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  1. I have an application where a single entity gets worked on by two different operators at the same time with different completion times. This occurs on 10+ workstations in the flow line in the application. What is the best mechanism to model this in Simio? Ideally, I would like to be able to adjust the processing time of each operator to engage in line balancing, and the ability to create standard WIP processes. Thanks, Aytac
  2. Hi, We have a model where we have multiple entity states. This creates interface challenges in defining and populating these states or changing many of them at a time. My question is, can the UI be bypassed in some way using some kind of batch operations? For example suppose I want to assign 150 entity states using string construction and naming conventions easily set up in a spreadsheet. Is there a way to define all those states and import them from a file rather than hand editing each one in the Definitions UI? Another example is I want to set large numbers of these states at appropriate points in processing. Is there any way to do so by just importing name value pairs from a file rather than hand editing each one and copy pasting from a spreadsheet built up accordingly. Thanks Very Much, Jim
  3. Dear Simio employee, I have two questions about 'getting' the average holding time for all the realisations of my subclassed vehicle. I want to know how long an entity is on a vehicle, on average. I tried it with two processes, but both don't work. I don't understand why the following doesn't work (process GemTijdOpAGV): And I also don't understand why the process TijdContainerOpVoertuig doesn't work. I don't understand the error: 'Model Entity does not match the model', or something like that. I created two instances of de model entity, named 'container and pallet', but it seems like I can't use model entity in some processes and in others I can. Why is that and when can you use model entity and when not? (This is also true for instances of a vehicle.) I have attached the model below, but it is still in progress. I hope to hear from you soon! With kind regards, Thomas Haven_v1 project DS model met RS en dus intelligent MTS.spfx
  4. I have a model where I have 7(seven) entities and for each entity there are many possibilities paths. Is possible an entity be programmed with multiple sequences tables? For example, the entity can go to source -> server1 -> sink, and also randomly it can go to source -> server2-> sink, something like that.
  5. Hi!! I want to know in which object (in this case filler) my container entity is when certain event occurs. Is there a way to access this info? Thank you so much! Teresita
  6. I am working on a simulation of a number of firms processing raw products. If I represent the firms as resources in a server -so that the server capacity represents the number of firms, how could I identify which resource/firm processed a certain batch of products? Can this be done with a server having a capacity of its own, or should I use a pool of (secondary) resources with id labels so I can use that id to label the product batch?
  7. Hi all, I was wondering, is it possible to record the time in system of entity instances and subsequently plot the values in a histogram? Of course, I can see the average, min and max values in the results tab, but I am interested in knowing what the distribution is like for model validation purposes. If it is not possible to plot the values in Simio, is it perhaps still possible to access and export the values, i.e. to a .csv document? Hopefully my question is clear. Best regards, Michkel Mariegaard
  8. Hi everybody! I want to know if it is possible that an entity can change from one server to another if the another server is available and the entity isn't still processing. It means if it is possible that an entity can exit from the input buffer of the first server. Thanks for your help. Best, Albert.
  9. Hello everyone, I am a master's student in operations management trying my hand at Simio for the first time. I want to develop a model that simulates the delays incurred by variable supply lead times which may lead to stock-outs at a manufacturing plant. I would like to model demand so that each entity generated by a single source module corresponds to a sales order. Each order should have a probability to include orders for several specific product types (since sales orders may contain orders for different product types). As such, entities should have an arrival rate which corresponds to the arrival rate of orders at the company, and the product mix of each order should reference the probability of a given product type being included in that order (i.e. product A has 25% probability to be included, product B has 50%, etc.). Is it possible to do this? I would also like for each product type to be associated with a specific BOM. I.e., a server module should reference each entity instance to consume material as defined by the BOM’s of the products stated by the entity instance. I have defined each component as material elements and defined a BOM for each finished product that references the materials needed. However, in the server module I am only able to input a specific type of finished product as material requirements... Your help is greatly appreciated!
  10. I have an entity type. 50% of that entity is one counter type while the other 50% is two counter type. After the entity exits the server, 50% must exit while the other 50% must go to the second counter. How do i do this thanks
  11. Hi, Have an issue relating to trying to track a segmented entity with the camera. I've attached a very simple model that demonstrates the problem. As soon as i set the draw type to 'Segemented' the camera tracking just doesn't work. One possible solution i am aware of is to simulate the segmented object as individual entities. In the context of what i'm trying to do this creates a lot of additional complexity that i don't want to address. Any other bright ideas? Thanks, Lucas Camera Tracking Segmented Entity.spfx
  12. Let's say I want exactly 100 entities arrive where the arrival of each one follows a normal distribution with mean 1 hour and standard deviation of 5 minutes from the start of the simulation. How can I model that within SIMIO? The interarrival time doesn't make sense because I don't know / care what the interrarrival time between each entity is. I realize that I could randomly generate 100 normal random variables outside of SIMIO and input them all as an appointment, but I am wondering if there is a better way especially if I want to do many replications with a different set of 100 random variables each time.
