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About lberger


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  1. Hi, I have model with multiple vehicles and servers in parallel. I made a process for my vehicles to wait for all the entities they carry to process before exiting. Now I would like to create a process for my vehicles to choose a server that is free (or has less number of entity processing). I have already tried to do so by selecting on the previous output node the entity destination to NodeList, and then Smallest value --> Candidate.Node.AssociatedStationLoad, but then my vehicle make a U-turn instead of dropping all entities at the same server. For my vehicle process I tried to put first a Search step : Collection type : NodeList Search Type : foward SearchCandidate.Server.Capacity.Allocated==0 Save Index found : not sure what to use ? Then I would like to set the next destination node of my vehicle to the one found by the search step, but I havn't found how to do it. Can someone be of any help ? Thanks in advance !
  2. Hello Simio-Community, I'm trying to make a process to reserve a vehicule at a server until all the entities he was carrying are ready. I used this proces that works good except if I want my vehicles to follow a time path between source/server/sink/source. Do you have an idea of how I could change the process model to make my vehicles follow a timepath and still keep being reserved by my server ? Thank you in advance, ReserveVehicleWithMuliCapacity.spfx
  3. Thank you, I'm going to look for these two Sample SimBit Solutions
  4. Hello Simio-Community, I want to simulate a vegetable garden with a source, with a maximum number of vegetables (maximum arrivals in Simio). People can take as much vegetables as they want in the garden until it is empty. Once one vegetable has been gathered it takes a few weeks to grow again. Do you have an idea of how I can handle this ? I'm quite new in Simio. Thank you in advance,
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