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Found 19 results

  1. I am trying to make a routing decision based on the Candidate node's routerequestqueue's summation of the entities user-defined property. If there are different types of entities with ex. different priority levels. I would like the routing process to choose the transfernode which has the smallest total sum of it's entities priority level. the transfernode that needs to be chosen also has a routing group attached to its entity destination type rule where its final machine has 0 buffer and due to a blocked destination rule, there will be a queue build up at the transfernode that needs to be chosen. I have thought about using a state variable for each node and using add-on process each time a unit enters and leaves a node but because the main model has many multiple nodes the node's entity priority sum has to be able to be accessed through the candidate.transfernode._________________. For example during the routing step in the process section, I have candidate.transfernode.destinationroutinggroupname.routerequestqueue which gives me the node's number of units waiting, but i need to be able to access the candidate nodes summed queued property. Is there either a way to directly access this information, have looked at the expressions and having a hard time finding something. failed attempt: candidate.transfernode.destinationroutinggroupname.routerequestqueue.population.defaultentity.priority.summation or is there a way to use the add-on process where i am adding/subtracting the priority levels, but somehow attach it to the candidate.transfernode's property Hopefully this makes sense. If you look at the file, please ignore the upper half and focus on the transfer nodes maintransfer, transfernode1 and transfernode1_1. maintransfer has an entered add-onprocess which is the subject of this question. the route process and it's selection expression is what I'm trying to adjust but find a way to express the candidate transfernodes of transfernode1 and transfernode1_1 (which are part of the XferRouting group). I'd like to choose and compare the total summed priority level of each node's queue. Simple_Routing.spfx
  2. Heya, I am experiencing some difficulties, with something that I would like to model. In short I would like to model the following: One road going from A to B by using a source and a Sink. Only trucks (entities) will be on this road, and they will be able to notice which truck is the most nearby. The truck is looking for another nearby ruck to group up with, and will try to form a couple, "Truck Platooning". Until one of them decides to make a turn to a different destination (passes a node, and decides to move to a different sink). During this time the following truck will safe fuel and thus costs. At the moment I am quite stuck with the following. I would like to make use of the find step and vectors. But there are not that many examples around on how to properly use them. I would like to let the entities update their location.x every second in the vector. Meanwhile the entities will use the findstep to find the nearest entitiy, and select this entity to 'catch-up' with. How do I make a list of these entities, and keep updating their location?
  3. I want to simulate a touring group utilizing 2 different buses to the same destiny, concurrently there are multi-types of model entities with a unique percentage distribution; "Adult, Teen and Senior", passengers. Finally, at arrival, both groups unloaded from their buses at the same time. My Question is: How I can to batch each group in a separate assembling area, so then they would follow a different group routing? I studied the "Combiner Node" example in the SimBit, can I do it without parent priority logic?
  4. Based on your description, you could add a new State variable to the ModelEntity. This state could then be used to group into their separate buses. See the SimBit named 'LogicBasedOnEntityState' for more information on adding a state variable to the entity. I'm not sure the entities need to be batched, but could be sent in different directions based on their new state variable (BusNumber, as an example, assigned to 1 or 2). If they go on a completely different 'routing', the ModelEntity.BusNumber could then be used in a Decide step within a process that would assign a sequence table to each - using a SetRow step. See the 'ChooseAlternateSequence' SimBit for an example of using the SetRow step.
