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Changing Elevator Capacity


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I have a model with an elevator (simple, just going back and forth between two floors) that has a capacity for 6 travelers under normal condition. However, if one of those travelers is a wheel chair, there is only room for two in the elevator, i.e. the wheelchair plus one other person. I went through the Elevator SimBit and also tried to change the elevator capacity with a variable that would be set by the traveler waiting for the elevator (changing it from 6 to 2 when it's a wheelchair) but have had no success so far (the elevator continues to operate at the capacity set by Initial Capacity). Has anyone ran by chance into a similar question and managed to be more successful than me?

Cheers, Pascal

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You probably want to add logic to the EvaluateTransportRequest add-on process. Each time an entity attempts to get on the elevator this would be called and you would simple reject the request if the effective capacity has been met.

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