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Task Sequence Conditional Condition


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I have an instance in which I am using task sequences and I need to turn "auto cancel trigger" to none.  There is a task that is dependent on whether or not the previous task actually occurred so I was going to add a conditional statement to the table.  How can I go about writing an expression to check whether the previous task (also a predecessor) actually got executed or cancelled?  Is there a nested expression I can take advantage of?  

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So lets say task B is dependent on Task A,  hence Task A has sequence value 10 and Task B has sequence value 20 (Task A preceeds TaskB). Task A branch type should be conditional and for the condition formula should be written in to the "condition or probability" fieldç
For Task B enter the processing time and other data as usual. If the auto-cancel trigger is set to "All immediate predecessors cancelled" (as it is by default), Task B will be cancelled if the condition for Task A didnt return true value.
Hope this helps

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