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Table Reference in Experiement/Warm-up Period


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I have been utilizing SIMIO for a couple of months, but I am still relatively new to some of the features and I recently encountered a difficulty that leads me to the following question. Is it possible to include an entire table in the model as a reference property in an experiment? I have a Table that controls the capacity of all servers at specific intervals within the simulation time, but I would like to include a warm up period in my simulation. The only manner I encountered to make this possible is through an experiment. The attached picture shows the Table, but there are too many parameters to reference them individually.

If not possible, or perhaps an easier solution, is there a manner to include a warm up period in the simulation without having to perform an experiment?

I would only like to take the model into a steady state prior to collecting statistics, but a need does not necessarily exist for me to perform an experiment.



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It is possible to reference a column in a expression property ( e.g.: Table1[1].Separator1 )

But I suggest:

  1. Working with Work Schedules on your Data tab
  2. Or rearrange your table to include a Object Instance Property column containing all your servers, following by Integer Property column with its capacities. This should make the referecing easier.
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