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  1. Perhaps I am missing something, but I don't recall Simio ever being able to work as you described. We generally recommend making the server capacity Infinite, so it becomes irrelevant, then relying on a secondary resource to be the constraint. I think this approach will work fine for the case you describe.
  2. I had once constructed a model where four servers shared a single resource pool. I had done that by setting their capacities to 0 and forcing them rely on the secondary resources seized from that pool. However, I am seeing that the current version of Simio does not allow that. If the server capacities are set to zero, they don't work at all. In other words, that shared pool can only be used as the source of their secondary resources. My question is, is there another method of forcing the servers seize their primary resources from a shared pool, like in the model of a fast-food establishment where just one employee accepts orders but also prepares fries and drinks and then the same employee delivers the completed orders?
  3. Hi everyone, I am working on a model for a project and I need to make so for each server, only one worker will be assigned and work at that server for the workers entire shift. I have uploaded a simplified version of my model. The workers schedules are already in the model. For example: On day 1, worker 1 works all day so they should go to either room1 or room2 (servers) and then only go to that server for the rest of the day. Worker 2 works only in the morning and should take which room/server is not taken by worker 1. Once worker 2's shift is over, worker 3 should come in and take the room that worker 2 left. After the day is over, the room assignment should reset for the next day. Is there a way to do this in Simio? Thanks in advance for any help! WorkerServerModel.spfx
  4. Hello everyone, I am working on a project for class and am having difficulties assigning workers to specific servers depending on what day it is within the simulation. I have 18 workers and 16 servers. Each worker has their own 25 day schedule. On a given day, there is between 5 and 8 workers on shift and each worker needs to be assigned to 2 specific servers and no other worker should go to those servers on that day. However, due to the different schedules, a given worker will not always be assigned the same rooms they were assigned the previous day. Is it possible to assign each worker a specific server by day? Or is there another way that this might be possible? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  5. I have a project where I want to model aircraft moving around an area of a fake map. The only map options I've seen in simio are the ArcGIS World View and Street map under View -> Map View. I uploaded a picture as a symbol and set it as a layer, but when I do that certain areas of the map work and others don't. It's like the map area is 'too busy' and it automatically declutters, which in this case hides aircraft moving in certain areas of the map. I tried to zoom in on areas and the map works as advertised, but for demonstration purposes, I need to have all traffic on the map appear at all times (as if I had a map selected under map view). This wouldn't be a problem if I could set an image as a "background color." Any suggestions?
  6. Hi all! I am simulating a facility with nearly 40 servers, each one starting with some entities in the input node at initialization and having a different capacity. Each server has a 0 input buffer capacity. My entity creation is currently set to having an interarrival time to be 4.33 weeks (1 month) with a random number of entities created. Currently, it runs 24/7 and does not care about the time, but I want to incorporate that. How can I make it so that the entities arrive once a month, let's say the first Monday, at 8am? How can I make it so the servers are only processing between 8am and 4pm Monday - Friday? The work schedule doesn't seem to work for me, but I could be doing it wrong, since I have a 0 input buffer, which I can't change as it's part of my routing logic for overflow. I would be happy with using timers or a process logic if someone can explain it to me. Ideally, the entities only arrive when it's during the working time, and the entities remaining after 4pm are just put on hold until 8am the next day. Thanks in advance!
  7. Thank you for the quick and detailed response! I see the error I was making with work schedule and have tested it on one server, it seems to work as intended. Since each of my servers have a different capacity, would I need to create a unique work week and unique day type for them all? Or is there a quicker work around? The manual inputs for the date time are a great work around, I'm only modeling for a few years so I don't mind inputting a few dates. What I mean by there being no buffers is that no server can have a queue. I used a list for selecting the destination on the output node of each source (total of 8 ) where it's a hierarchy. It can go to a select number of servers and if all of them are full it goes to a dummy server of infinite capacity that exits the items to an overflow sink.
  8. Hello everyone, I am trying to add a new property for a Server object, which would be a string. For instance, the property needs to be something like "Type of Patient" (that each server can attend). I created a property within the Server's subclass, but it does not work. ¿How can I define a new property for a certain object? Thanks in advance, Marcel Favereau
  9. Yes, and it did not work for me. The object-reference (server) property created (and named as "exampleVariable") does not appear in the property window of server objects.
  10. Hi, thank you for developing this add-inn. I can't get it to work though. Do you know if it is still compatible to latest Simio version?
