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  1. Hello, I have a Arrival Table, but I only want to create Entities of a specific part of the Table based on a property. IntCol Entity 0 A 0 C 1 B 1 c So, the source should create all entities with a certain integer in column 'IntCol'. The integer value is assigned by a referenced property that I can experiment with different parts of the ArrivalTable For example: If Property == 0 , create only A and C in the source. How can I do that? All the best
  2. Hi M_A, 1. This is one is a bit difficult to provide direction on without seeing how the rest of the model is structured. If all your processing times are deterministic and you are using a sequence table to route your entities, then you should be able to add the lunch break into the sequence. Similarly, make sure the sink is included at the end of all your entity sequences. Also, make sure the model run time is long enough to process all employees. That may be why they aren't showing up at the sink. 2. Change your interarrival time to 12 hours, and set your Maximum arrivals to 2. Thanks, Ryan
  3. Hi - 2 questions: 1. My model has people coming on shift, being transported to various locations, and then ending their shift at the sink near the source. However, I need them to get picked up and have ALL cycled through the lunch break server. Right now, out of the 35 people on shift, only 1 person got lunch, and only 6 people had their end of shift. How do I constrain the server to ensure the vehicle drops everyone at the lunch server and then the EndOfShift? 2. I would like to model 2, 12-hour shifts (each with the 35 people). I need all 35 to show up at the same time. This is my source Entity Arrival Logic. How do I change it to have two sets of 35 show 12 hours apart?
  4. To answer your question specifically with regards to the MultiEchelonSupplyChain example, the OnReplenishOrder process that you see in the process logic of the data table driven example is automatically executed by the Inventory elements when the inventory detects the need to replenish. Go to Definitions -> Elements and click on the Inventory elements and you will see where that process is being referenced. The ShippingReceivingLogic process is being executed when an entity enters any of the BasicNodes placed in the Facility View. For example, click on the DistributionCenter node and in the Add-On Processes -> Entered property you will see the name of that process befiling referenced. The TryFulfillOrder process is executed by the OnCustomerOrder process using an Execute step, which is in term triggered by a customer order arrival. Note that If you are trying to figure out where the name of a process is being referenced, you might go to Project Home in the ribbon UI and go to the Search window. And then search for the name of the process in the model, and it will show you the locations where it is being referenced.
  5. Process logic is typically added to a model on an as needed basis. For instance you will notice that some of our Scheduling examples, like SchedulingDiscretePartProduction (via Support ribbon -> Examples) does not use any process logic. There are several ways to initiate process logic which you could read more about in the "Processes" help topic. For instance, all objects in the Standard Library have an Add-On Process Triggers property category that allows you to specify specific points in the simulation that you would like to execute a process (like on Entered for a Server). A quick tip: you may double click an Add-On Process Trigger property (like Entered for a Server) to create a new process corresponding to that trigger. There are also other ways to initiate processes: using Elements like Timer or Monitor, user-defined Events, or the Execute step. I would recommend investigating these further in the help documentation if you are interested in learning more. One of our newest example models (provided in the software) called InfectiousDiseaseSampleModel demonstrates using fairly comprehensive process logic along with a data-driven approach. Happy modeling!
  6. I have attached a simple example of one approach. 1) I edited the ModelEntity object and added a state array of type MatrixFromTable. This type of array is automatically initialized from a table. Ideally I might have also added a table to the entity, but Simio doesn't work that way. Instead, I added a RepeatGroup named InitializationValues consisting of a Real property. I used this repeat group as a way to essentially add a "table" into the object, since internal to Simio there is almost no difference between a table and a repeat group. 2) Back in the model I added a table and then imported data into that table from Excel. I used 10 rows, but I could have imported 350 rows with no change to anything else. 3) Now when you place the ModelEntity object into a model, you can pass a table into the InitializationValues repeat group. Again, intead of just typing a bunch of values into the repeat group, I just say go get the whole repeat group from a specified table. This has the result of sizing that state array inside the model entity to match the current size of the table, and then initializing the state values to whatever is in the table. 4) If you run the model, you can open the Watch window on any entity and view the values of its states. I expect this won't solve all your problems, but maybe it will give you a fresh approach to consider. ImportStateValues.spfx ImportStateValues.xlsx
  7. Hi, We have a model where we have multiple entity states. This creates interface challenges in defining and populating these states or changing many of them at a time. My question is, can the UI be bypassed in some way using some kind of batch operations? For example suppose I want to assign 150 entity states using string construction and naming conventions easily set up in a spreadsheet. Is there a way to define all those states and import them from a file rather than hand editing each one in the Definitions UI? Another example is I want to set large numbers of these states at appropriate points in processing. Is there any way to do so by just importing name value pairs from a file rather than hand editing each one and copy pasting from a spreadsheet built up accordingly. Thanks Very Much, Jim
  8. Hi, Thank you for your answer. But my problem is not on the first Source. My proble is for the source "Source_Aub_Char" and "Source_Aub_de". The fifth vehicle don't pick up the entity waiting in the sources' Queue. Thank you.
