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  1. A simple approach is to create the highest resolution image you can find using any map program or other software. Save it off in one of the import formats: Hint: some software allows export as a high-resolution pdf. Then you can convert that pdf to a png file for import into Simio. Then import that as a symbol and place that in your model (preferably to its original scale). Then lock that to the background and build your model on top of it. The main down side of this approach is that it is limited by the resolution of your image, so if you zoom in, it might appear fuzzy.
  2. If you haven't already done so, I'd start by reviewing the SimBit ResourceSelectionConcepts. It contains several models that explain different types of resource selection. In particular, I'd suggest a combination of the following approaches: Create a table for each Worker (and/or each Server) where columns in the table represent the constraint or exclusions. For example, you might have a server table with columns for each day, and each column might contain a list of workers who can potentially be used on that day. Use resource lists to select from. possibly with exclusion conditions (maybe referring back to a table) of which resources cannot be used on that server and that day.
  3. Thank you for the quick and detailed response! I see the error I was making with work schedule and have tested it on one server, it seems to work as intended. Since each of my servers have a different capacity, would I need to create a unique work week and unique day type for them all? Or is there a quicker work around? The manual inputs for the date time are a great work around, I'm only modeling for a few years so I don't mind inputting a few dates. What I mean by there being no buffers is that no server can have a queue. I used a list for selecting the destination on the output node of each source (total of 8 ) where it's a hierarchy. It can go to a select number of servers and if all of them are full it goes to a dummy server of infinite capacity that exits the items to an overflow sink.
  4. Hi there, I'm very much a novice, but currently leveraging the logic in VisitAllServersInAnyOrder simbit to ensure an entity visits an entity is never reworked more than once. I've updated the model entity with required state variables and created a "MyServer" to create the "HasEntityVisited" etc etc. I'm using the "Candidate.MyServer.HasEntityVisited==False" logic for the selection condition in the output node routing logic. However, whenever I run the model I get the error message "Referenced definition type "MyServer" does not match executing type "BasicNode". I've gone over and over the various elements and compared to the working simbit, but can't identify the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Garrett
  5. This light-weight add-in is for importing experiment from .csv file. In order to use that, just unzip the attachment and put the ImportExperiment.dll under the UserExtensions folder of your Simio. For those who want to check the source code, the whole solution is also inside the zip file. This add-in reads control values from you input file and creates scenarios. You can either create a new experiment for your model, or append scenarios to your existing experiment. The number of columns of your .csv file should be the same as the number of controls of your model. For example, if your model has three controls: NumDoctor, NumNurse, NumRoom, then running the add-in with the following input file will give you an experiment with 5 scenarios input.csv: 3, 3, 2 2, 3, 2 1, 3, 1 2, 2, 1 3, 1, 1 ImportExperiment.zip
  6. Did you create an object-reference type of properties?
  7. Hi, there is a simple approach you can use. Use Connectors between the queue server and the desks. At Buffer Logic of the Desks, change the Input Buffer Capacity to 0. Create a List with the Input nodes of the seven Desks. On the Output of the queue server change Entity Destination Type to Select From List and the goal to Smallest Value. Keep the default expression. It should work fine.
  8. Hello, You can go to the process tab in the model. Once in the process tab you can click on create process to create add on processes at the model level.
  9. Description of Runtime Capability Runtime is the ability for people to execute a Simio model without investing in that design-time version of Simio. Simio imposes no limits to the number of models you can distribute or the number of people you distribute to. And you are free to distribute outside of your organization if you choose. There is no charge for any such distribution. Two runtime modes are available: Interactive Runtime Uses Simio Evaluation Version which is available free to anyone and may be used without activation. It provides the ability to load a model, run it interactively to view the animation, and even change the model at will. Model changes cannot be saved nor is the capability provided to run experiments or execute custom user-written steps and elements. Only Simio Team Edition is capable of creating models that will run in Interactive Runtime. Full Runtime Uses Simio Express Edition. In addition to the substantial modeling features built into Express, it provides the ability to load and run models, save model changes, run experiments, and execute custom user-written steps and elements. Design and Team Editions can create models for use with Full Runtime.
  10. Hi, Usually what I do in cases that I want to check capacity before sending is create a "dummy" Resource. This way I seize its capacity before sending the entity forward. If it has no capacity for a given entity, the entity will just wait until it has capacity.
  11. I know it's been a while, but I just came across this question and I'm responding in case this can help someone else. Depending on the problem, modeling nurses as patient capacity might not work; for example, if you need to limit both a nurse's active utilization and the nurse's patient load. Two general approaches exist: Easier: Create two different resources, rename one 'NursesActive' and the other 'NursesPassive.' Set the latter to have n times the capacity of the former, where n is the patient ratio at n:1. Require simultaneous seizure of one of each type of resource when first assigning the patient, and release them separately, re-seizing the former as needed. Harder: Subclass the Resource object and create states to track the patients assigned and a property to define the patient ratio. This approach enables more fine-tuning as necessary.
  12. Hello, We are evaluating Simio and really like what we see from exploring the Simio Personal Edition. Custom Dashboards are a high priority for us and we appreciate the fact that Simio seems to allow creation of custom dashboards from within a model; however, we would like to know if Simio allows the creation of custom dashboards that are portable from model to model. For example, we would like to: Create a dashboard that displays a chart depicting activity cost per entity (for a selectable set of entities) over the simulation period. Reuse/import this dashboard into any model to display the activity cost per entity over the simulation period (for a selectable set of entities). Two questions: Is this possible with Simio? If yes, which edition(s) of Simio support this capability? Thanks in advance! Donovan
  13. Hi Fabian, I see two (or more) possible alternatives for solving this. Assuming that the box only receives one type of entity you can: 1. Create a state variable (for example st_CurrentBoxType) and every time an entity enters the combiner you assign the entity type to this state variable. This way, one the box is completed and exits the combiner you will be able to assign it the st_CurrentBoxType. 2. The other way is to execute a search step once the box is full. You can use "ModelEntity.BatchMembers.FirstItem" as match condition to locate the first batched entity, then in the found branch use an assing step to assign the ProdType from the found entity I'm sure there are a lot of ways of doing that... hope this helps saludos
  14. Perhaps its a little late, but attached is a possible solution to your problem. This started out pretty simple. The problem was how to specify which server is serviced by which resource. One way to do that is a table. But since its changing over time I chose to use a time-indexed table, that is a table that knows about time and returns different data at different times. In this case, each row corresponds to 12 hours and each column specifies the resource needed by the respective server. As they say, "the devil is in the detail" and in this case the "devil" is that the specified resource may change between seize and release (e.g., seize at 11:59, release at 12:05). Simio doesn't like that and all the easy options re-evaluate the resource expression on release and so may try to release the wrong resource. One option would have been to create a custom server, but that seems to be overkill. Here is a somewhat simpler approach: 1) Add an entity state named MyResource and assign it at the last possible moment before use. This value will be used only for release. The assigned value is drawn from the table using an expression like Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. Note that the .timeindexedvalue indicates to get the value associated with the current time. And the .object at the end is used to tell Simio to return that value as an object not a number. 2) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Seizes to seize the name specified in the table using the same expression above Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. 3) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Releases to release the resource saved in MyResource. TimeBasedWorkerSelection.spfx
  15. @River Maybe you can use a Timer element and set its Interval type to Arrival Table and use Timer's event to trigger a Process, within this process, you can do anything you want use process steps.
  16. Hi! I don't think you need to save those times stamps on MyVehicle. I would suggest you to use processes that triggers when the entity leaves the Output Buffer of the source and enters the Input Buffer of the server. To do that, create two process with the corresponding Triggering Event Name: Source1.OutputBuffer.Exited or Server1.InputBuffer.Entered, saving time stamps directly on the MyModelEntity.
  17. Hi, everyone I am developing a postgraduate project related to hospital OPD simulation. In one examination room, there will have a round 5 to 6 doctor using this room during the week. Now I am facing one problem, because every doctor process have difference processing time(function) as picture below(The number is doctor ID). Is there any method to set a difference process time during every shift in one server? or I have to create a process for this them?
  18. I have a multiple combiners into which a single worker provides entities. While the worker is at a specific combiner, I want to check if that combiner's output buffer is full. I'd prefer not to create a separate process for each combiner as I have dozens. How do I code the process so that it is generic and that 1 process can work for any combiner? I'm hoping this is an easy question. Sorry if it's obvious. Thanks for your help.
  19. Try the logic included in this model. Note that you can use the same logic at any time over the simulation run. In this specific example the entities are created at the begining of the simulation run. If you need to create them at any time over the simulation run then you should define a seperate process then embed the same logic into that process. Then, all you need is to trigger that seperate process. For example, you can trigger by using timer element. Hope it helps?. CreateEntities.spfx
  20. Hello I wanna create Blockchain simulation in Simio I have student license, can you please help me how Can i make my topology
  21. Well, there are two problems in your model: First, there are many gates that are not following the data table. Second: every gate should be on the Gate table, regardless if they will have flights or not. If not, they will create entities on every single arrival of the departure table. You have many gates that are not included on Gate table.
  22. Hi All,


