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  1. Hello SIMIO experts, I am currently working on a project where I need to assign state variables to a worker and manage these variables throughout the simulation. I'm looking for guidance on a few key aspects: Assigning a State Variable to a Worker: How can I assign a state variable (e.g., a boolean or numerical value) to a worker in SIMIO? I want to track attributes such as availability, task completion count, or other custom metrics. Updating the State Variable During the Simulation: What is the best practice for updating the state variable of a worker based on specific events or conditions during the simulation? For instance, updating the availability status when a worker starts or completes a task. Accessing the State Variable: How can I access or consult the state variable of a worker at any point in the simulation for monitoring or decision-making purposes? Any advice or example models that illustrate these processes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
  2. Hi everyone, I am working on a model for a project and I need to make so for each server, only one worker will be assigned and work at that server for the workers entire shift. I have uploaded a simplified version of my model. The workers schedules are already in the model. For example: On day 1, worker 1 works all day so they should go to either room1 or room2 (servers) and then only go to that server for the rest of the day. Worker 2 works only in the morning and should take which room/server is not taken by worker 1. Once worker 2's shift is over, worker 3 should come in and take the room that worker 2 left. After the day is over, the room assignment should reset for the next day. Is there a way to do this in Simio? Thanks in advance for any help! WorkerServerModel.spfx
  3. Hello, I am trying to use git to track changes when working on Simio projects collaboratively. For this I am saving the project as *.simproj and the resulting file and folder structure looks good. But there are too many time stamp changes that make it difficult to track the "important" changes. For example, I only changed the location of the DefaultEntity in the model and hit save. The resulting changes are shown in the attached screenshot, with 20 files shown as changed. The main changes are related to the time stamp. Is there a way to configure Simio such that fewer files will be affected by each change? Thank you. Annika
  4. I have uploaded an example of what I am trying to accomplish for my project. In this model, I need the workers to stay and service only one of the servers(rooms) for their entire shift. During their shift, no other worker should go to that assigned room. However, on different days of the week, the worker will be assigned to different rooms. Ex.) Day 1 - Worker 1 should service room 1, in the morning worker 3 should service room 2 and at night worker 2 should service room 2. Day 2 - Worker 2 should service room 1, in the morning worker 1 should service room 2 and at night worker 3 should service room 2. Day 3 - Worker 1 should service room 1 and worker 2 should service room 2. Day 4 - Worker 3 should should service room 1 in the morning, worker 1 should service room 1 at night, and worker 2 should service room 2 all day Day 5 - Worker 1 should service room 1 all day, worker 2 should service room 2 during the day, and worker 3 should service room 2 at night. Is there a way to accomplish this in Simio? All workers are capable of servicing each room, but will be assigned different rooms depending on the day. WorkerRoomAssignment.spfx
  5. A simple approach is to create the highest resolution image you can find using any map program or other software. Save it off in one of the import formats: Hint: some software allows export as a high-resolution pdf. Then you can convert that pdf to a png file for import into Simio. Then import that as a symbol and place that in your model (preferably to its original scale). Then lock that to the background and build your model on top of it. The main down side of this approach is that it is limited by the resolution of your image, so if you zoom in, it might appear fuzzy.
  6. I have a project where I want to model aircraft moving around an area of a fake map. The only map options I've seen in simio are the ArcGIS World View and Street map under View -> Map View. I uploaded a picture as a symbol and set it as a layer, but when I do that certain areas of the map work and others don't. It's like the map area is 'too busy' and it automatically declutters, which in this case hides aircraft moving in certain areas of the map. I tried to zoom in on areas and the map works as advertised, but for demonstration purposes, I need to have all traffic on the map appear at all times (as if I had a map selected under map view). This wouldn't be a problem if I could set an image as a "background color." Any suggestions?
  7. I am trying to load models into a licensed version of SIMIO RPS that have been created in the academic version of Simio. I am getting a meesage that states that these non-commercial models cannot be loaded into a commercial version of Simo. Is there a way to load theses non-commercial models into the licensed version of Simio RPS? I would like to be able to take advantage in using these academic models to provide solutions that we are identifying.
