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Vehicle Routing Question


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I am building a model of a distribution network. There are two separate types of vehicles in my system. Steel trucks which transport entities from the source to the distribution centers, and boom trucks which transport entities on the final leg from the distribution centers to the sinks. Each of my distribution centers has boom trucks parked at the output node with the exception of "ElktonStagingYard" which should have no trucks parked at the output node. Each time an entity arrives at "ElktonStagingYard", a boom truck should travel from the nearest distribution center, "RockyMountDC", to "ElktonStagingYard" and then to the customer. How can I make this happen? I have tried to build a path from "RockyMountDC" to "ElktonStagingYard" but this seems to mess up vehicle routing since I want the output node at each distribution center's outbound routing logic to be By Link Weight. I have attached my model. Thank you in advance!

MeganVasshCurrentModel - Copy.spfx

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