  13. Hi All, I am attempting to model a triage logic where I want to periodically, sequentially search the contents of a storage queue associated with a station and test the availability of resources to handle processing it. If the resources are not available in the system, I would like to move to the next entity in the queue and test it until all the current queue has been examined. The goal is to sequentially walk the queue organized by priority using the lowest value first of a state variable on the entities. Is there a suggested "best" way to approach this sort of problem? Essentially I want to do a loop to examine entities in a storage queue and transfer the best one with a match to available resources. I tried using a search based on index but ran into an error getting the state values of the entity and also seem to have challenges sorting the storage queue correctly. I would be grateful if someone has a basic example of such a sequential search. Thanks Very Much, Jim
  14. New to Simio and learning as I go. The attached model includes a CombinerNode1 that batches entities in groups of 2 & 5 (random.discrete). I would like Server1 to use different processing times for the different batch sizes. For example, a batch of 2 entities should be processed in 5 seconds; Batches of 5 entities in 7 seconds, etc.. Eventually I will create batches of up to 6 entities. I have tried using Server1.Processing.Contents for Processing Time, but seems to return the value of 1 all times. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Processing time based on BatchSize.spfx
  15. Sorry if this is obvious, but can someone tell me how I can reference the number of batchMembers in the example above without having to reference the specific entity, which in this case is TruckLoad.5442. I need something like "the number of batchMembers in the entity currently in the ParentInputBuffer" please. e.g. TruckBay1Batch.ParentInputBuffer.Content.???.BatchMembersCount? As you'd expect, this number changes constantly during the simulation run. At this moment of simulated time, the answer is 2. Thanks for your help!
  16. Hi, In my project, I have the (main) model of object type 'fixed' and a model of object type 'server'. In one of the processes executed by the model 'server', I want to add a search step that searches a specific entity in the entity population of the main model. How can I do this? Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Christa
  17. Hello, I have recently encountered an issue while simulating an airport checkpoint and thus leading to the following question: Is it possible to match member and parent priorities under certain conditions? I am trying to differentiate between those travelers (parent entity) and baggage (member entity) going though an additional screening process prior to exiting the model. Take the following image as an example. I managed to provide a priority (red status label) to those entities going through the additional screening while also providing a rule for those with a priority of 5 to exit though Sink 3 (Those with a priority of 1 should exit through Sink1 ). However, the rule seems to only apply to the parent for a reason I assume to be that the baggage is an entity initiated by a "create" step in the processes window, rather than at its own source as the parent. The current rule I have is to decide the following ModelEntity.Priority==5.0, then assigning the desired node (Input@Sink3). In the picture, although the baggage (member) has a priority of 5, the traveler (parent) has a priority of 1 and the rule only applies to the parent. How could I match the priority of the parent, only under the case in which the parent has a higher priority? (Perhaps match the greatest priority of the member and the parent to generalize) I have tried everything possible and I cannot figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  18. Hello, I have been utilizing SIMIO for a couple of months, however I am relatively unfamiliarized with some of the features. I have recently encountered a difficulty while simulating an airport screening checkpoint. Take the attached picture as a reference. I have entities arriving from a single Source, processed initially at Server 1, and then following a series of separators and additional servers along the way. At Separator 1, the member (luggage) is separated from the parent (passenger). (Luggage is created by a "create" step in an add on process, rather than at its own Source). However, I would like to distinguish statistics between those travelers and luggage going twice through a server. For example in Server 10, I have a loop going from the output node to the input node for the re-scanning of passengers. I managed to provide a priority value to the passengers going though that created loop, and an add on process rule to send those with that priority value to Sink 3, while those without the priority value to Sink 1. I tried applying the same concept to the loop seen in Server 9. However, when the passenger picks up the luggage at the transfer node located at end of the conveyor belt, both the member and the parent exit through Sink 1, rather than Sink 3. It appears that only the member obtains the priority, but not the parent. Although I tried, I did not manage to match the priorities and thus have the combined entities exit the model as anticipated. Any thoughts on how I could match the priorities, or perhaps, any suggestions to make this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  19. Hi, I am trying to demonstrate a manufacturing process flow, by doing so I want to show a visual progression of the entity through the entirety of the simulation. Setting Random Symbol on to 'True' is not what I am looking for. I have 10 entity symbols and they have to change specifically between servers. How is that possible? Thanks,
  20. Hi, I would like to return information from an entity in a queue (parent input buffer) at a specific index. If I use the search step with following property values (see attached image) I receive an error (see attached image). What does this error exactly mean and how can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance! Christa
  21. In the batch that was created, I want to search the member entity with the lowest value for state variable "NumberOfRollContainers" and change its value to: <<TotalREQ" - 0.9 * "CapacityTrip">>, where "TotalREQ" and "CapacityTrip" are state variables of the parent entity. I am struggling with how to use the search step in this situation, so help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  22. Hi, Is it possible to set the state variable of the parent entity in a batch equal to the sum of state variables of all member entities in the batch? Context of the case; a truck (parent) is loaded with x number of orders (members). These orders have a specific value for the state variable 'NumberOfRollContainers'. The truck has the state variable 'TotalRollContainers', which should equal the sum of the 'NumberOfRollContainers' in that batch. Kind regards, Christa
  23. Hi, I am looking for an event which can be used in a Wait step in a process which is triggered by an entity finishing processing in a station. Also potentially an event which is triggered when an entity exits a station. Do I have to manually fire an event with an addon process from every station which I wish to do this?
  24. Hello, We want to assign the entities to different servers. The first server has FIFO selection system, and the second has FIFO with entity type OTC as the first priority, and the third server has FIFO. Furthermore, the servers open and close sometimes, but the entities keep transfering to the closed server. How can we divide them after the described rules? We have tried to get the output node to select from a list of nodes with the input of the different servers, but then the entities always choose server1. OTC-and-prescription-model.spfx
  25. I want to assign a state variable to the batch members of a parent entity, is this possible? the reason for this: I have 2 types of entities (passengers and bags), they separate, then go through different processes and then are combined again. but since the passenger entities have to be combined with "their own" bags, a state (or something else) should be assigned which can be referenced as "match expression" in the combiner. is this the right way of modeling this type of process? or should i do this another way?
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