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Rotary filler head object: Can be used in liquid/powder filling operations


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Rotary filler head object that represents animation of bottles rotating around a cylinder as they get filled. You can use a regular server if animation is not required.


This object lets you define the number of filling heads, direction of rotation and rate (Bottles Per Minute), pitch of fillers heads (in degrees) and ReleaseType (Release type represents where the bottle will be released at 180 Degree from the start point or 270 degree). As seen in the picture above, Arrow represents the starting point. 


Users can also specify if they need fine control over the rotation of the filler heads. If fine control is set to True filler head will pitch by 1 degree. This provides smoother animation.Users will have to make sure the pitch is set correctly in relation to the release type if Fine Movements are set to False. With FineMovements set to False filler heads movement is equal to pitch defined.


Users can also specify failure rate in similar way to server or other standard Simio objects.

This object has not been extensively tested and it can be further customized to requirements.


IndexingPlate - V4.spfx

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