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Found 19 results

  1. First of all, Thank you so much for the answer in advance, but could I bother anyone who answers with some example model or picture of the method I am still new to SIMIO, so I am concerned about following the advice correctly. 1) Let's say every day I have X number of people arriving( using distribution to generate numbers outside SIMIO randomly). This is the shop where people visit from 8.00 to 20.00 every day with different visit rates per hour (example as below), and I use X to time to this percentage so I can get the exact number of visits per hour. The problem is I want to make an arrival interval random with some sort of function/distribution or table(excel calculation), not a stable arrival rate. My idea is random from 0 to 1 and gives the random number (Y) to match with X outside SIMIO and put the whole table in, but I wonder, is there any better method than this? 2) The second question is about two entities from different sources, A and B. A and B will go through the same server for three servers, but after server 3, one will go to 4, and one will go to 5. Can you give me any advice on how to do that
  2. Let's say I want exactly 100 entities arrive where the arrival of each one follows a normal distribution with mean 1 hour and standard deviation of 5 minutes from the start of the simulation. How can I model that within SIMIO? The interarrival time doesn't make sense because I don't know / care what the interrarrival time between each entity is. I realize that I could randomly generate 100 normal random variables outside of SIMIO and input them all as an appointment, but I am wondering if there is a better way especially if I want to do many replications with a different set of 100 random variables each time.
  3. Hello, everyone! is it possible to use a Look Up Table and Rate Table to the same time in the source in SIMIO? Let me know if you know a way to do that, please. Thanks for your help!
  4. In the source of my model, I would like to generate arrival events by looking through row by row of a given table. However, I only want to create the 2nd arrival event when all the entities of the created by the first arrival event has moved beyond a certain point, where Globalstatevalue = 0. So in my process flow, I did something like this:When the globalstatevalue = 0, I want to go to the next row of my table and generate the 2nd arrival. I did this my fire an event The setting at my source: Arrival Mode: On event Triggering Event Name: name of event that I fired in the process flow. I managed to get the initial arrival to make sure that the Globalstatevalue = 0. condition is reached. However, the 2nd event is not triggerd at all and the CurrentRowNumber is not incremented as well. May I have some advice please? Thank you
  5. Hi, I want to have a source that creates entities according to a date. But also, I want each entity to carry some information like Code, Processing Time and Type. It is possible to do that? And After, how I can use the information that each entity carry? For example, Each entity has their own processing time (according to the table), how I can use that procesing time in a server? Thanks for your help!!!
  6. I have several different types of entities. And I want to see the result if I change the distribution of entity types. EG: senario1: A:10, B:20, C:70 senario2: A:20, B:20, C:60 senario3: A:40, B:20, C:40 I want to run experiments for these 3(Actually I plan to run more and more) different experiments and check the results. I don't know How to do these experiments. Anyone has an idea? Thank you!
  7. In the book by SMITH/STURROCK/KELTON, in Section 7-3, the authors warn against manually changing the arrival rate from one period to the other. They state that it will give wrong results at the transitions. The recommendation is to use Rate Tables. Is my guess correct ? Say we have 2 periods of 1 hour each, one with mean = 100 and one with mean = 200. If we use Rate Tables, Simio will use the rate 100 in the first hour BUT will only generate arrivals during the first hour. If we use a manually set rate and change it to 200 after 1 hour, it is possible that in the last few minutes of the first hour, entities might be generated that arrive in the second hour. If not correct, what is the real reason for the author's warning? Thank you
  8. Hello, I have a source that I need to let create 5 entities per arrival before 1 minute runtime and 1 entity per arrival after 1 minute, how do I do that? Thank you
  9. I have a problem with the source arrival mode.For the source "Arrival Mode" i want to use "On Event". So for "Triggering Event" i have 3 options. Object@Entered, Object@Exited and Object@CapacityChanged. So in my model source A is delivering something to sink B. And every time the entity from source A entered sink B a new entity should be created. So i used "Input@SinkB.Exited" and "Input@SinkB.Entered", i tried both. Because i don't really know if there is a huge difference. I guess the exited will create an entity as soon as the one entity left the system through the sink and the entered as soon as the entity enters the sink. But please correct me if i am wrong. So anyhow my problem is now, that the Source is creating more entities as it should. It creates entities even if now entity entered the connected sink. Maybe you guys can help me why that doesn't work as it should be.
