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Found 2 results

  1. Hello! I need to block a specific server in my model, preventing this server from starting its the processing time. The conditions for this to happen are dictated by the following servers, according to a number. In this simplified model I made, if the entity went through the server M1, then this server will stay suspended until T4 finished its processing time. At the same time, M2 will have the same behavior. Following the above, the server just before M1 and M2, called Volvo, must not start its processing time if M1 and M2 are working or if either one is working while the other one has suspended its processing time due to T4 is working with the entity just went through. The thing is I already tried 2 approaches, the first one was through suspending the server called Volvo (Bloqueo volvo file), and resuming when T4 finished its processing time, but despites it is suspending Volvo's processing time, it doesn't resume it correctly. On the other hand, I tried using a waiting room that blocks the pass of entities trying to reach the Volvo server, but it works erratically (Bloqueo volvo cancha file). I would appreciate any suggestion or help of any kind. Thanks in advance. bloqueo volvo.spfx bloqueo volvo cancha.spfx
  2. Hello, I have the following situation, I have a source followed by 3 servers in parallel. These servers are then connected to a fourth server, which finally leads to the sink. The thing is I need that the 3 first servers must hold the entity (stay blocked) until the fourth server is free. Additionally, if one of the 3 servers in parallel has capacity available, this one must stay blocked until de fourth server finishes its process. I attached the model I made, and the main problem are the three servers in parallel which are staying blocked after the first entity pass through. Thanks in advance block.spfx
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