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Simulation of continuous systems


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   I've been doing simulation models in ape lately I've been working with the Flow Library, I doubt if Simio is possible to make the modeling of a continuous system.

tools provided by the software in the Library FLow allow discretize a continuous system to model it, but for example it is possible to model the behavior of an entity within a Tank through differential equations? For example you can add to our model the behavior of an element within a tank through equations that define the behavior of a (liquid, solid, gas) within the model element.

I think they are highly complex simulations, simulators based on old programming languages ​​one could get to do.

Simio is possible to define this behavior in any way?.

Regards Cristian.

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Yes, very possible....

Check out the new transporter library - Tankers and the Pipes....And note that the differential equation is sitting at the flow regulator...that's where you control flow in and out, not the tank if I am not mistaken....

You can also allow the entities to mix within a tank....


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And just a note...You will be AMAZED at how easy Simio has made it to control continuous Bulk Mass or fluid flow....Its simple as pie and works much better than any discrete solution in ANY simulation package....

I have used about 4 including Arena and Simul8....

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Part of the purpose of the Level States and Monitor Element, and the Flow and Extended Flow libraries is to be able to easily model most common "continuous" systems without any code or equations.

The attached model shows an example of how equations can be added, in this case added to both the model and the ModelEntity. Boids_V2_Agents_By Solosi.spfx


To go beyond that might require adding a custom Step and Element depending on exactly what you want to do.

I suggest that rather than asking for features that instead you state a specific problem and ask how it might be modeled. There may be an easy solution.

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Thanks for your answer and your example.

The example you give me is very good, I was thinking about how to represent a continuous model, but can bring a continuous model to discrete (Similar to happen differential to linear systems equations) I had been wandering around looking for to find the solution in the own objects in Simio properties without thinking that you can edit and add your own functions and properties.

Regards Cristian

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