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How much of a conveyor is currently in use?

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Is there a way to know how much of a conveyor is currently in use? It can be in % or in actual meters.

In short, it's important for a vehicle to understand whether he should transport an entity that is going to that conveyor or skip that one and transfer other entity that is going elsewhere.

Thank you for the attention

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There are a number of functions for conveyors/paths that can be used to determine the utilization of the conveyor - they are listed in the Help under Functions, States and Events for Link Objects.

If you would like specifically the length of entities on a particular conveyor, you can add a real State variable (Definitions/States) that you would increase when an entity enters the conveyor and decrease when the entity leaves the conveyor (let's say LengthEntitiesOnConveyor) - if all entities were the same size, you could also simply use the ConveyorName.NumberTravelers functions (with some default size).

To determine the length of entities on the conveyor, click on the conveyor object, and within the 'Entered' add-on process, add a process that simply uses an Assign step to assign LengthEntitiesOnConveyor (or whatever your new state variable is) to be 'LengthEntitiesOnConveyor + ModelEntity.Size.Length'.

Then, within the Reached End add-on process, add a process that uses an Assign step to assign LengthEntitiesOnConveyor to be 'LengthEntitiesOnConveyor - ModelEntity.Size.Length'.

There are also ways to search the entities that are currently on the conveyor, using the ConveyorName.Contents queue if you want other specific information about entities on the conveyor.

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