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Project relating to queue


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Hello Simio team.

My group and I are currently working on solutions reguarding queue related issues.

We are working on a case where we can implement a loop system similar to the Sim Bit called "Add and remove server capacity", altough we would like relate the opening and closing of capacity based on the maximum queue time (5 minutes = Open another server) and (3 minutes = Closer a server) in the TransferRode instead of the numbers entities in the TransferNodes.

We have tried to follow the pdf step by step in the Sim Bit, but we have not been able to get it to work.

I hope you guys can help us resolve this issue.



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As far as I understand I included my solution approach. You may wonder that the included logic does not seem work (it will always increases the capacity but wont decrease it). This may be due to your servers processing time or on/off shift schedules. I mean that in order to see how it works you should increase capacity by some predeterimed number (i.e., 10. Currently it is set to 1) and decrease it one each time any entity enters or departs waitingarea1 node. you may also increase run time to further see what happens. I hope this one meets your requirements. Still it will inspire you.

NOTE: You should note that the unit time conversions and your problems' values. The logic triggers capacity increments or decrements each time an entity enters or departs from waitingarea1. Note also that waiting times are calculated as averages of those who wait at waitingarea1 transfer node throughout the simulation run.

pharmacy_candidate solution.spfx

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Thank you Gocken for your solution.

Although it almost looks like what we're trying to achieve, the starting point of the 90 minute simulation is two servers (counters) open and when the average queue exceeds 5 minutes another one is opened and once the average queue gets below 2 minutes one of them will close, so a minimum capacity of 2 servers.

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