  9. Dear Simio employee, I have two questions about 'getting' the average holding time for all the realisations of my subclassed vehicle. I want to know how long an entity is on a vehicle, on average. I tried it with two processes, but both don't work. I don't understand why the following doesn't work (process GemTijdOpAGV): And I also don't understand why the process TijdContainerOpVoertuig doesn't work. I don't understand the error: 'Model Entity does not match the model', or something like that. I created two instances of de model entity, named 'container and pallet', but it seems like I can't use model entity in some processes and in others I can. Why is that and when can you use model entity and when not? (This is also true for instances of a vehicle.) I have attached the model below, but it is still in progress. I hope to hear from you soon! With kind regards, Thomas Haven_v1 project DS model met RS en dus intelligent MTS.spfx
  10. I am building a model where I need to use relational data tables to create objects and elements due to the large size of the model. I found helpful resources to guide me when it comes to auto-creating objects and elements (Simio Help Guide, SimBits, and Examples). But for some reasons I couldn't find resources that address directly the topic of process logic design in data-driven models. There is one particular example that's very relevant to my case. This example is MultiEchelonSupplyChain that comes with Simio (in Simio: Support > Examples > MultiEchelonSupplyChain). This example is solved using two approaches. The second one (the data-driven approach) is the one I'm interested in. In the accompanying PDF file that explains the technical details of the example, it does not explain the differences in process logic design. For example, how do I define triggering events? Some of the processes in this example have no triggering events. If you know of a resource that explains designing processes for data-driven models, please share. Thanks.
  11. You can just use a process with a WAIT step. On entity arrival you will fire and event and the process will go on. I also belive that a worker is derived from entity so you can use workers instead of entities. Or the best fitting thing is to use consume step to consume a material (the tools). And have two inventories for it (one near the machine, one in the warehouse of tools). There are some simbits with the basic inventory concepts.
  12. I am trying to model a repair process. A major part of this process is the time to get the tools from their storage locations to the machine that needs repair. My thought was to have the tools be modeled as entities that a fork lift or worker has to go grab and bring back to the server. The problem is I need to wait for all those entities to be there before the server can start to process. Then I want to destroy the entities because they aren't actually being processed (only 1 entity would be processed as a representation). Does anyone have a suggestion on how this might be accomplished? Thanks.
  13. To keep things simple, let's just say I have two servers. At these two servers are 3 resources each: Server A has Resource 1, 2, and 3, and Server B has Resource 4, 5, and 6. I have a pre-determined list of Resources that needs to be selected. For example, the Entity would need to go to Server A to select Resource 2 and then Server B to select Resource 4 and then exit. I need help with the logic to help make this work. But then, once the order is finished, the resources to capture changes so the entity might have to go to Server B to get Resource 6 and then Server A to get Resource 1, then to the sink. In the big scheme of things, I'm going to have many Servers and each Server is going to have at least 4 Resources. I'm trying to figure out how to do this in the most efficient way whether it be through lists or built in properties. Thanks in advance!
  14. Hi Jeff, I am studying your model right now and I would like to kindly ask you If you could explain to me some aspects of it. 1. when you add the InfrequentFailureType property inside the multifailureserver model, why is this property a list? I do not understand this. 2. If I want, in this case, my FILLERS, to have 2 types of failures, both triggered by amounts of weight filled to container entities (this is the ideal, but it could also be by number of times that filler fills the container entity), what should I have to change from your model? Thank you so much! Tere
  15. I would suggest to expand this model I sent before by creating new states inside your ModelEntity. Two states when the entity leaves a station (one updates the station name and one updates the time it left). A state when the entity enters a station. Maybe another states registering how many rows in your sheet were written. The columns of your sheet would be ModelEnity.FromStation, ModelEntity.ToStation and (ModelEntity.TimeLeftStation - TimeNow). Let me know if you need help building this model.
