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  1. Hello SIMIO experts, I am looking to understand how to retrieve the defined end-of-shift time from a work schedule for specific workers in SIMIO. Specifically, I need to identify only those workers who finish their shifts after a certain time. Could you guide me on how to access and filter this information effectively in the simulation model? Thank you for your assistance!
  2. Hello SIMIO experts, I am currently working on a project where I need to assign state variables to a worker and manage these variables throughout the simulation. I'm looking for guidance on a few key aspects: Assigning a State Variable to a Worker: How can I assign a state variable (e.g., a boolean or numerical value) to a worker in SIMIO? I want to track attributes such as availability, task completion count, or other custom metrics. Updating the State Variable During the Simulation: What is the best practice for updating the state variable of a worker based on specific events or conditions during the simulation? For instance, updating the availability status when a worker starts or completes a task. Accessing the State Variable: How can I access or consult the state variable of a worker at any point in the simulation for monitoring or decision-making purposes? Any advice or example models that illustrate these processes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
  3. Hello, I am trying to use git to track changes when working on Simio projects collaboratively. For this I am saving the project as *.simproj and the resulting file and folder structure looks good. But there are too many time stamp changes that make it difficult to track the "important" changes. For example, I only changed the location of the DefaultEntity in the model and hit save. The resulting changes are shown in the attached screenshot, with 20 files shown as changed. The main changes are related to the time stamp. Is there a way to configure Simio such that fewer files will be affected by each change? Thank you. Annika
  4. I am trying to load models into a licensed version of SIMIO RPS that have been created in the academic version of Simio. I am getting a meesage that states that these non-commercial models cannot be loaded into a commercial version of Simo. Is there a way to load theses non-commercial models into the licensed version of Simio RPS? I would like to be able to take advantage in using these academic models to provide solutions that we are identifying.
  5. Description of Runtime Capability Runtime is the ability for people to execute a Simio model without investing in that design-time version of Simio. Simio imposes no limits to the number of models you can distribute or the number of people you distribute to. And you are free to distribute outside of your organization if you choose. There is no charge for any such distribution. Two runtime modes are available: Interactive Runtime Uses Simio Evaluation Version which is available free to anyone and may be used without activation. It provides the ability to load a model, run it interactively to view the animation, and even change the model at will. Model changes cannot be saved nor is the capability provided to run experiments or execute custom user-written steps and elements. Only Simio Team Edition is capable of creating models that will run in Interactive Runtime. Full Runtime Uses Simio Express Edition. In addition to the substantial modeling features built into Express, it provides the ability to load and run models, save model changes, run experiments, and execute custom user-written steps and elements. Design and Team Editions can create models for use with Full Runtime.
  6. Hello Everyone, I am new to Simio, and need your help to figure out this. I am using search step to search for certain rows in a table that satisfy my condition. The search step performs as expected. I want to now to retrieve the values of the row associated with the found token. How do I do it? Also, if more than 1 row satisfies my search criteria then does Simio creates found token for each row ? or the information for all the rows in stored in one single token?.
  7. Power BI & Simio Webinar - July 2020 Enhancing your Simio Results using Power BI MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION About the Webinar We're hosting this one to accommodate people in the central time zone as well as for people who missed the previous webinar Simulation modeling has many benefits, namely its ability to forecast and predict multiple scenarios. Simio does an incredible job of providing the user with incredible results, and Power BI enhances these results with useful insights and visualizations. This webinar will provide the benefits of using Power BI for Simio outputs, optimizing your analytics, and giving you a better understanding for decision-making purposes. What will be covered Overview of Power BI benefits with Simio Simulation models Real-world case study of a Simio project using Power BI dashboards Questions and answers for people attending the webinar More details Date: 09 July 2020 Time: 10:00 CAT (UTC +2) Duration: 45 minutes Location: Microsoft Teams (link on registration) Price: Free Hosts Jaco Botha Pr Eng, Managing Director, SE Marco Agas, Webinar Host, SET Presenters Nicolas Finn, Power BI / Simio Trainer, SET Hulda Viljoen, Simulation Engineer, SET
  8. Hi We are looking for Simio modelling expert to join us at McKinsey in India or Canada office. If interested please reach out to nikesh_shrivastava@mckinsey.com
  9. Hi, I have a production line with 2 sources. The arrival of entity A in source 1 triggers an arrival of entity B in source 2. Entity A and entity B then enter their respective servers for a processing time. Entity A is processed at table_openings between 10 and 15 minutes with probabilities whereas Entity B is processed at table_MF for 10 minutes. The process type is task sequence. Both Entity join at a combiner. Entity A is the parent and Entity B is the member. Afterwards, the combined entity continue along the production line. I have expected processing times for each task at each server. Before starting a task, a process starts where a state statistic registers the state processing time of the entity. I also put list state to verify the schedule utilization. I have verified visually and the state value for processing time is correct for every station while the simulation is running. What I have observed is that the state statistic average processing time for the servers before the combiner is the expected value, however, all the other stations are 10 minutes off. The simio output has the right processing times for all the stations after the combiner but not for the two stations before the combiner. Moreover, the list state average time busy value are ok for all the stations after the combiner but again the station before the combiner, it gives the total number of minutes it was busy. Also, if i do the average of the state log observation for each station in excel afterwards, I get all the correct processing times. I am guessing it has something to do with the combiner, but I am lost. How can the processing time for table_MF be 10,48 when the processing time is a fixed 10 minutes in the facility window? Why is the list State MF and OP different from all the other list states? Thank you for your help!
  10. Hi, is there any way to making it stop creating .backup files? Thanks!
  11. Hi all, Was wondering if Simio has machine learning capabilities? If so, are there examples/tutorials on how to do it? If not, are there plans for it to be included in the future?
  12. I've been having issues with binding Excel files (XLSX and CSV format) into SIMIO. Every time I try to bind a file with SIMIO I get the same message of "Data has not been imported or is of an unknown age." Even when I create a table in SIMIO, save to CSV, and then try to reimport the exact same table by creating a CSV binding I get the same error. For further context I am using the Academic RPS version of SIMIO. All online tutorials I can find are using older/ different versions of SIMIO that don't have the same options as I do. Does anyone else have experience with this issue or is able to share some advice to help me get pass this error? Thank you
  13. Hello, I am new to Simio, and I am still trying to figure out which Simio product will be most valuable in my case. I have some specific questions: I would like to confirm the following: If I build a simulation model in Simio Simulation Software, can I import it into Simio Scheduling Software and build on it? When you say that Simio Scheduling Software allows performing risk analysis in real time, do you mean that: You can actually connect the software to sensors where the software automatically performs the analysis based on real-time data? OR you manually import data and you run the simulation model to update the results? This question overlaps with my second question, but it will help me better understand. When you talk about the Simio Digital Twin, are you referring to the Simio Scheduling Software? Their functionalities look similar except for the clearly mentioned physical connectivity to real-time data in case of Simio Digital Twin which is not directly implied in case of the scheduling software. At this stage, Simio Simulation Software fulfills my current needs. However, I would like to leave the door open for building a digital twin after achieving my current objectives. I would greatly appreciate your input on this. Thank you for giving me the chance to join your community! Cheers, Fatima Alsakka
  14. Can Simio make runtime versions of models?
  15. Hello! 

