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  1. I wonder if it is possible to pick one particular entity from the BatchMembersQeue and unbatch it. For example I have a pallet with 10 entities batched (9 red and 1 blue) and I want to remove only the blue one. I was able to find the entity with a search step, but I cannot transfer it or unbach it. Any ideas? TnksUnbatch one entity.spfx
  2. Thank you for the model! It took a long time to get the sprint release but now I can see it and it helps. Now I have another problem. I am trying to do a pick up at two different places and the drop off at one destination. There I want to have the transport costs split on the entity with the calculation TransportCostRate/TransportQty. The logic works like this: The transport from Source1 to Source2 (or BasicNode4) should be charged and assigned to ModelEntity.Cost. Then from Source2 to Server1 another calculation should be done, now with the increased transport quantity in dependency. But in BasicNode4 the process is not triggered by the ModelEntity, but by the Transporter. Is there any way that the process is triggered by the passenger? (the entity in the ridestation). The model is in the appendix. Best regards. Model_421.spfx
  3. That's because there is a routing table in this case. That's how it was set in this simbit before I made the updates. I also I tried to set the "Routing Table" as the initial sequence for the entity and I'm still getting the same error.
  4. Hello, i am using the Financials Properties in Simio. In this simple model, i have parameters for different cost types (see in the picture). All the cost types are used with the default financial states. The dynamic label of the ModelEntiy shows the expression "ModelEntity.Cost", so it roll all the cost components up in the particular entity. The entity in the processing has a value of 76.84. (rolled up) Now my question is, is it possible to see all the cost components for all my model entity, for example as a expression in a floor label or in a data table. Thank you!
  5. Hello, I'm working on an emergency department (ED) model where I'm using both nurses and doctors as resources. At the ED, there is a 4:1 Patient to Nurse ratio, meaning that on average, a nurse takes care of 4 patients at the same time. When I was thinking about how to implement this logic on Simio, I looked at this option on the Seize step under Advanced options (you can see it on the picture I attached). I set the Units per Object to 0.25 - because I thought that every time a patient seizes a nurse, it will take out 0.25 out of 1 unit of capacity, instead of taking the whole 1, allowing for 3 other patients to seize her before she is completely busy. However, this doesn't work, because I ran a model trace as I ran the model and the server is ignoring the seize because the "Units per object" is set to 0 (which is not, it's set to 0.25) - the exact model trace comment is: "Ignoring resource release of type Specific 'Nurse'. The required capacity units per object '0' is not a positive quantity.". Therefore, the model ignores the resource seize and processes the entity without the resource. Is this because this property field only works with integers? I thought of a work around by just multiplying my number of nurses by 4 to account for that, but that's not optimal. Would there be any other way of achieving this? Thank you very much for the help!
  6. Hello River, I downloaded your files. The Gate512 was missing. I removed the information in the "30 Departure.xlxs" file that I can run the model ;-). Generally I understood how it works. Answer to your first question: I think you mean these two ways, right? From the left and from the right. In this case I saw that you used the "Routing Logic" in like all Transfernodes. The Outbound Link Rule is "Shortest Path" and you set the "Node Name" to "Input@Takeoff" Simio is using everytime the shortest link path now. Like in the screenshot below: In my opinion it would be better to set the destination once after the Entity got created in the Source for example :-). There are different ways to do that. In your model I removed all Routing Logic in the Transfernodes and used the Routing Logic only in the Output-TransferNodes of the Sources. In Simio you need only to use one time a SetNode-Step or a Routing-Logic to set the destination of an Entitiy and Simio will follow the paths or travel in the FreeSpace. You can use for example a NodeList with 2 different destinations and this Routing-Logic: With the "Selection Goal" Random Simio will randomly choose the destination from the NodeList. I uploaded you your model with the changes as an example: Problem on the taxiway version 17A.zip What did I changed? 1) I removed the Routing Logic in all TransferNodes. 2) I added new Routing Logic to the TransferNodes of the Output-Node of the Sources. 3) I added a NodeList with 2 new Nodes. 4) In the two new Nodes I used a Nodes-Entered-Process and a Transfer-Step to transfer the Entity to the Input of the Sink. Answer to your second question: You can change the destination of an Entity any time. In the Path (Link) you have a function called "NumberTravelors" for example to get the number of travelors currently on this path. So you can use a Expression like "Path123.NumberTravelors < 2". This can be used to decide if a way is full allready that the other way get selected. Or you can use a Integer-State and count up and down. I would use a Node-Entered-Process in the last possible node with a Decide-Step and two SetNode-Step in this case :-). I hope my answer will help you. When you have any other question, you are welcome! Best regards Pascal
  7. Hello, I'm new to both the forum and the world of simio in general. I am trying to simulate how much the maximum buffer could be in 2 points of my process which are defined by the Buffer_ST1 and Buffer_ST2 servers. My problem is that I would like the Buffer_ST2 server based on a condition that would be every time an entity passes on Input @ Buffer_ST1, the Buffer_ST2 server releases only one processed entity and not all those inside the server as it happens now, I hope for being clear and thank you in advance. I put the model in the attachment Buffer varianti trazioni V2.spfx
  8. Ok I can do a trace and see what I find. Also, I do have different entity/job types getting processed. In my routing tables, I do have the entities specified in the table. I'm trying to use the "ChooseAlternateSequence" simbit as a reference. Is it possible to do this if you have more than one entity type?
  9. I'm trying to do something similar to do this where an order has 4 different routes or paths it can go (My model currently doesn't have paths). I created 3 separate sequence tables and created a process logic depending on if a certain workstation is already processing an order/entity, to go through this sequence. For some reason, whenever it gets to the "set row" step, there is a table reference error mentioning "no entries found" if though in the process step, I specify which row to start the new sequence. What is the reason behind this error?
  10. Thank you Dave! Inspired by your approach, I defined two Node Reference State Variables for the Entity: EndDestination and NextNode. In the model Processes, I first determine the Entity State Variable EndDestination based on a DataTable with probabilities per destination node. Then, at routing decision points, I have created processes that evaluate the EndDestination node and set the next node for the unity based on that. Although it requires a bit of 'hard modeling', it works like a charm! Thanks