  5. Hello Simio team. My group and I are currently working on solutions reguarding queue related issues. We are working on a case where we can implement a loop system similar to the Sim Bit called "Add and remove server capacity", altough we would like relate the opening and closing of capacity based on the maximum queue time (5 minutes = Open another server) and (3 minutes = Closer a server) in the TransferRode instead of the numbers entities in the TransferNodes. We have tried to follow the pdf step by step in the Sim Bit, but we have not been able to get it to work. I hope you guys can help us resolve this issue. -Mlars11 Pharmacy.spfx
  6. I build my simulation model with some troubles, some adittional help would be nice! I am having problems with tables. I want to do a arrival table ( as has been said) but fails to get the results. Since I have two entities I build a two node lists for two rounting groups ( for each entity) and in the table with I specifiy each entity interarrival time ( for excercise pourpuce) with which rounting group goes to.... I mean If I set a table with arrival times I don't get statistic results like ultilization and so on... and do I have to set an outputsource any more specific ( If I did this in tables already?) How can I get table with interarrival time and rounting group? Do I have to bind this to? So to be more clear: how to set tables in arrivals or interarrival time for ( each) entity coming in one source and in which rounting group each entity goes to? thank you in advance! beautysalon - Kopija.spfx
  7. That sounds like you are doing a deterministic simulation. Depending on the form of your data you would need probably a single data file with columns something like: EntityType (you only need this if you have different types of entities) ArrivalTime - an exact time , either elapsed hours starting at 0 or an exact date-time MyServer (or Server Group) - Ideally this would be in the input node for the server (.e.g. Input@Server1) but if you have other forms you can make that work as well. ProcessingTime - a time (with units specified) --On the Source you would use Arrival Mode of Arrival Table, and specify Arrival Time Property as "MyTable.ArrivalTime". --If you have MyServer in the form of an input node, then in the output node of the source you would specify Specific Destination of "MyTable.MyServer". If you have it in another format, you might instead use selection weight on each path (e.g. if you just had an integer server number you might use "MyTable.MyServer==1" on the first path selection weight) --On the servers, set the Processing Time as "MyTable.ProcessingTime" That is the basics of how you might approach this problem. But I do have to question why you are doing a deterministic simulation. While deterministic analysis is useful for scheduling and validation, that approach is rarely appropriate in typical design models. You might reconsider if that approach is correct.
  8. If you mean that an entity should not advance to the next location unless it is available: Try using Node Lists when routing entities to the next location. Lists automatically block the entity from moving forward if the destination server is not available. 1. Create a node list in Definitions>Lists 2. Set the input and output buffers to 0 on your servers 3. On the output nodes, set Entity destination type to "Select From List" and choose the node list. If you mean you have a group entities that are processing at different servers and none in that group can advance until all are processed: Use a Wait step and event. After each entity finishes, trigger the wait step to wait for an event. After the last entity finishes, fire the Event. You will probably also use a Decide step to separate the non-last entities (wait for event) from the last entity (fire event).
  9. Hello, I am modeling a container terminal. I have different servers which model my container storage yard. I have two different Model Entities, "ImportContainers" and "ExportContainers". I created an Add-On Process on Entering the OutputNode of the storage servers. In this process, the destination node is defined ("SetNode"-step) based on the type of Entity and a transporter ride is initiated ("Ride"-step). It works. Now I want to change the destination to a group of servers (which represent a group of truck loading stations). So I grouped the InputNodes of these servers into a NodeList. But in the Add-On Process I can't set the NodeList as a Destination in the "SetNode"-Step. I need this, because I want to set different NodeList's as a destination for my "ImportContainers" and "ExportContainers" respectively. My questions are: 1. How can I set a NodeList as a destination in an Add-On Process? 2. When using NodeList's as destination, how can I be sure that only servers are choosen randomly from that list which are not full? Thanks!
  10. Let me start by saying I have not used Simio in a few years, so any help is appreciated. I'm trying to model a busing operation with three stations and three buses. Each station will start with 1 bus. Passengers will arrive at station A, B, or C. Passengers at A might be going to B or C, and those going to C could ride the bus to B and stay on until the bus approaches C. It is also possible the bus could take a full load of passengers straight from A to C. There are 6 total routes possible: A-B, A-C, B-A, B-C, C-A, C-B. How can I set up my vehicle routing in a way that allows passengers to ride 1 or 2 segments to get to their final destination? (If someone needs to go from A to C, they could either ride from A->C or from A->B->C.) If a group of passengers bound for stations B and C arrive at station B, how do I make sure passengers bound for station C stay on the bus? I'm trying to use rate tables for my arrival data. Do I need to use 6 different rate tables and 6 different entities? One for each path? Thank you for your help!