  8. Description of Runtime Capability Runtime is the ability for people to execute a Simio model without investing in that design-time version of Simio. Simio imposes no limits to the number of models you can distribute or the number of people you distribute to. And you are free to distribute outside of your organization if you choose. There is no charge for any such distribution. Two runtime modes are available: Interactive Runtime Uses Simio Evaluation Version which is available free to anyone and may be used without activation. It provides the ability to load a model, run it interactively to view the animation, and even change the model at will. Model changes cannot be saved nor is the capability provided to run experiments or execute custom user-written steps and elements. Only Simio Team Edition is capable of creating models that will run in Interactive Runtime. Full Runtime Uses Simio Express Edition. In addition to the substantial modeling features built into Express, it provides the ability to load and run models, save model changes, run experiments, and execute custom user-written steps and elements. Design and Team Editions can create models for use with Full Runtime.
  9. Hello all I am relatively new to Simio and DES. I am trying to model a pallet conveyor. It is a closed loop conveyor. I use the "vehicle" as the pallet that loops around the conveyor. At the source the part (default entity) is loaded on the pallet. At the sink the part is unloaded. The problem that I am encountering is that the vehicles from time to time pile up at the sink, then after a certain amount of time they continue back to the starting point "Source1". This happens more the more I increas the "initialnumber in system" of vehicles The transfer-in Time for the sink is set at 0. At the model trace I read this for the "Input@Sink1" : "the in Token waiting at VisitNode step for '1' other processes to complete." I would apreciate any advice. Many thanks! Vehicle_stuck_at_sink.spfx
  10. You want to make the servers have a Capacity Type of Schedule and follow the default Standard Week. If you don't want to give them a lunch break, just change the definition of the Standard Day. Leave the default Off Shift Rule of Suspend Processing. The easiest approach for arrivals is to have a Source with an Interarrival time of 4.33 weeks (or 4 weeks) and an integer random distribution for the Entities Per Arrival. Doing a "first Monday" is possible, but a bit complicated because Simio time does not have the concept of Month because months are of varying size. You could probably specify the initial Time Offset to be early in a month, then maybe make the interarrival time be something like DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Month(Timenow),DateTime.Year(TimeNow)) which would make the next arrival be exactly one month later (same day of the month). When you say you have no buffers, what do you mean? If an entity arrives when all servers are busy, should it be balked (possibly disposed) or should it wait somewhere like on the server input node, on a path or in the Source output node? If the above arrival approach isn't exact enough, you can put exact arrivals in a data table. The arrival time could be specified at any exact datetime you desire and still have the Entities Per Arrival be a distribution.
  11. Hello Everyone, I am new to Simio, and need your help to figure out this. I am using search step to search for certain rows in a table that satisfy my condition. The search step performs as expected. I want to now to retrieve the values of the row associated with the found token. How do I do it? Also, if more than 1 row satisfies my search criteria then does Simio creates found token for each row ? or the information for all the rows in stored in one single token?.
  12. This light-weight add-in is for importing experiment from .csv file. In order to use that, just unzip the attachment and put the ImportExperiment.dll under the UserExtensions folder of your Simio. For those who want to check the source code, the whole solution is also inside the zip file. This add-in reads control values from you input file and creates scenarios. You can either create a new experiment for your model, or append scenarios to your existing experiment. The number of columns of your .csv file should be the same as the number of controls of your model. For example, if your model has three controls: NumDoctor, NumNurse, NumRoom, then running the add-in with the following input file will give you an experiment with 5 scenarios input.csv: 3, 3, 2 2, 3, 2 1, 3, 1 2, 2, 1 3, 1, 1 ImportExperiment.zip
  13. Hi, thank you for developing this add-inn. I can't get it to work though. Do you know if it is still compatible to latest Simio version?
  14. Hi I have an entity that is moved through the network via vehicles. The vehicle will drop of the entity at the first server which then gets processed through two servers. I would like to use the vehicle that dropped off the entity at the Input to the first server to be used to pick up the next entity at the output of the second server. Is there a way to save the exact Vehicle that was used and specify that as the Vehicle to use at the second pick up point? Hopefully to a global variable and not to the entity (in my actual model, the entity going in to Server 1 is not the next entity coming out of Server 2). At the moment I am using 'Reserve Closest' as the reservation method at Server 2. I know that is incorrect, but I'm not sure how to setup this up using the other methods. In the attached model, process works for the first entity, but does not for the second entity onwards. Due to other limitations in the model, I need to have the Vehicles to 'Remain in Place' during idle. Thanks in advance for the help. SpecificVehicle.spfx
  15. I'm making a call center simio model. The 7 types of calls are generated at sources and then move down a path to a server. This server represents a queue that is formed at the call center. After the queue server the calls are transferred to 1 of 7 desks (which are represented by a server) where a call agent is working. How do I make it so the calls do not go to one of the server desks until a desk becomes available. As it currently stands the calls go right through the queue server and build up at some desks even if there are free desks available.
