their sequence, every client goes to the same sink (which represents the cashier). What I don't know how to do is show how that sink can provide two types of services: credit cards and cash. On top of that, the credit card service must be 63% of the total entities that go into the system. I will really appreciate any help you can give me!
  13. You can just use a process with a WAIT step. On entity arrival you will fire and event and the process will go on. I also belive that a worker is derived from entity so you can use workers instead of entities. Or the best fitting thing is to use consume step to consume a material (the tools). And have two inventories for it (one near the machine, one in the warehouse of tools). There are some simbits with the basic inventory concepts.
  14. Hi gocken Its a model-level(i.e global state variable. For example, initially the value of currentrownumber is 1. It is used to make reference to the first row of a data table to create a particular number of entities as the first arrival event. After the created entities of the first arrival event reached some downstream workstation in the model, the Keep Track Population global state variable is set to zero. Then at this point, I want to create a second arrival event by referencing to the second row in the data table. I do this by incrementing the gobal state variable currentrownumber by 1 and fire an event right after. I would like to use this event to trigger the second arrival by making reference to the second row in the data table. In my model, i would like to continue generating the next arrival events by referring to each row of a data table from row 1 to the final row. Hope this clarifies my question. Thank you very much!
  15. 1) Depending on how the entity is created in the first place, that assignment may already have been made. So, for example, if the table includes the arrival time and is used as an arrival table within a Source (Arrival Mode is set to 'Arrival Table'), then the entity that is created automatically has a row reference to the arrival table row from which it was created. Alternatively, if you create an entity, you can use the SetRow step to assign it a specific row in a specific table. ** The entity doesn't ever become a token ** Please refer to the Tokens page and the Tokens and Entities page within Simio help for more information. Tokens can be associated with entities (or with a model if a process is triggered by a timer, event, etc.) 2) If the entity has a row reference within a data table, simply referring to the TableName.ColumnName to access the table information is sufficient. This will automatically retrieve the information in the TableName table, ColumnName column at the designated row that the entity has a reference. If the entity doesn't have a reference within that table, Simio will give an error if you attempt to refer to the data in that fashion. Alternatively, you could reference a TableName[RowNumber].ColumnName to specifically reference a given RowNumber. Refer to Data Tables page within Simio help for more information.
  16. I am trying a simple assembly process where 2 entities are to be assembled to create a 3rd Entity. Hence I need to destroy 2 entities arriving at the server and create 3rd pre-defined entity. Can someone please help with how this can be achieved?
  17. Hi, I am trying to model this situation: One vehicle picks up entities "On Demand" from two locations (TransferNodes) and send them to Sink1. Entities with high priority arrives at TransferNode1, while entities with low priority arrives at TransferNode2. When I choose the Ranking Rule to be Smallest Value First and the Ranking Expression is ModelEntity.Priority in the Resource Logic of the Vehicle, the Vehicle picks up entities probabilistically from the locations. How can I make the Vehicle picks up the entities with the highest priority first and once it is started picking at one location (say TransferNode1), I want it to keep picking up the entities from that location until the RidePickupQueue of that location is empty. Then the vehicle can move to the next location, finish it up, and so on. I think I need to add a logic on the Evaluating Transport Request Add-On Process Trigger on the Vehicle but I do not know how. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Omar
  18. You can use seperate servers (each has 1 capacity) each represents individual firms. Create entities (raw products) via a data table where you should also include one column (a node property from object reference property) to represent where the created entity will be processed (as its destination). Then at the output node of the source object set entity destination type property to specific. Then set node name to Table1.NodeInstanceProperty1. The entities will be routed appropriately.
  19. It is possible. There's several ways to solve this. It is just a matter of model designing. Some tips: 1. You can use expressions like TimeNow or ModelEntity.TimeInSystem to check how much time processing time has passed. 2. Interrupt step might help you remove the entity from the process. 3. A State inside the ModelEntity will help your entities to take the right path or take the right decisions. Open you entity model, create a boolean state named Failed (or whatever the name you like), set ModelEntity.Failed to True or False, and use this same expression to steer you entity to the right direction. 4. Be creative. Your solution heavily depends on your problem.
  20. I've been having issues with binding Excel files (XLSX and CSV format) into SIMIO. Every time I try to bind a file with SIMIO I get the same message of "Data has not been imported or is of an unknown age." Even when I create a table in SIMIO, save to CSV, and then try to reimport the exact same table by creating a CSV binding I get the same error. For further context I am using the Academic RPS version of SIMIO. All online tutorials I can find are using older/ different versions of SIMIO that don't have the same options as I do. Does anyone else have experience with this issue or is able to share some advice to help me get pass this error? Thank you
  21. Hello, I am trying program a model , I need to know if is possible programing failure event in a objet SINK and SOURCE. the model has SINK and SOURCE elements and a vehicle, the vehicle is responsible for carrying bodies from the Source points to SINK, vehicles are subject to failure and this in its definition, but I need that SINK is also found 20% of the time fails. there any native method to do so?, with an event I can generate timer events scheduled but I need to SINK probabilistic variable. this change or what process should be carried out in the model or have to copy the object and create a new process?. Not able to find some simbits failure to occupy, if anyone has any examples or know how. Regards Cristian.
  22. Check my attached model. I'm not sure if this was the best approach, but it works. I created two events: One is triggered 100 times to executes another process 100 times. Each process will run its own Delay step and fire the second event to trigger the source. Let me know if this isn't what you need. 100 entities.spfx
  23. I'd recommend you read the Create help documentation. It provides some detailed info on how the step functions. It also mentions the CONWIP and DynamicallyCreatingVehicles SimBits for examples using the Create step. For my second suggestion, yes this can be done with variables. What I would do is create a new Source and Sink that create entities that just tells the model to perform logic. And since this is just a regular sink, you can specify when to create those entities however you desire (by arrival table, randomly.....).
  24. Hi All,

    In my model, I have a transfer node and the entity could go to either of the next 2 serves as in the picture.

    I have assigned product number(1,2,3...) to entities …., if product “1” moves from transfer node to S1 and the next product is also “1”, it should also move to S1 and if the product number changes its should change the server to S2. So the entire batch gets processed on one server.

    After processing from S1 and S2 the entity should flow in batch so that at S3 I have batch production

    Right now the entities go based on “By Link Weight” and randomly goes to the server which affects S1,S2,S3 servers setup time

    Any thoughts how can that be achieved, I do not want to setup a sequence table.


  25. Hi Alb, What I would suggest is for you to use process logic to create your order entities rather than a source. The Create process step can be used to create entities just like a source, and you can put in logic that looks up the percentages. I would also suggest you use timers or perhaps a source to just create trigger entities that tells your model when to fire events (perform logic). For example, in your above case, perhaps have a source that creates an entity at 7pm, 7:30pm, and 8pm. These entities then trigger the process to be executed that decides the percentage of entities to be created at each time.
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