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  1. I'm pretty sure my whole approach is flawed, but I don't see how else to do this. The attached is a very simplified version of what I'm trying to do. In the real problem, I have empty containers that enter a detached queue based on when they are retrieved from customers. I also have workers that need to select (through a fairly complicated process) which of these containers to batch together to enter a filling station. This selection process is complicated because it depends on filling material, pressure, volume, and safety stock of the sku (multiple skus can be combined in same batch provided filling material, pressure, and volume of container match). Anyway, what I'm aiming for is Create a batch When the worker is idle, he will go to a node and search among empty containers in the detached queue to assemble a complete batch. If there aren't enough containers, the worker will wait, idle. As empty containers arrive at the detached queue, they should trigger, somehow, the worker to try to create a batch again. There are new containers now, so maybe a batch is possible. (Preferably, since hundreds of containers could arrive at a time, this trigger would be for all the containers arriving at this specific time, not each container doing a separate trigger.) With the batch, the worker should move to a server, seize it and wait while the containers are filled. Then move to a separator to separate out the batch, moving the containers to full inventory and the worker should go back to try to create another batch. I'm stuck in a couple of places, specifically (so far) . . . I can't seem to get the worker, once batched, to move to the filling station. In fact, the Move block in PickingStation_Entered doesn't even fire. I can't figure out how to get the entity to trigger the worker to reevaluate the batching process. However I try this, the batching process is executed by either the entity's token or a model token. I can't see how to get the worker to be the executing token. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Model.spfx
  2. Within the Server, Combiner and Separator, if you change the Process Type property (under Process Logic section of properties) to 'Task Sequence' then you will get a repeating editor for Processing Tasks property - within that editor for adding multiple processing tasks, you can specify the Process Type as 'Sequence Dependent Setup' where you then reference a Changeover Logic element. This allows all three of these objects to include setup times.
  3. Hello, this is probably a trivial question but I've already read a lot of material and tried a lot of things but I've been unable to do what I need. I have a Top Model which represents the general view of my facility, and a submodel consisting of a Workstation and some additional logic of combiners and separators. This submodel represents a machine that I want to instantiate in my Top Model multiple times. Now, I'll need to assign an operator present in the Top Model to perform the setup and teardown steps in my Workstation. And so, I've tried to reference the Secondary Resources, so I can assign the operators in the top model. But referencing the secondary resources it does not seem to work since the top model does not get access to the subfields in the Secondary Resources (Object type, Object Name etc.). I've also tried to individually reference each subfield but this also does not seem to work, since the referenced subfields do not seem to be part of the Secondary Resources Repeat Group. Which is the cleanest way to achieve want I want? Thank you in advance, Pedro Prates
  4. Simio can not utilize distributions as the sequence dependent setup times in changeover matrix. You have to handle this manually using related data tables.
  5. So I have a rather complex issue that needs to be resolved basis multiple entities in a wait block. I think this is actually the first decent use I have found for a storage queue as it seems to allow me to shuffle the entities within the wait block, basis entry and exit ranking rules. I can then just use the condition in the wait block to match the specific or subset of entities that adhere to the condition in the storage queue (see attached)
  6. yes, in my solution a wait step is not required and use storage queue instead of wait step. Be sure it will work.
  7. Thank you Gocken but I am so sorry I can't follow. To search specific entity (entity which arrived first in my case) how can I search the queue associated to wait step? Or do you mean I use storage queues instead of wait step.
  8. Hi there - My entities are going into a wait step based on a condition. So at any point in time I may or may not have multiple entities in the wait step. When I fire an event to release entity from the wait step all the entities which are in the wait step at the time event is fired get released. I don't want that, I want wait to release only one entity every time release event is fired. Any ideas how I can achieve this? Thank you.
  9. Hello. I'd like to change the value of timer time interval dynamically. I have manufacturing order table which Columns are orderID, PartType, Quantity and ReleaseDate. The model has only one workstation and three resources. When the order is arrived, check which part type is going to process. If part type is A or B, Just process. If part type is others, wait until specific date time and process. To do this, I created a timer element which interval is state type property. However, the value of interval never change during the run I attached the model below. Can anyone know how to change time interval dynamically ? Or, Can anyone have better idea to do this? Thank you. TimeIntervalChange.spfx
  10. Hello! Is there any possible way to change the order of queue depend on the datetime state variable? I have datetime state variable; jut simply set 2018-10-07 0:00:00 There are two entities called partA and partB and they are created following arrival table which has release column. So,partA and partB go to inputbuffer of a server, but partA just wait in the inputbuffer, not goes into the server until 2018-10-07. after the specific time, all of the partA move to the front of the inputbuffer and enter the server. I'm trying to do that using new station where partA is transfered from the inputbuffer to until 2018-10-07. Does anyone have an idea? or can anyone model this situation? Thank you. Jay.