  11. Hi, there is a simple approach you can use. Use Connectors between the queue server and the desks. At Buffer Logic of the Desks, change the Input Buffer Capacity to 0. Create a List with the Input nodes of the seven Desks. On the Output of the queue server change Entity Destination Type to Select From List and the goal to Smallest Value. Keep the default expression. It should work fine.
  12. Ok, I think that I sort it out. I am not very confident of what I do but I think that it works now: I changed the Vehivle "Routing Logic". Idle action: Go to home AND I changed for every server, secondary resources: Earlier it did not work because the vehicle was stuck at the sink waiting for an entity to be available at the source. The idle action for the vehicle was to "Park at home"..
  13. Hello everybody, I'm trying to make this work but I cant Type/Conteiner BinBig BinMed BinSmall Product1 1 1 - Product2 - 1 1 Product3 1 - 1 Product4 1 1 1 I want to make a node where these entities (Products and Bins) are convined in one batch, I try to use a process based in decitions and search.. the file is attached if you wanna take a look on it.. (the product have to be the parent) OptimoContenedores2.spfx
  14. Hello, I wouldn't use process for this one. There is a simple approach that you can use by modifying the SimBit "CombineMultipleEntityTypeOntoPallets". You'll need 3 ModelEntity Integer States to identify the quantity required of each Bin according to the Product. Let's say ModelEntity.Big, ModelEntity.Small and ModelEntity.Med. You can modify "Ops_Exited" step to assign those quantities. For the Producto1 for example, you'll have ModelEntity.Big == 1, ModelEntity.Med == 1 and ModelEntity.Small == 0. A little tip: you can use "Is.Producto1" (or "Is.Producto2", etc) on a decide step to identify which Producto is it. Now on the Combiner Object, follow the Simbit and change the BatchQuantity, to ModelEntity.Big, ModelEntity.Med and ModelEntity.Small. This should work.
  15. Hello, I'm working on an emergency department (ED) model where I'm using both nurses and doctors as resources. At the ED, there is a 4:1 Patient to Nurse ratio, meaning that on average, a nurse takes care of 4 patients at the same time. When I was thinking about how to implement this logic on Simio, I looked at this option on the Seize step under Advanced options (you can see it on the picture I attached). I set the Units per Object to 0.25 - because I thought that every time a patient seizes a nurse, it will take out 0.25 out of 1 unit of capacity, instead of taking the whole 1, allowing for 3 other patients to seize her before she is completely busy. However, this doesn't work, because I ran a model trace as I ran the model and the server is ignoring the seize because the "Units per object" is set to 0 (which is not, it's set to 0.25) - the exact model trace comment is: "Ignoring resource release of type Specific 'Nurse'. The required capacity units per object '0' is not a positive quantity.". Therefore, the model ignores the resource seize and processes the entity without the resource. Is this because this property field only works with integers? I thought of a work around by just multiplying my number of nurses by 4 to account for that, but that's not optimal. Would there be any other way of achieving this? Thank you very much for the help!
  16. I know it's been a while, but I just came across this question and I'm responding in case this can help someone else. Depending on the problem, modeling nurses as patient capacity might not work; for example, if you need to limit both a nurse's active utilization and the nurse's patient load. Two general approaches exist: Easier: Create two different resources, rename one 'NursesActive' and the other 'NursesPassive.' Set the latter to have n times the capacity of the former, where n is the patient ratio at n:1. Require simultaneous seizure of one of each type of resource when first assigning the patient, and release them separately, re-seizing the former as needed. Harder: Subclass the Resource object and create states to track the patients assigned and a property to define the patient ratio. This approach enables more fine-tuning as necessary.