  16. Thanks. I would think since there are so many models in the forum and other sites that would be beneficial to be able to use for solving problems that Simio would allow these models to be opened in a commercial version of Simio.
  17. Simio academic offering is not compatible with commercial offering. There is no way to convert the model to be workable in commercial version by the end-user.
  18. The current version of Simio does not allow running a model anymore. How can get my clients to view the model (play around with it), without having a license?
  19. Happy new year! One thing that I noticed is that with this model, the server never have a state of "blocked". I increased the processing time of Server2 and added a status pie to Server1. The server 1 is either Processing or starved, but never blocked according to the pie. But it should be blocked part of the time since I increased the processing time of Server2 to force this. It looks like the Server1 only accepts a new item to process if the path between Server1 and Server2 has room for at least one more vehicle. So the time that it should be blocked is considered as part of the "Starved" instead. I tried to figure out why this happens without success. Anyone knows why this happens? I attach the model to the post. Thank you! Input Server1 not blocked.spfx
  20. Ok, I think that I sort it out. I am not very confident of what I do but I think that it works now: I changed the Vehivle "Routing Logic". Idle action: Go to home AND I changed for every server, secondary resources: Earlier it did not work because the vehicle was stuck at the sink waiting for an entity to be available at the source. The idle action for the vehicle was to "Park at home"..
  21. hello i'm the simio user in south korea i want to make my model flexibily. My model has vehicle and elevator The overall process flow is vehicle take entities to server1, After vehicle arrived to server1, elevator take entities and go to every destination. To work well, Three things are needed for this trend First, i want to do if the vehicle comes to server1 then the elevator goes to upstair Second, the vehecle has to wait until the elevator after been to upstair and arrive to server1 Third, repeat the two steps. how can i solve the problem this model in Model2, not Model1 1veh1eleModel.spfx
  22. Hello there, this is my first post here and I hope someone can help me with my problem. I´m quite new to Simio and working on my first project. I have some "return entities" that are considered "bad" at the end of the production. So they will get collected in a server which is used as a storage and get returned to the factory every 24 hours, to get reworked, if there is capacity left. Now, I want to check if there is capacity left in the destinated server and in best case, reserve the needed capacity before, before I route these entities towards it. After the entity arrived in the server, the reserved capacity should get released again. I couldn´t find a good example here in the forum or via google search, as in the SimBits, how to solve this the correct way. Maybe someone here can give me a tip, how to. Thanks in advance. Aljonator
  23. I want to build a simple repository model,as the Picture below. And there are two Funktions, that i donn't know, how to implement. The first Problem is: I hope that several products with different total amount can be generated in sequence one by one. For Example, there are 50 Product A, 40 Product B and 30 Product C at Source WE. They schould be generated in sequence. First 50 Product A,1,2,3...50 one by one generated. Then 40B, generated one by one and finally C. At present, I can only achieve one-time generation of all A, then all B and All C. The second Problem ist: there are may be 10 Vehicles in the System. I want to record the total time of the car loaded and empty travel time, and the corresponding percentage of these two items. I would be very very grateful if you could help. I'm really in a hurry and hope to get your help.
  24. Dear all. I'm dealing with an issue that I want to import data from WebAPI where I need self signed certificate. Is there an option for self signed certificate in Simio, because I can not find it. BR
  25. Power BI & Simio Webinar - July 2020 Enhancing your Simio Results using Power BI MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION About the Webinar We're hosting this one to accommodate people in the central time zone as well as for people who missed the previous webinar Simulation modeling has many benefits, namely its ability to forecast and predict multiple scenarios. Simio does an incredible job of providing the user with incredible results, and Power BI enhances these results with useful insights and visualizations. This webinar will provide the benefits of using Power BI for Simio outputs, optimizing your analytics, and giving you a better understanding for decision-making purposes. What will be covered Overview of Power BI benefits with Simio Simulation models Real-world case study of a Simio project using Power BI dashboards Questions and answers for people attending the webinar More details Date: 09 July 2020 Time: 10:00 CAT (UTC +2) Duration: 45 minutes Location: Microsoft Teams (link on registration) Price: Free Hosts Jaco Botha Pr Eng, Managing Director, SE Marco Agas, Webinar Host, SET Presenters Nicolas Finn, Power BI / Simio Trainer, SET Hulda Viljoen, Simulation Engineer, SET
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