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Blocking unlike entities


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Hello. I am trying to model the brewing process of a local brewery. They have 8 different types of beer, 6-30 barrel fermentation tanks and 4-15 barrel fermentation tanks. Each "job" is 15 barrels, therefore if two "jobs" are the same type of beer, they may brew together in a 30 barrel tank. 15 barrel jobs can still brew in 30 barrel tanks, they just cant mix with an unlike entity. I am relatively to simio, so please if you can explain in simplified terms that would be good. I need to know how to make sure that only identical entities brew at the same time within a 30-barrel tank. If the beer already in the fermenter does not match the beer that is coming into the fermenter, then it needs to be blocked and sent to another open fermentation tank. Any help is greatly appreciated...same rules apply for 30-barrel brite tanks (the next step after the fermentation tanks)ScofflawSim.PNG.36ef75df1c1053cbe389302e2a0bb1cd.PNG

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Can a second job be added to the first tank already in process?

--If not, how long (if any) will the first job wait for a match before starting?

--If so, how long after the first job starts can it be joined by the second?

So for example, if job 1 arrives to the empty tank at 1:00 and job 2 of the same type arrives at 1:05, will it process? If so, how long does it take? It sounds like it would be a merged processing, not two independent processes, right?

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I sub-classed Server to make a custom object (see yellow steps for changes).

I wasn't patient enough to use your 12 day processing times - I used 2 hours. It is hard-coded to handle up to two entities of the same type, but only if the second entity arrives within 1 hour of the first.

For testing I drove it from a data table with comments for what each entity should do.

It's probably not bullet-proof, but it should give you a good idea how to proceed.FermentationTankObject.spfx

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