  16. I have a model where I have 7(seven) entities and for each entity there are many possibilities paths. Is possible an entity be programmed with multiple sequences tables? For example, the entity can go to source -> server1 -> sink, and also randomly it can go to source -> server2-> sink, something like that.
  17. Thank you, i used the server1.failure.active expression. However, i want to use the average server productivity and not an entity dependent time. How would you express the productivity of a server in a model state variable?
  18. Thanks Gustavo, actually what worked for me was ContainerEntity.Location.Parent.Name! Anyway thank you very much. I have another doubt which I think is far more complicated. I have two "streets" with a container entity moving moving along each of them. This streets have both fillers and emptiers, and I wish to write in excel every time a container entity goes from a filler to an emptier and how long that took. For example if my container on street 1 goes from filler_2 to emptier_6 I would like a row in excel with those 3 columns: starting filler, ending emptier and time between. I achieved this without problem for one of the streets (adding add on process triggers to all of the fillers and another for all of the emptiers). The thing is when I add this same processes to the emptiers/fillers of street 2, my excel goes crazy and obviously because of two reasons: the time I register to calculate time between is being updated in both streets every time a container goes out of an emptier, and exactly the same happens with the row that this 3 things have to be written in the excel. I don't know hoy I can manage to construct the variables time and row_count without them getting confused and hence my excel becoming useless. Thanks, again!!!
  19. Wait, actually this doesn't work. Check the attached model: Create a new ContainerEntity with a string state named whatever you like; Assign NewContainerEntity.NewStringState = Filler.Name when entering the filler. Use this expression any time you need the name of the last station that entity visited. Get Station Name.spfx
  20. ModelEntity.CurrentStation.Name Be aware that this will return an error in the case the entity is not at a station.
  21. Hi, I have several sources that create the same container entity, yet every container entity created carries out different tasks throughout the model. I would like to change properties of specific container entities, for example, each time the container entity in "lane 1" gets filled, it changes the speed of that container entity (not of all the population of container entities). How can I do this? Thank you!!!
  22. Hi Alberto, I recommend you take a look at a standard Vehicle object and compare the VehicleX3 to see the updates that were made. Only 6 new Properties were added to the standard Vehicle to make VehicleX3. The numerous other Properties were inherited from the Vehicle and were not changed. There are other small changes for the States, Events, and Elements as well. Doing a comparison between the standard Vehicle and VehicleX3 will be the most beneficial way for you to learn. Additionally, all the updated Process Logic in VehicleX3 has been colored. Any grey process steps were inherited from the standard Vehicle. Happy modeling, Liz
  23. Hi!! I want to know in which object (in this case filler) my container entity is when certain event occurs. Is there a way to access this info? Thank you so much! Teresita
  24. Open your ModelEntity and add a new Real State variable named TimeInServer1 or whatever; Set ModelEntity.TimeInServer1 = TimeNow when the entity enters Server1; Set ModelEntity.TimeInServer1 = TimeNow - ModelEntity.TimeInServer1 when the entity exits Server1; Set Server2 processing time to ModelEntity.TimeInServer1 * E + delay (hours). Check the attached model for some extra help. Register Server1 Processing Time.spfx
  25. ********************* FOR VERSION 191 AND LATER ******************************* In Sprint 191, a change was made to the Seize step's On Seized Process and the Release step's On Released Process which impacted the Token Associated and Context Objects. This change effects the logic in VehicleX. For use in Simio versions 190 and earlier, please use the files at the top of this thread. Attached is an updated VehicleX (now VehicleX3) for use in Simio 191 and later, as well as the updated examples using VehicleX3. VehicleX3 now will reject an Entity's Transport Request if an operator is not available for that vehicle. This prevents entities from seizing and waiting for an unmanned vehicle. *************************************************************************************** VehicleX3.spfx VehicleWithDriver_VehicleX3_Examples.spfx
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