Increasing Customer Satisfaction At Antalya Airport
University of Pittsburgh

Management at the Antalya Airport in Turkey wanted to improve customer satisfaction in the International Terminal II. The current set-up causes customers to experience delays in arrivals and departures. Management debated whether increase the capacity of the Terminal II by adding new gates or adding a new runway.
Students at the University of Pittsburgh were asked to use Simio to help with this decision. Students simulated adding new gates to the terminal and adding a new runway to the airport. The managers of the airport provided the students with average times for each part of the process: from landing to arriving at a gate, unloading luggage, passenger unloading, and cleaning the aircraft before reloading.

The students created various scenarios. The simulation showed that adding a runway improved times OR adding four extra gates improved times, NOT both. The students created a model that allows future use for airport management to assess additional changes for any part of the airport depending on future needs.
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