  11. Hi Fabian, I see two (or more) possible alternatives for solving this. Assuming that the box only receives one type of entity you can: 1. Create a state variable (for example st_CurrentBoxType) and every time an entity enters the combiner you assign the entity type to this state variable. This way, one the box is completed and exits the combiner you will be able to assign it the st_CurrentBoxType. 2. The other way is to execute a search step once the box is full. You can use "ModelEntity.BatchMembers.FirstItem" as match condition to locate the first batched entity, then in the found branch use an assing step to assign the ProdType from the found entity I'm sure there are a lot of ways of doing that... hope this helps saludos
  12. Hi David, I am trying to get your option 3 to work in my model, as the solutions sounds brilliant. I created an Add-On Process that probabilistically assigns destinations to the Entity and by assigning the destination node to the Entity's State Variable MyDest. In the Routing Logic, I've set the Initial Sequence to the sequence table called Routes that holds all possible routes. However, the entities now only follow the first sequence Routes (Input@LoadingDock9, Input@Sink_HTB), whereas Entities with the destination Input@Sink_RTM should follow the sequence Input@LoadingDock10, Input@Sink_RTM. How can I let the Entity follow a specific sequence from my Sequence Table Routes?
  13. Hi I have an entity that is moved through the network via vehicles. The vehicle will drop of the entity at the first server which then gets processed through two servers. I would like to use the vehicle that dropped off the entity at the Input to the first server to be used to pick up the next entity at the output of the second server. Is there a way to save the exact Vehicle that was used and specify that as the Vehicle to use at the second pick up point? Hopefully to a global variable and not to the entity (in my actual model, the entity going in to Server 1 is not the next entity coming out of Server 2). At the moment I am using 'Reserve Closest' as the reservation method at Server 2. I know that is incorrect, but I'm not sure how to setup this up using the other methods. In the attached model, process works for the first entity, but does not for the second entity onwards. Due to other limitations in the model, I need to have the Vehicles to 'Remain in Place' during idle. Thanks in advance for the help. SpecificVehicle.spfx
  14. Hi, I want to generate one type of product with one interarrival time. I have one source and one model entity. However, this entity can have different lengths following probabilities. Depending on these properties, the processing times at the servers will be shorter or longer. I tried to assign a state to the entity before this entity exits the source so ModelEntity.Length becomes DataLength.prob.randomrow. where DataLength is a table with the different lengths and the probabilities associated with those Lengths. The only thing is that it is a property and not a state, but I do not know how to do it in another way. Afterwards, I have different processing times at the servers depending on the different characteristics of my entity. For example, server1 will have different processing times depending on the length. How can I reference to the good processing time say I have added a column to the table DataLength with the associated processingtimes according to the lengths? Finally, I would also like keep track of those different lengths generated and see what the model produced in the end. Thank you for your help, Emilie
  15. Perhaps its a little late, but attached is a possible solution to your problem. This started out pretty simple. The problem was how to specify which server is serviced by which resource. One way to do that is a table. But since its changing over time I chose to use a time-indexed table, that is a table that knows about time and returns different data at different times. In this case, each row corresponds to 12 hours and each column specifies the resource needed by the respective server. As they say, "the devil is in the detail" and in this case the "devil" is that the specified resource may change between seize and release (e.g., seize at 11:59, release at 12:05). Simio doesn't like that and all the easy options re-evaluate the resource expression on release and so may try to release the wrong resource. One option would have been to create a custom server, but that seems to be overkill. Here is a somewhat simpler approach: 1) Add an entity state named MyResource and assign it at the last possible moment before use. This value will be used only for release. The assigned value is drawn from the table using an expression like Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. Note that the .timeindexedvalue indicates to get the value associated with the current time. And the .object at the end is used to tell Simio to return that value as an object not a number. 2) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Seizes to seize the name specified in the table using the same expression above Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. 3) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Releases to release the resource saved in MyResource. TimeBasedWorkerSelection.spfx
  16. Hi, One way to do this is put a Dynamic Selection Rule: Smallest Value First on the Worker, with the value expression of: Candidate.Entity.DirectDistanceTo.Object(Worker). This could work.
  17. Model.spfx Hello, i am trying to stop the transport time for my entity. The process logic is as follows: hen the entity exits the Source output, the time stamp (MyVehicle.Stamp) is assigned with the value "TimeNow". When the transporter drops the entitys to the servers input the time is stopped (New Value = TimeNow- MyVehicle.Stamp) and simio calculates the transport costs. The error is attached. I get the same error, when i use MyModelEntity instead of MyVehicle. The model name is "Model311" in the attached project "Model". How or where do I have to set the stamp correctly? Thank you!
  18. Hello, I have two concerns. In one of my small models I want my transporter to make a round and pick up the entities at the different locations and bring them to a destination (Server1). In addition, I would like that the individual times are measured with a state MyModelEntity.TmpStart and MyModelEntity.Duration, in order to calculate afterwards with a transport cost rate the cost for each individual part. Unfortunately I'm getting desperate with this and getting various error messages, does anyone know how to implement this? Best Regards, Gashi
  19. Hi! I don't think you need to save those times stamps on MyVehicle. I would suggest you to use processes that triggers when the entity leaves the Output Buffer of the source and enters the Input Buffer of the server. To do that, create two process with the corresponding Triggering Event Name: Source1.OutputBuffer.Exited or Server1.InputBuffer.Entered, saving time stamps directly on the MyModelEntity.
  20. Hello, i would like to know if its possible to track the different values for a user defined MyModelEntity state. In my case, i created different states like MyModelEntity.MaterialCosts and MyModelEntity.HoldingCosts, ...TransportCosts ... etc. The values are summed up in a state called MyModelEntity.ProductionCosts. This state is shown as a dynamic label text in my model, so i can see the production cost value at the actual time. But is it possible to see the different values of the MyModelEntity states that make up the production costs for instance during different periods of times in the simulation or at any time? Because i would like to see the values of my states like MyModelEntity.MaterialCosts at certain times in the simulation. Thank you!
  21. Hello,

