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Changing the rate of the entities arrivals


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Basically, I want to know how SIMIO creates the time between entity arrivals. Does SIMIO create all the times at once or the program does it dynamically (one at a time)?

My problem is that I'm using the Arrival mode "Time Varying Arrival Rate" and for every day of simulation I want to change the "rate scale factor". If I do this with a state variable it doesn't work. For explample, if on day 1 I have a rate scale factor equal to 1 and on day 2 it's equal to 100, in day 2 the times between arrivals don't change at all.

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I'm not sure about the answer to your question, although I believe it dynamically creates the times.

However, I WAS able to change the factor on the time varying arrival rate... the attached model uses an arrival rate of 60/hour for the first hour, then i change the rate factor to 1/60 so it will have a rate of 1/hour. This drastic difference is immediately noticeable. Is this what you were trying to do?


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I managed to do it. As you say it works dinamically. Thanks for responding though.

I only had issues because I put an extremely low Rate Scale Factor which "paused" my Source for a while since it created a very long Time Between Arrivals. Now it's working fine.

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem. Could you please explain your solution how to change the scale factor for every day more detailed? For example: rate scale factor on monday is 1, on tuesday 4 and so on.



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