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Found 2 results

  1. First of all, Hi! This is my first time posting after some months of stalking in the shadows of the forum and after what I've seen, I'm certain I'll find my answer here! I've been working with Simio for some time now, and there has been something bothering me for a while, if something in a binded file changes, so does in Simio after you import the table again, or (if you have it on automatic) restart the simulation. But what if mid-run you wanted to add some values to one of your tables after a change in the file was made but you can't allow yourself to restart again? (A bit of a dramatic case, I know!) I've already seen that you can re-import data mid-run, but the values Simio uses don't get updated instantaneously while running, it's like it adds them to the table but waits for the next run to use them! So, my question is, is there a way to make Simio take in those new values in the binded table without the need to restart the simulation? Thanks to everyone in advance!
  2. I have created a simio model with a big amount of conveyors and i would to change the desired speed of this conveyors while the simulation is running. Is it possible import data with the model is running and change the variable Desiredspeed associated the conveyors? Regards. Thanks you.
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