    i would like to know if its possible to track the different values for a user defined MyModelEntity state.

    In my case, i created different states like MyModelEntity.MaterialCosts and MyModelEntity.HoldingCosts, ...TransportCosts ... etc.

    The values are summed up in a state called MyModelEntity.ProductionCosts.

    This state is shown as a dynamic label text in my model, so i can see the production cost value at the actual time.

    But is it possible to see the different values of the MyModelEntity states that make up the production costs for instance during different periods of times in the simulation or at any time?

    Because i would like to see the values of my states like MyModelEntity.MaterialCosts  at certain times in the simulation. 

    Thank you! 

  22. Hi All,

    In my model, I have a transfer node and the entity could go to either of the next 2 serves as in the picture.

    I have assigned product number(1,2,3...) to entities …., if product “1” moves from transfer node to S1 and the next product is also “1”, it should also move to S1 and if the product number changes its should change the server to S2. So the entire batch gets processed on one server.

    After processing from S1 and S2 the entity should flow in batch so that at S3 I have batch production

    Right now the entities go based on “By Link Weight” and randomly goes to the server which affects S1,S2,S3 servers setup time

    Any thoughts how can that be achieved, I do not want to setup a sequence table.


  23. ConveyorLibrary.spfx Simple conveyor library with a merge controller, slug conveyor, Slug Node and a Photo Eye. Library has two example models. A MergeControllerModel and a PE_ExampleModel. Merge controller,Slug Conveyor and Slug Node are used together to develop a slug merge. ConveyorLibrary.spfx On the slug conveyor you can specify the size of the slug. Slug node controls when the next slug is to be released. As soon as last entity in slug crosses the slug node it will send a signal to merge controller to release the next slug. Ending node of the slug conveyor has to be a slug node. Conveyors before and after slug conveyor are regular conveyors. These objects have not be extensively tested. These can be used to develop other conveyor related objects.
  24. Hi! I have been using SIMIO for quite some time now, but I have barely come across this need. I need to record the time spent per entity at any given path/server in the simulation, rather than obtaining the average time for all entities at the end of the simulation. Take the image below as an example. I need to record the time spent in the link (TimeOnLink) per entity generated. The path corresponds to that connecting the source to servers 2-7. Then, I need to record the time spent per entity on servers 2-7 (TimeInStation). I can display the unique ID number for each entity by Entity.ID, now I need to match the statistics. I figure the best way to model is trough ExcelWrite, but I can't manage to make it work. Any hints? The plan is to get the following information per entity, rather than a summary of all entities.
  25. Hi @jzhou, how would this work if I want to refer to the MemberOutput Node of a separator in an expression? I get lost at the following expression: Entity.Location.Parent.Node.AssociatedObject.Separator.Output.[what comes next?]
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