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Found 5 results

  1. Within a Server, Combiner or Separator object, you can specify the Process Type as 'Task Sequence' allowing you then to define any number of Processing Tasks for that Server, Combiner or Separator. The processing tasks can be serial or parallel tasks. By using parallel tasks, for example, with a different worker (nurse, PA, Doctor) required for each parallel task, the tasks are done independently, but can be done at the same time. Parallel tasks can be specified using the same Sequence Number (see Task Sequence and Task Sequence - Processing Tasks sections of Simio help). So, for example, you can have the processing tasks within a Server all have a sequence number of 10 (meaning parallel). One of them requires a Nurse for X time units, another requires a PA for Y time units and the other a Doctor for Z time units). The patient doesn't leave the Server until all 3 tasks are completed. However, if the Nurse is available to do his/her task, they will start. Likewise for the others. And the workers can move on to other tasks at other Servers (patient areas) as well when they are done.
  2. You can do this in several different ways. If you simply have 2 entity types, an easy way to do it would be with a Math.If statement within the Processing Time property. For example, Math.If(Is.Red, 2, 4) - given you had 2+ entity types, the ones that have the entity name 'Red' would process for 2 minutes (or time units specified), all others would process for 4 minutes (time units). You can have multiple Math.If statements (Is.Red,2, Is.Green,4, Is.Blue, 5, 6), for example. Of course, you can use more complex values than 2, 4, 5 for processing times. A more flexible way would be to store the information within a table. That is, have a data table that includes the names of all the entity types in an Object Reference type (Entity) property. Then, within that column, set the Auto-set Table Row Reference property to 'True'. This way, when an entity of a given type is created, it has a reference to the row associated with its name automatically. Then, have another column of type expression (so you can specify a distribution, etc.) which includes the server processing times for each entity type. Then, within the Server, reference TableName.ServerProcessingTimeName as the processing time.
  3. You could use a vector to store the entity locations - you'd have to first give each entity a unique entry into the vector - thus the first entity into the system would use vector[1], etc.. This would only be a reasonable option if the number of entities (trucks) are fixed at a max reasonable number (10, 100, etc.) so the vector could be sized. Efficiency-wise, you may wish to update the entity locations at nodes, as opposed to every x seconds. If you update every x time units, you would need to first use the Search step to search the entities, getting a token for each entity. The vectors can be updated using the entity index into the vector (perhaps store as modelentity.priority if not using priority for any other reason). ModelEntity.Location.X can be used to access the entity location. There is a SimBit titled FindAMinimumState value which describes how to use the Find step with a vector variable. Another option would be to use an output table (depending on your Simio license version) to store/update information on the entity/location. If you have a base model that you have problems running and can share here, please do. Otherwise, send a base model to support@simio.com.
  4. A very basic solution is to use a simple add-on process to your server. Create an expression property (in the definitions tab) called something like “FixedResourceTime” and give it the appropriate time units. Then, on your server, create an add-on process for “Processing”. This add-on process will be a simple seize-delay-release, with the delay step using the “FixedResourceTime” property. Some considerations: what happens if the fixed time is greater than the processing time? Is this behavior on more than one server instance? If so, consider sub-classing the server to build the behavior internally and to allow for more general use. Also, advice on the forums will be much more helpful if you can include a model with the behavior, or at least describe the error in more detail -Adam
  5. Time varying arrival rates are random. Excerpt from Simio Help: Rate Tables The Rate Tables panel in the Data window allows the user to model situations where an arrival/event rate varies discretely over time. The number of fixed rate periods and the length of each rate period can be specified in the Rate table. The rate pattern automatically repeats during the running of the simulation. A Rate table is used by the Source object / Timer element to generate entities / events with a time-varying rate. Internally, a non-stationary Exponential distribution is used to calculate the rates. The rate units for the Poisson arrival process is Arrivals per Hour, regardless of the time units specified for the intervals of the rate table. In order to use a Rate Table with the standard Source object, set the Arrival Mode property in the Source to 'Time Varying Arrival Rate' and then select the appropriate Rate Table for the Rate Table property. The Source also includes a Rate Scale Factor property that can be used to easily modify the values within the table by a given factor instead of changing the values separately. For example, to increase the Rate Table values by 50%, simply specify the Rate Scale Factor within the Source to '1.5'.
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