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How devide the queues for servers with different entity types and selection rules


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We want to assign the entities to different servers. The first server has FIFO selection system, and the second has FIFO with entity type OTC as the first priority, and the third server has FIFO. Furthermore, the servers open and close sometimes, but the entities keep transfering to the closed server. How can we divide them after the described rules? We have tried to get the output node to select from a list of nodes with the input of the different servers, but then the entities always choose server1.


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Do entities choose the server randomly?

In this case you could set the Outbound Link Rule to By Link Weight.



Then set the connectors weight to its respective cashier current capacity. So when the cashier's capacity equals zero, the entity has a 0% chance of choosing that cashier.



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We try to simulate that every entity,  gets a place in the que for either OTC or Prescription and a place in a mixed que. The customers is then called to the cashier when they either is first in que of mixed (cashier1) or first in OTC-que (cashier1) or if the third cashier is open, first in the mixed que. 

We have tried to combine your aswer with the ranking rules in the server, but it doesn't seem to work since our cashiers (determined by: capacitylogic) doesn't close when no one is waiting over one minute. Is it a wrong way to combine it to get the system as described above?

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