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Assign products type per time slot on Schedule..


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Hello Asagan:

I have a question re: how to assign a specific product type onto a Server based on a SCHEDULE..



Products coming from S1,S2,S3,S4 randomly and queue before ServerA, and ServerA can only work on a spefic Type based on the SCHEDULE's time period,means it need to choose specific product in the QUEUE ..thanks !!

Of course this can be made more complex, but so far ,this is the question....

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Create a Model Entity variable and assign each Entity Type a different value (1,2,3,...). On the Workshedule Day Pattern, put the variable number for the entity the server can process for the time period in the Value column. Then use the Evaluating Seize Request Add-on Process Trigger on the Server. On the process logic put a Decide step with expression: ModelEntity.StateName==WorkSheduleName.Value(TimeNow). On the False branch put an Assign step with variable Name: Token.ReturnValue and New Value 0.

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