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Workstation using resources when failed


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Hi Kevin,

I prefer to use Servers instead of Workstations. You can try this approach. During the failed event of the Server, I search the Resource Owners of the server. Then search the Seized Resources of that Resource owner (the entity), then I decide if the worker is seized. If so, then release it. If I need another worker or resource available when the server is repaired then on the repaired event, I search for the Resource owner of the server again, the entity, and have that entity seize the resource/worker. If it is a worker and I want to move that worker to the server's input node and there is more than one server that fails and repairs, then I use the Input arguments of that process, create a state variable for the server instance. I can then tell the seize step to use the node, ServerStateVariableName.Server.Input.

I hope this approach gives you some insights as to how to model your system.


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