  17. Thank you so much: I tried the same setup but it doesn't work like in your model. It could be another problem that I don't see. Kind regards
  18. Hi I've got a model where the situation is like this: 1. 3 Worker: W1 W2 W3 2. 3 Server: S1 S2 S3 On Monday (work schedule), W1 will work in S1 in the morning and work in S2 in the afternoon. W2 will work on S2 in the morning and S1 in the afternoon. But on Tuesday, W1 will work in S2 in the morning and S3 in the afternoon. W2 will work in S3 in the morning and S2 in the afternoon. The server properties in the secondary resource are "select from the node list." But since the node list for S1 and S2 contain both W1 and W2, and they both have the same hour of working (4+4), when the S1 server seized the resource on Tuesday morning, instead of W1, W2 got allocated instead( W2 should be in S3). I have tried: 1. Using server selection goal to " smallest distance," but it didn't work since the worker will keep swapping the room every day 2. Giving each worker a new initial value and setting the selection goal to "smallest value," but they still have the issue. 3. Try setting idle action for the worker to stay at the node, but sometimes the worker will go to the wrong destination from the first entity, hence no one working in the other room. (2 worker stay together) Is there any method to realize this idea? Thanks in advance
  19. I've hunted through the forums and online and cannot seem to find a fix for my simple application. I have 1 worker operating multiple work centers (Simio server). He should finish all work at one "server" before moving on to the next server. Otherwise, his utilization goes down substantially due to him bouncing back and forth between the servers and walking all day. I.e. Server A: Parts in Que: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Server B: Parts in Que 1,2,3,4,5,6 Worker is doing A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3, A4, B4, A5, B5, A6, B6 with a walking time inbetween each part. I want worker to do A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, walk, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 I would prefer not to use constraint logic due to the complexity. I've read that somehow the solution seems to lie in setting the Secondary Resources "Repeat Group" status to false and attempting to use the "keep reservation" function, however I have not had any luck. I set the "keep reservation if" function to "ServerA.InputBuffer.Contents.NumberWaiting > 0" which in theory should fix the problem, however my worker continues running back and forth. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jon
  20. Hi, One way to do this is put a Dynamic Selection Rule: Smallest Value First on the Worker, with the value expression of: Candidate.Entity.DirectDistanceTo.Object(Worker). This could work.
  21. hello :), I'm trying to make a model with three servers. Everyone uses different Workers type and have different operation time per entity (no problem in these points). The difficult part is the next, every work center (server) has a different setup and changeover, and both happens without the presence of the entity. I mean the setup of some servers starts when the entity is created, (before the arrival to that server), and after the operation the changeover has to be done, in both cases we need to use or assing a worker. How can I do that?
  22. This helped in some applications, especially use cases where multiple servers are in series and I need the operator to focus on the start or end of the process. Thanks! However, when servers are in parallel the operator tends to run back and forth between them. If I were to assign a higher priority to one line, the worker would focus on that line only. i.e. if he empties the que of parts in the input buffer of Server 1, he goes down to work on only 1 part at Server2 before going right back to Server1. Rather, I'd like for the operator to clear all parts in the que at Server1 before walking down to Server2 and vice-versa. I've tried doing this through process logic however I get stuck trying to evaluate which server the worker is supporting.
  23. Thank you for the quick answer! Yes I know the ABC Costing Calculation in Simio, but I forgot to add, that I want to divide the total transport costs among the individual components that are transported at the same time. I think it would work with the calculation: TransportCostRate / TransportQty * TransportTime , so I just have to track the transport quantity for example with MyVehicle.RideStation.Contents. And my small model is just a example. My goal is to set up a cost analysis tool with calculation of transport costs, bufffer costs, processing costs, ... for finished production models. And for example the buffer costs, i want to use more specific cost rates (footprint dependence for example, ...) The disadvantage of my custom way is that so far I can determine the costs only at certain points (for example pick up and drop off) in time and not "continuously" as it is now with the automatic calculation. Or do you know if there is a way to adjust these "custom" times so that they are also calculated continuously?
  24. Hi! Yes, there is a way. What you could do is use a String.Format expression. This way you can show multiple variables on the dynamic text. On your case something like: String.Format("{0}: {1} {2}{3}: {4}", "Material Costs", MyModelEntity.MaterialCosts, String.NewLine, "ProductionCosts", MyModelEntity.ProductionCosts) should work. As a plus, you could use a state to disable/enable these labels with a button and a process. Something like: Math.If(EnableTxT, String.Format("{0}: {1} {2}{3}: {4}", "State1", ModelEntity.State1, String.NewLine, "State2", ModelEntity.State2), "")
  25. Hi all, I am modeling a restaurant, where orders are placed until 22:00. The preparation of these orders takes approximately 20 minutes (it can be more or less due to the probability distributions involved). I have some workers whose schedules are from 10:00 to 22:30 and they prepare these orders. The problem is the following. Suppose that it's 22:30 and there are still some orders in the queue. Since the worker's schedule ends now, those orders can't be processed and will remain for the next day. This obviously does not happen in a real-life restaurant. So if at the end of the worker schedule (22:30) there are some orders in queue, I would like to extend the schedule until all orders are met. How can this be done? Thank you in advance, Marcel Favereau
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