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add on process?

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hello again.

i currently have my visitor entity arriving from a source at "random.triangular (1,2,4)"

they are to go to a check-in desk, and once they've been processed at the check-in desk they are to go into the patient room.

However, when 3 or 4 visitors show up at the same time i only want up to 2 to go into the patient room and the remainder to be transferred to the family lounge.

how can i implement this process?

i've attached a word document showing what i'd like to accomplish. Please let me know, thanks a bunch!

entity to family lounge.docx

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Hi Dave,

thanks for the response.

i've read up on using selection weights. i notice from the sim bit model the selection weights are used on the paths from the source to server.

will using selection weights work if the path is from server to server?

i've allocated selection weights to my paths, using the


"ServerX.Capacity.Allocated == ServerX.Capacity"

from server to server, but it doesn't seem to be working...

is the issue having selection weight on a path that is from server to server??

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The numeric or logical expression in Selection Weight should work for any path regardless of what is is connecting or what the actual expression is. I would look carefully at your expressions, maybe even put some status displays on the entities or model to help you debug exactly what is happening. And make sure that you are actually using the Selection Weight (this is the default UNLESS you have a destination specified for the entity).

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The numeric or logical expression in Selection Weight should work for any path regardless of what is is connecting or what the actual expression is. I would look carefully at your expressions, maybe even put some status displays on the entities or model to help you debug exactly what is happening. And make sure that you are actually using the Selection Weight (this is the default UNLESS you have a destination specified for the entity).


Hi Dave,

thanks again for your help.

so, i did some test runs on another model to try and figure out where i went wrong with mine, and think i found the problem.

basically, i had set-up a node list to direct the entities, which was also the path i assigned a selection weight to.

so, when i gave the paths selection weights, i think the node list would over ride the selection weight.

but now my problem is that when i remove the node list, the entity randomly goes into any room and i need the entity to go in a specific order...hence why i had the node list set-up.

is there a way to keep the entity to go in a particular order and assign a "capacity" selection weight for the same path?

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Destination (or SetNode step) tells the entity WHERE to go. Link Selection Weight tells the entity HOW (which link to take) to get there. It is possible to use both, but you have to be very careful because as you've seen it is pretty easy to give conflicting directions (e.g. go to Server1, but follow a link which ends at Server2).

Without knowing specifics it's hard to give much advice. Sometimes an intermediate node is useful - either a second node just after departure (perhaps to clarify the "how"), or a node serving as the entry to a group of servers - it first travels to the entry node for a group of servers, then makes a last minute selection at that entry node of the specific server within the group.

Or if you use add-on processes, you can do just about anything you want. The hard part might be figuring out exactly what you want.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave,

thanks for all the comments/suggestions.

unfortunately, i'm still a bit confused.

i'm not understanding why my entites are not going to the family lounge after i've put in selection weights. they keep just going the node list route.

i understand the concept you posted stating the node list just tells the entity where to go whereas the selection weight tells the entity how.

i've created a diagram showing how my model is set-up. can you please look at the diagram and let me know if something stands out as incorrect.

Basically what the diagram shows is:

an entity enters (at random triangle (1,3,5)) and goes to the check-in desk (server) at the output node of the check-in desk i've assigned a node list (node list = server 1,2,3)

also the paths that go to server 1,2,3,4,5,6 have selection weights.

i'm not sure what i'm missing. since i want the entity to go to the patient room (note patient room has capacity of 2) if it's up to 2, but if it's more than 2 then i want it to go to a chair (either server 4,5,6).

can you help me out with this one please...i'm stuck :cry:

attached is the diagram that should help simplify what i'm trying to convey. thanks a bunch.

entity to patient room family lounge.docx

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Lets start with what you are doing wrong with your present approach. Let's assume that at some point both units of Server 1 are busy, the other Servers are idle, and a new patient arrives. The path weights will be evaluated as follows:

Path 1 (to Server4 chair) is True = 1

Path 2 (to Server5 chair) is False = 0

Path 3 (to Server6 chair) is False = 0

Path 4 (to Server1) is False = 0

Path 5 (to Server2) is True = 1

Path 6 (to Server3) is True = 1

So you have a 1/3rd chance of selection each of Server 4, 2, or 3.

I think a better choice is to put all 6 possible servers in a selection list (rooms first, chairs last), then select destination from that list using a Selection Goal of Smallest Value and default Selection Expression. Make sure you leave Blocked Destination Rule of Select Available Only. And set all your Input Buffer Capacities to 0.

Perhaps you don't even need the servers for the chairs. Instead set the Output Buffer of the Checkin to size 3 and let that represent your 3 chairs. That also solves the next question you were about to ask "How do I get the people to move from the chairs at the right time and into the rooms?"

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