  11. Dear all, I have a question about modelling arrivals. Entities have to arrive in groups of 5. These 5 entities can be of different entity types. Now in my model, each time an entity "group" of 5 entities arrives, they are all from the same entity type. This is probably because first is decided which type the group will be, and then the 5 entities are created. Each time these 5 entities arrive, there is a Table Reference Assignment referring to the "productmix", from where is decided which entity types will be created. All the entities in the arrival have to be as the percentage in the producttable. So more types per arrival group can arrive. Does somebody know how to model this? Thanks. My model is included as an attachment. Entity_Arrival_Problem.spfx
  12. Hi, I would like to model the following. Having information stored in every entity instance containing the information to a set of tasks that can be performed to that entity and, whether they have been performed. I have created a model. There is a set of entities that will enter the model. This is stores in a table (allEntities). Some tasks can be done to entities. This is in another table (allTasks). Every single entity will have several tasks associated among all possible tasks. This is in a third table (infoEntities). When an entity enters the model, I would like each of them to have that information and, as those tasks are done, keep some record that they have been done. I have created a repeat group property within the ModelEntity object to grasp info from infoEntities table and the make use of it. But I have not been able to make it work. Could you provide me with some hints to progress? A model and a document with images is attached. Many thanks. description.pdf model.spfx
  13. Haha, well, I figured out the problem at about the same time you made your post. It turns out that one of my group members moved the last server in the process before the sink from being the very last server to the first server. When he did that, he didn't change the entity routing logic in the transfer nodes of either server, so the entities ended up doing one big loop. Once we corrected the routing logic, everything seems to be flowing smoothly. Anyway, thanks for your response gocken.
  14. Hi, I have implemeted a SimBit Leveled Arrivals, when I have entities arriving in a certain order. I also have additional features defined in the data table, which contains the order of entities (numeric definitions). I would like to have statistics on each entity of this table. I tried to introduce an integer column, and modify it as a reference property within State Assignments group, but I failed. To make it easy. In the datatable I have a certain material of certain amount. Depending on these numbers, I would like to count, how many products I will receive from each material. Is it possible to have this within this very single table?
  15. Hi! I want to model the loading of containers at a terminal. On each terminal there is a queue with containers. Each container has different properties, like the size in TEU (is equal to 1 or 2) and their destination. I want to batch a vehicle (parent entity) to a group of containers (member entities). When the capacity of the vehicle is for instance 10 TEUs, you have to batch an amount of containers to that vehicle. The problem is that I cannot express the Batch Quantity in containers, but only in TEUs. Per container the size in TEUs is known and the containers (member entities) must all have the same destination. What should be the expression for the Batch Quantity? It is the most optimal when the vehicle with a capacity of 10 TEUs will be loaded fully. So, when the first number of containers in the list that will be loaded on the vehicle has a common size of 9 TEUs, the last spot can only be occupied by a 1 TEU container. When the first container waiting is 2 TEUs, this one must wait, but the first 1 TEU container waiting in the queue can be taken by the vehicle. How to model this? Does someone has an idea to model this problem? Thanks!