    I am trying to look as to how can we create experiments with various schedules in the SIMIO experiment tab.

    Currently I am not using RPS version.

    I have created a schedules for various servers using Simio process logic and schedule table for each server.  I am able to run one schedule and see the resulting performance, but it would be interesting to see how the changes to the sequence of orders changes the performance.  How could I set up experiments to make changes to the sequences in the tables?

  23. It sounds like you are already set up to use a Source with Arrival Mode of Arrival Time and the Arrival Time Property of MyTable.TimeOffset (assuming that your table above is named MyTable). If the column named Object in your table above is the entity type you want to create, then specify the EntityType in the source to MyTable.Object. If the entity you want to create is something different, then add that new column to your table (say PassengerType) and specify EntityType as MyTable.PassengerType.
  24. Hello, I have a Arrival Table, but I only want to create Entities of a specific part of the Table based on a property. IntCol Entity 0 A 0 C 1 B 1 c So, the source should create all entities with a certain integer in column 'IntCol'. The integer value is assigned by a referenced property that I can experiment with different parts of the ArrivalTable For example: If Property == 0 , create only A and C in the source. How can I do that? All the best
  25. You may need to create a addon which can automate the copy your data into experimentation grid. Easiest way is to select your excel data and Ctrl-C, and select the experimentation grid (same area size) ,and Ctrl-V.
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