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Table row of value

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You want the number of rows in your table or the specific value in a row?

If the specific value use that expressions:

TableName[RowNumber].ColumnName or

TableName[RowNumber, ColumnNumber]

Number of rows, i don't know.

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The reason for this is that I have a process that loops through a table with hundreds of lines (roughly 500 lines but depends on input - could be thousands) and for each line has to search a value on table that also has hundreds of lines. So for each row of the first table i am looping through the second, which ends with Simio warning me concerning something about excessive loops...

So, I thought of a workaround that consists on immediately getting the row value of the value and thus I wouldn't need to loop the second table.

Any ideas on how to do this or any other workaround suggestions?

Please I need to solve this today...


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