This paper presents the design and analysis of a lean production system for a new biomedical technologyproduct that has the potential to accelerate the screening process for cancer treatments. To navigate theunique constraints of the product’s manufacturing process, including the use of time-sensitive biomaterialand several steps with long processing times, simulation is utilized to analyze and compare multiple systemdesigns and production scenarios. The final design includes a robust production schedule, a modularfacility layout, and lean production control tools for daily facility operation. All of the proposed designsare compliant with regulations governing the correct handling of human tissue and other biomaterials, andguidelines from the regulatory bodies were explicitly incorporated in key decisions throughout the designand simulation modeling process.
Cancer screening, early detection, and personalized medicine are at the forefront of cancer research. According to the World Health Organization (2018), approximately 1 in 6 deaths globally were due to cancer. Furthermore, leukemia is one of the most common forms of childhood cancer. The American Cancer Society (2020) estimates there will be approximately 60,500 new cases of leukemia diagnosed in 2020 with an estimated 23,100 deaths from leukemia. To diagnose and treat cancers such as leukemia, more effective screening and treatment methods are needed
To address this need, researchers have developed a promising product and procedures that can be used for screening for leukemia and the development of personalized medical treatments for leukemia (Li et al. 2018; Li et al. 2019). Sanatela, a medical solutions company, has developed a product called Matrix. The Matrix is a gauze-like, natural 3D biological tissue that is made from Wharton’s Jelly, a material in human umbilical cords (Sanatela 2020). At the start of our work, the Matrix was being produced in a research lab setting, and the company wanted to design an efficient manufacturing facility to produce the product
In this paper, we describe how simulation is utilized to design a biomedical manufacturing system for the Matrix product that takes into account biomedical environmental, production, and product tracking regulations as well as production process times that are highly variable. Due to the unique process constraints for the product, and in order to capitalize on the opportunity to create a Lean process from day one of manufacturing operations, simulation was utilized in order to analyze a multitude of configurations prior to selecting the best design. This paper will outline how simulation aided essential manufacturing process design decisions such as facility layout, material flow, employee utilization and regulation compliance
Related Work
As standards have continued to rise for quality, competitive pricing, and just-in-time delivery for products across every industry, new applications of simulation as a tool for identifying improvement opportunities have been increasingly explored in literature. The concept of a “digital factory,” a simulation model that reflects the planned or actual details of a production system to aid decision-makers in understanding and optimizing their operations, has been used to improve many types of processes (Kuhn 2006)
Applications of “digital factories” within the biopharmaceutical field have been particularly useful, since the manufacturing of biomedical products involves many sources of variability and complex constraints that would be difficult to capture without the use of simulation modeling. Wang et al. (2019) developed a stochastic simulation model to analyze risk throughout a biomanufacturing process; this model can be used in identifying the aspects of the process which pose the greatest threats to throughput and quality and in proposing changes to increasing the stability of the process. Simulation can be used to inform biopharmaceutical production planning and increase robustness to uncertainty, as demonstrated by the mathematical programming approach of Lakhdar and Papageorgiou (2008). In addition to internal sources of variation (eg. fluctuating yield in chemical processes), biomanufacturing processes are affected by external constraints and sources of variability, such as changing government regulations and compliance standards; simulation has been used to model the impact of these compliance requirements on biomedical processes (Leachman et al. 2008; Lim et al. 2004). Other applications of simulation modeling in biomanufacturing include identifying potential issues in facility fit and capacity planning (Stonier et al. 2012) and modeling bottlenecks and support functions to determine the best strategy for process improvement (Kulkarni 2015). The aforementioned applications primarily simulate each production process at a relatively high level and focus on changes to production planning to mitigate uncertainty; some researchers have also taken a more micro approach and used simulation to identify improvements by examining the impact of changes in the details of various material choices and stoichiometric interactions throughout the process (Chhatre et al. 2007)
Biopharmaceutical manufacturers are increasingly interested in implementing Lean principles, such as continuous flow, to gain the dramatic improvements in waste reduction that have been seen in other industries. Another approach that has been used to reduce waste is value stream mapping. Nepal et al. (2011) utilized value stream mapping to identify waste in a current and updated manufacturing process. Value stream mapping allowed redundancies and production delay issues to be identified, reducing the overall production time from 17 to 4.5 days (Nepal et al. 2011). This presents another opportunity for the application of simulation; several simulation tools have been developed to optimize throughput in continuous flow-style biomanufacturing facilities (Stonier et al. 2009; Garcia and Vandiver 2016)
In this work, we combine lean manufacturing principles and simulation in the design of a biomanu- facturing facility
Biomaterial Processing and Regulations
A high-level overview of the processes used to produce the Matrix product are shown in Figure 1. The process starts with with umbilical cords that are received for use in the product. The umbilical cords are dissected to remove a substance referred to as Wharton’s Jelly. The Wharton’s Jelly then goes through process of sterilization, decellularization, homogenization, and lyophilization. After inspection, the Matrix product is cut and packaged. (See Sanatela 2020 for more detailed information about the process.)
In addition to the processes and procedures, applicable U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations as well as American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for the production of human cell and tissue-based products have been taken into consideration. In particular, the FDA regulation applicable for this product is “Title 21 Part 1271 Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products”. Part 1271 contains Subparts A-F; however, this product only requires compliance with Subparts C – Donor Eligibility and D – Current Good Tissue
Figure 1: Production process overview
CFR | Category | Implementation |
§ 1271.170 | Personnel | 2-5 technicians |
§ 1271.190 | Facilities | Lab layout, zones |
§ 1271.195 | Environment Control and Monitoring | Process schedule |
§ 1271.200 | Equipment | Equipment specifications, process schedule |
§ 1271.220 | Processing and Process Controls | Process schedule, batching |
§ 1271.250 | Labeling Controls | Visual control, process control cards |
§ 1271.290 | Tracking | Process control cards |