  10. Hello, I have a data table with 900 total entities, comprised of 10 different types of entities. I am trying to randomize which entities go through the model, but I need all 900 to go through. I've tried the "entity mix" technique, but it always overloads my model with too many entities. Does anyone have an idea of how to go about this? I want to run a series of experiments with a random selection of entities for each replication. I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance! -Mario
  11. Hello, I'm very new to SIMIO and apologize if this question is too elementary. I've been trying to figure out how to run the simulation from a defined list of entities. Most of the SIMBITS and examples I have seen use a random "product mix" or other means to produce entities. Is there a way to simply run say, 40 defined mixed entities from the data table. I'd like to run several different entities from the data table, all with different sequences and processing times. Similar to the SIMBIT EntityFollowsSequenceWithTable but with a defined amount of PartA,PartB,and PartC entities. Thank you for the help!
  12. Hi, Does anybody know if logs can be generated in experiment mode? Currently I can only find logs in interactive/facility mode... Thanks! Zhanting
  13. Hello Simio-Community, I want to simulate a vegetable garden with a source, with a maximum number of vegetables (maximum arrivals in Simio). People can take as much vegetables as they want in the garden until it is empty. Once one vegetable has been gathered it takes a few weeks to grow again. Do you have an idea of how I can handle this ? I'm quite new in Simio. Thank you in advance,
  14. Hi, I'd like to build a model with arrival and processing times in data tables. I figured out how to create arrivals based on a table - setting arrival mode on a source object into Arrival Table and linking the table column to Arrival Time Property. A real problem is about how to link processing times in a data table to a server object. I set Processing Time of a server object as the table column, but it doesn't work. I know this is a row reference related error, but I don't want to have the RandomRow option, since the processing time should be selected for each entity in the order of processing times in the table. To make a long story short, I have two tables, each of which is for arrival and processing times. Arrival table.Arrival = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 Processing table.Proc = 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09 The 1st entity should be created at 0.1, and its processing time should be 0.05. The 2nd entity should be created at 0.2, and its processing time should be 0.06. The 3rd entity should be created at 0.3, and its processing time should be 0.07. The 4th entity should be created at 0.4, and its processing time should be 0.08. The 5th entity should be created at 0.5, and its processing time should be 0.09. For your information, the file has been attached to this post. Anybody can help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!! Test_Model.spfx
  15. I am using arrival table to create my entities inside my simulation. So I am importing a column indicating the arrival time of all my entities; inside my data I also have property associated with each entity (exam type in an ultrasound clinic). I want to use that column as well and attache the associated property to each entity created. I am not sure how to do that. Also I want to use that property in another table and assign processing time distributions for each property (maybe defining the column as a key might help but I am not sure ). I appreciate any help.
  16. Hello, I have a model that uses an arrival table to define the sequence to create my entities. In the same table I have the processing times for my servers . I don't know why but seems that my model is simply ignoring my table, entities creation sequence and processing times are not using data from the table. I have tried a lot of things but could not find what is wrong. I hope someone here can help me. Attached is my model. Thanks for the support. Model_2_heads.spfx
  17. Dear all, I have a question about modelling arrivals. Entities have to arrive in groups of 5. These 5 entities can be of different entity types. Now in my model, each time an entity "group" of 5 entities arrives, they are all from the same entity type. This is probably because first is decided which type the group will be, and then the 5 entities are created. Each time these 5 entities arrive, there is a Table Reference Assignment referring to the "productmix", from where is decided which entity types will be created. All the entities in the arrival have to be as the percentage in the producttable. So more types per arrival group can arrive. Does somebody know how to model this? Thanks. My model is included as an attachment. Entity_Arrival_Problem.spfx
  18. Hello Everyone, I would like to use patient daily arrivals to the ED. I have daily totals, but I want them to follow a pattern (eg. at midnight the arrival is much less than during noon). I am trying to include future forecasts (my forecasts are daily forecasts and not hourly) and this is why I need to somehow input daily numbers into rate table but also make it follow the pattern. Would really appreciate help with this! Thank You! Best regards, Sumanth
  19. Greetings, I am building a model which requires 20 entities to arrive at the first hour then four hours of break with no arrivals . Then repeat the same pattern of arrival of 20 for one hour and four hours break in between. I have been using the arrival schedule and use the rate of 20 in the first hour and 0 in the next four hours . However I am not getting 20 entities exactly with this arrival schedule and it is always less than 20. Is there away to force the exact number of entities arriving per hour? Thanks M Alseiari
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