  16. I am modeling a Flexible Manufacturing System (attached), where different parts are produced by different machines. I have many different entities (about 40 part types) that follow each one a different process sequence. Each part type pass through around 10~15 process. My problem was due, for each process, a entity could be processed by different machines. For instance, the part type A has the following sequence: M1 OR M2 ->> M3 OR M4 and so on. In order to solve that, I used a sequence table with a sequence of nodes. Then, in each node, I put a listnode with the possible candidates for the next step, as suggested by David Sturrock in the Facebook group. It worked very well. My problem now is that, when the vehicle pick the entity and follow to the next transfernode (to make a decision), this vehicle has to wait another one to pick up the entity and take it to the next machine, i. e., the vehicle which take the entity till the transfernode cannot take it to the machine. I really would appreciate if u could help me. Best Regards, Breno Souza Federal University of São Carlos FMS v0.0.1.0.spfx
  17. Attached is V5 of the Crane Library. This version was developed in Simio 6.97. The new features in this version are: - Cranes now have a home node and an initial node. This enables the crane to be positioned at a different location at the start of the simulation run than the location where it resides when the crane is idle. - Cranes now have a home bridge that is different from the associated bridge. The associated bridge is used with the crane is initialized. The home bridge is the bridge where the crane resides when the crane is idle. - The Math.EPSILON delay is no longer needed for the first entity arrival. - Additional bay symbol. By default, the bay uses a symbol that is opaque (grey). If symbol index 1 is used (e.g. Current Symbol Index = 1 on the bay), the bay is transparent. The transparent bay is helpful if you wish to see schematics placed on the floor of the model. Additional, the following Simio V6 features has enhance our ability to model cranes. - You are able to turn off the Entity Instances at runtime. This is an option under the “Visibility” tab. With this option turned-off, the entity instances (including transporters) used to configure the model during design time, will not be shown when the model is run. - Entities now have a property for “Dynamic Label Text” under the “Animation” property group. This property enables a string expression to be added to any entity that will be shown during runtime. In the example, we are showing the current entity riding on the crane. The expression is “Math.If (Crane.RideStation.Contents.NumberWaiting > 0, Crane.RideStation.Contents.LastItem.ModelEntity.Name, "Nothing")” Note the following file is obsolete and has been updated in later posts below. (7/24/14)
  18. My name is Breno Souza and I have already done some questions on Simio User Facebook group about my model. I am working in the Automation Strategies Laboratory of the Computing Department of Federal University of São Carlos. As computer engineering students, we have to model more complex models in order to validate our researchs, using some dispatching rules for Automated Guided Vehicles using Genetic Algorithms, and we also use complex algorithm systems to the production scheduling using some ERPs integrated with the simulation model. The suggested solution, by Mr. Sturrock, on the Facebook group, using decision nodes for each part type in each process production, means limiting our model, decreasing the flexibility of our factory and our programming possibilities, since that we cannot specify complex rules both for dispatching and routing. We are mainly concerned about specifying manufacturing production sequences using programming, due our complex and several routing rules. We would like to know if is possible to control the simulation, mainly specifying routings, using some programme language. We have used Automod some years ago, and it was possible to specify alternative routings and some control logics using C++ programming. Is that possible in SIMIO? Are there examples on that? How can we integrate our model with some ERP or SCADA system? Would be possible doing that using some factory floor protocol, such as OPC? My past doubts (posted on Simio Users Facebook group) are attached. Yours faithfully, Breno de Oliveira Souza Computer Engineering Undergraduate Student Researcher at Automation Strategies Laboratory Federal University of São Carlos ---------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, I'm a new SIMIO user and I have a problem on my model. Let me give a brief explanation about my model. I am modeling a Flexible Manufacturing System, where different parts are produced by different machines. I have many different entities (parttypes) that follow each one a different process sequence. Each part type pass through about 10 process. I have already seen examples where the sequence is modeled by using the sequence tables. However, my problem is due, for each process, a entity could be processed by different machines. For example, the part type A has the following sequence: M1 OR M2 -> M3 OR M4 -> M5 OR M6 OR M7 and so on.. I'd like to know how I can put this "OR" im my model... I don't think I can use the sequence tables, since that I am not able to use expressions on that. I really would appreciate if u could help me. If I wasnt understandable, pls let me know. Thank you very much for your attention. -------------------------------------------------------------
  19. As you have discovered (and I discussed in my post above), running an experiment puts Simio in its fastest run mode possible. And in this mode it will automatically distribute the replications and scenarios across all of your processors/cores. This alone can provide dramatic speedups. If you have Team Edition, you can actually extend that to use spare processing power in your work group. So if you have 4 quad-processor machines available on your local network, you can run up to 16 simultaneous replications or scenarios. In terms of modeling, the most dramatic improvement you could make is to build your model at a lower level. The model you described is simple to model entirely in a single process with steps: (begin) - Seize - Delay - Release - Tally - (end) with the process triggered by a Timer element and using TallyStatistics elements for any token-related statistics like Time In System. You would not even need to create any entities, it could all be done using tokens which are smaller and faster. The process approach should be many times faster.
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