    In reference to your question "How to use Simio as an external simulation routine (respectively, how to control Simio from other software e.g., R)?", did you figure out an answer that suited your needs? 

    I saw that your question post in SI General Discussions received a post from lstretton. What was the follow-up on that? I am unsure of where to go to get further information on the steps for that. I'm new on the forum.


    My problem seems to run in line with yours. I have data that populates an excel csv file and I want to import that into Simio for my simulation. Eventually I would like to automate the runs of a bunch of difference replications, potentially with R or Python or something like that.

    Thanks, ftiller

  16. Hello everyone, I met a problem during the use of 'CallMatlab' UserExtension process. I am using Simio 8, MATLAB 2019a, and Windows 10, following the process introduced here: The problem is that when Simio is trying to call MATLAB function, some files are not registered and a certain dll cannot be found. Has anyone met such a problem before? Or is there anyway to write the CallMatlab myself? Thank you. Shu
  17. Hi all, With the success of SET's previous two webinars, we've been asked to showcase our other Simio talks at the virtual Converge20 event. Along with many other talks at the event, these are the ones that will focus on Simio and it's applications: Willem Daling: Using Digital Twin Technology in Mining Handre Dreyer: Improve Planning & Scheduling Control via Continuous Simulation Register here (free) This event is not limited to simulation modelling, and will cover a whole range of other operational technologies across various industries. Below is the agenda for the event:
  18. Hi All,

    I am repeatedly getting this (attached picture) error in my Simio Model, what could be the probable cause and what should I make sure so that this problem does not repeat?