  11. I'm trying to model airport ground operations using workers for the different processes, servers for the gates, entities for arriving airplanes and TransferNodes to control the flow of entities and workers. My research is focused on the control of these ground processes, but I can't get my process logic correct.. I attached a simple model to help answering the question. I want the workers to move to the right server before the entity arrives there and can immediately start processing the entities. One method is to use a global queue from which workers decide which entity to process next based on some criteria and dynamic rule selection. In the attached model I use two entities which go to Gate1 and Gate2. Gate 1 needs workers move to the node before it can start processing, Gate 2 does not. Using an add-on process, I move the worker to the gate before it is requested and wait for the entity to arrive. But for some reason it does not start processing immediately when the entity arrives and I can't figure out how to model this correctly.. It's the first time I'm using Simio, so I some help would be appreciated on how to set up the logic for my processes.. I'm kinda stuck now on how to get some basics thing in my model right or if I'm using the right processes steps.. Thanks in advance! TestModelWorkers.spfx
  12. Hello. I'm quite new to make process logic in Simio. I have 3 Servers(server1, server2, server3) and the entity travel from server1 to server2 and server3 in order by Vehicle1. The server2 and server3 do not have any buffer; zero input buffer and zero output buffer. So, I need a process which controls deadlock. I thought when the destination of Vehicle1 is Output@Server1, check whether server2 has an entity in processing buffer. If it has, again, check server3 has an entity in processing buffer. So, my conditions are below when the destination of Vehicle1 is Output@Server1. 1. If Server2 and Server3 have an entity in processing buffer, wait until Server3 has finished process, then transfer entity in server3 to Sink1 first and transfer entity in Server2 to Server3. 2. If Only Server2 has an entity, wait unitl Server2 has finished process, then transfer entity in Server2 to Server3 and transfer entity in Server1 to Server2. 3. If Only Server3 has an entity, do not wait any situation. I've built a process steps to implement it, but doesn't work.. I don't know my logic has problems or process step has problems... I've attached my model below. Could you solve or suggest about my problem? Thank you. Jay. RoutingProblem.spfx
  13. Good day everyone, I need to acess the average waiting time in a member input buffer of a combiner. First of all, how is there not an easy option to acess average time in queues? Most of the times I have to tally everything, which in turn doesnt work with experiments... It has been a real struggle. Anyways, I was using the approach of using an entyti state variable to record the time when it enters the member queue and another one to register when it leaves the given queue and then tally it. The problem is with combiners, the parent entity "wins" and so using ModelEntity.State Variable - reffering the one from the member - does not work. Any ideas? Thanks
  14. I think 2 more entities (at ridestation of vehicle) for server 1 forces vehicle to wait at server 1. Because they have nowhere to go or wait ? Increasing the capacities of inputbuffers of both servers should solve this problem? if this option is not possible for your problem setting then you have to know how many entities to send from source to servers exactly? or think about many other solutions...
  15. I'm new to Simio. I'm trying to split my original entity into two different parts. The goal is to have the entity be separated, with half of them having a different server processing times through the same server.
  16. cannot download ,download a few times , files got corrrupted. do we have more fast download link?thanks a lot!
  17. Hi all, in my model I have a specific transfer node where a worker transfers an entity to a vehicle. I cant add the load unloading times in the worker or vehicle due to the fact that there is only loading time in this transfer point exactly. I was wondering if there is a way to directly add a "processing time" to this transfer point. Maybe by creating a subclass? Thanks
  18. Thanks for the help. I came up with another solution, let me know what you think: The Entity has reached end of queue and is about to begin processing. In Server-Before Processing state assignments I recalculate .TimeTillDeath. At this time I will also give them a .TreatmentTime = random.exp(x). Actual server processing time is Min(ModelEntity.TimeTIllDeath, ModelEntity.TreatmentTime) Once they leave the station, my routing is based on if TimeTillDeath < Treatment Time. If that is true, then they had effectively died at end of service and are sent to a sink. I can see how this would fudge some of the Server stats in the results page, but I am not concerned about actual treatment times there. Let me know if i'm missing something.