    I have added transfer, end transfer step in my process logic.

    I also have made sure I have enough storage capacity and also enough vehicles to complete the transfer.

    any suggestions would be helpful.

    Thank you :)


  19. Hi, Was just wondering whether someone has a tool to quickly convert Arena Distributions to Simio? Regards, Willem
  20. Power BI & Simio Webinar - May 2020 Enhancing your Simio Results using Power BI MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION About the Webinar Simulation modeling has many benefits, namely its ability to forecast and predict multiple scenarios. Simio does an incredible job of providing the user with incredible results, and Power BI enhances these results with useful insights and visualizations. This webinar will provide the benefits of using Power BI for Simio outputs, optimizing your analytics, and giving you a better understanding for decision-making purposes. What will be covered Overview of Power BI benefits with Simio Simulation models Real-world case study of a Simio project using Power BI dashboards Questions and answers for people attending the webinar More details Date: 28 May 2020 Time: 10:00 PT / 17:00 GMT Duration: 1 hour Location: Microsoft Teams (link on registration) Price: Free Hosts Jaco Botha Pr Eng, Managing Director, SE Marco Agas, Webinar Host, SET Presenters Nicolas Finn, Power BI / Simio Trainer, SET Hulda Viljoen, Simulation Engineer, SET
  21. Hello I am a new user of the "Simio" software. I have just started using this superb software but I am currently experiencing modeling difficulties. In fact, I have a nomenclature to model and I want someone to help me carry out this modeling, here is the nomenclature to model: I started making a small model but I don't know if it's correct or not, here is what I did: Can i have some help please ?
  22. Hello I am a new user of the "Simio" software I have just started using this superb software but I am currently finding modeling difficulties. In fact, I have a nomenclature to model and I want someone to help me carry out this modeling, here is the nomenclature to model: I started making a small model but I don't know is it correct or not, here is what I did: Can I have some help please ?
  23. As we approach our final stage of our bachelor studies, it is necessary to write a bachelor thesis. In this context we are developing a Simio Plugin, which enables advanced model-management and more important, model-comparison. Our main objective is to provide the Simio Community a properly working Plugin, which improves the modelling process itself and the usability within large Simio-projects. What could you expect? Functionality We separate the plugin in two logical components. The first one is called Modelmanagement. The features of this component are the following: • Versioning models • Clone an existing model The interesting part on this feature is the clone mechanic. You are now able to create an identic clone of an existing Simio-model, which can be altered afterwards. This functionality is key to the comparison process. With this clone-function, each clone now represents a version of your base-model. The clones can be altered autonomically. It enables to test and experiment with the behavior of your model, without many workarounds. It may help you to even optimize your model. The second and more focused feature is the ModelComparer. Once you are done cloning and altering your models, this feature helps you to compare several experiments. The comparison isn’t only limited to experiments within one model, you can compare all the cloned experiments as well. Our model-comparison compares responses of several, different experiments. You can now compare all your clones to determine which one is the most efficient. What are we delivering at this point and why? Attached to this post you can find several files. To ease the installation and setup process of the Plugin, we also created an installer. The installer will setup the required changes and files for our Plugin. It is easy to use and enables the full functionality, like a normal software-installer. Second, we wrote a short manual to show you the features of the Plugin and illustrated it with pictures. Our goal is to gahter feedback as early as possible. Currently, we are in the middle of development and are eager to improve the tool even more. We ask you for your feedback, because it is very important for us to find out, if the tool is viable, how its usability is and if the provided functionality is even appreciated within the community. As we mentioned we are halfway through the development-process, the possibility is given, that some bugs or errors may occur. We also would be very pleased if you could take the time to report these and your experience with the tool and fill in the online survey. Your feedback is very appreciated! Link to the online Survey: http://30raqy.findmind.ch Thank you, Philipp Bütikofer Anthony Delay HSR - Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil Oberseestrasse 10 8640 Rapperswil ModelComparison.zip UserManual.pdf SimioToolsInstaller.zip
  24. I have a subclassed vehicle that I created based on this example. After updating to 197 it doesn't work, anyone else having similar experience? I am trying to recreate my vehicle but when the operator gets to the vehicle, the vehicle disappears and the operator just stands there and nothing else happens.
  25. Good day, We are currently looking for graduates located in Singapore for an internship with a Large Multinational firm. Please email resumes to mark@realdigitaltwins.com should you be interested. No previous experience required, yet will be an advantage. Mark
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