  19. First define a real state variable to your modelentity named "livingtime" after its creation. Then make a copy of your modelentity and send the copy of modelentity to a process (maybe called as death_process). Place a delay step and set delay time as modelentity.livingtime. Of course the original one should go its way. Then place a search step and find the original modelenity in the system when the time is up at delay step (while finding the original entity you should set a match condition such as candidate.modelentity.ID==modelentity.ID etc. I am not sure whether the ID's of both entities are same, you should try. If it does not work you should try to match creation times of them (both should be same) or any other user defined state variables or properties). If the search is succesful make necessary controls (i.e., if it owned any resource release them etc.) by placing necessary steps following found branch. You should remove and transfer the found modelentity (it is the original one) to appropriate place. At the end you should place a destroy step following the original branch or even transfer it to appriate place. It depends on your goals.
  20. How can I schedule a randomly distributed death event for each entity, and pull them out of the system (or perhaps route to a "mortality" sink) if it occurs before they have already left? Somewhat similar to reneging, but I need mortality to be possible during a service, not only in queues. If an entity is removed from service, I also need the seized resources to be released. What I have tried so far: When an entity is created, I provide them with a state variable for TimeTillDeath, lets say exponential(2) hours. This is a real number, not a datetime. As they enter each queue, I set the reneg trigger as ModelEntity.TimeTillDeath subtract any elapsed time since creation, min 0. This works to model mortality while they are waiting for service, but not during a service. Any help is appreciated, KO
  21. For this particular scenario, you could have a Timer (see Definitions tab, Elements button on panel). The timer would define the time(s) that an event is triggered - for example if the simulation starts at 12 am, then you could have the first timer event at 5 hours (5 am) and then every 12 hours after that (5 pm, 5am, 5pm, etc.). The 'event' that the entity would wait for would then be TimerName.Event. You could use a Decide step before putting the entity into the Wait step, then the event would be automatically fired at a given time by the Timer element. (instead of by a Fire step).
  22. Hello, I have question about batching for my model. I would like to batch my entities in a specific node in my model and release them at a specific time. In other word, entities come to first server and they need to stay there until a specific time (for example 5 am and 5 pm) and then at that specific time they can be transferred to the second server. Could you please help me how to model it? I wanted to use Add.on process and using Wait and Fire steps but I do not know how to define an event. Also, I am not sure if my idea is correct? I really appreciate if you could help me
  23. It seems the best way to achieve to what u want is to define three storage elements (called barstorage, gridstorage, sheetstorage) just before the combiner object or combiner node. Whenever an entity is put into any of these storages check the the condition u defined (i.e., exactly 4 bars, 4 grids and 8 sheets are exist in the individiual storage) is valid. If the condition is satisfied remove appropriate number entities (exactly 4 bars, 4 grids and 8 sheets) from appropriate storage by using search and remove step and transfer them to combiner object from standard library (or even combiner node object you get from forum) to combine them all. Else wait for the condition to be met. By this way you are able to collect some extra statistics from storages (averge waiting times and average number of each materials in the storage etc...).
  24. In this occasion i try to make one example more simple. The entity is on server3. When the process finishes the vehicle takes an entity takes it to the server2, then goes to the exit of the server3 to take the entity and takes it to the sink. Once done this returns to the "wait route"(SequenceTable3). HERE IS THE PROBLEM Now in this case when the server2 finishes its process the vehicle takes the entity and takes it to the entrance of the server3 BUT this time NO! leaves the entity and the whole process the entity still on the vehicle I attach the model PruebaForo.spfx
  25. Hello all and thanks for letting me be a part of Simius Insiders I have a question with my model. How can I create dynamic routes of my vehicle (AGV) to attend different events. For example if the server B1 finished its process the vehicle should go from S1 with an entity (pallet), go to A1 (input server A1) then go to B1 (server output B1) take the load and finally take it to S2. Once the entity is left in S2, go to S1 and wait for another event. Another event would be: server A2 ends its process then the vehicle should go from S1 with an entity (pallet), go to B1 (input server B1) then go to A2 (output server A2) take the load and finally take it to S2 . How could I do this programming? Thank you very much Modelo2Pulmones.spfx
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