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  1. If you haven't already done so, I'd start by reviewing the SimBit ResourceSelectionConcepts. It contains several models that explain different types of resource selection. In particular, I'd suggest a combination of the following approaches: Create a table for each Worker (and/or each Server) where columns in the table represent the constraint or exclusions. For example, you might have a server table with columns for each day, and each column might contain a list of workers who can potentially be used on that day. Use resource lists to select from. possibly with exclusion conditions (maybe referring back to a table) of which resources cannot be used on that server and that day.
  2. Hi, Usually what I do in cases that I want to check capacity before sending is create a "dummy" Resource. This way I seize its capacity before sending the entity forward. If it has no capacity for a given entity, the entity will just wait until it has capacity.
  3. I know it's been a while, but I just came across this question and I'm responding in case this can help someone else. Depending on the problem, modeling nurses as patient capacity might not work; for example, if you need to limit both a nurse's active utilization and the nurse's patient load. Two general approaches exist: Easier: Create two different resources, rename one 'NursesActive' and the other 'NursesPassive.' Set the latter to have n times the capacity of the former, where n is the patient ratio at n:1. Require simultaneous seizure of one of each type of resource when first assigning the patient, and release them separately, re-seizing the former as needed. Harder: Subclass the Resource object and create states to track the patients assigned and a property to define the patient ratio. This approach enables more fine-tuning as necessary.
  4. Rotary filler head object that represents animation of bottles rotating around a cylinder as they get filled. You can use a regular server if animation is not required. This object lets you define the number of filling heads, direction of rotation and rate (Bottles Per Minute), pitch of fillers heads (in degrees) and ReleaseType (Release type represents where the bottle will be released at 180 Degree from the start point or 270 degree). As seen in the picture above, Arrow represents the starting point. Users can also specify if they need fine control over the rotation of the filler heads. If fine control is set to True filler head will pitch by 1 degree. This provides smoother animation.Users will have to make sure the pitch is set correctly in relation to the release type if Fine Movements are set to False. With FineMovements set to False filler heads movement is equal to pitch defined. Users can also specify failure rate in similar way to server or other standard Simio objects. This object has not been extensively tested and it can be further customized to requirements. IndexingPlate - V4.spfx
  5. Thank you so much: I tried the same setup but it doesn't work like in your model. It could be another problem that I don't see. Kind regards
  6. Perhaps its a little late, but attached is a possible solution to your problem. This started out pretty simple. The problem was how to specify which server is serviced by which resource. One way to do that is a table. But since its changing over time I chose to use a time-indexed table, that is a table that knows about time and returns different data at different times. In this case, each row corresponds to 12 hours and each column specifies the resource needed by the respective server. As they say, "the devil is in the detail" and in this case the "devil" is that the specified resource may change between seize and release (e.g., seize at 11:59, release at 12:05). Simio doesn't like that and all the easy options re-evaluate the resource expression on release and so may try to release the wrong resource. One option would have been to create a custom server, but that seems to be overkill. Here is a somewhat simpler approach: 1) Add an entity state named MyResource and assign it at the last possible moment before use. This value will be used only for release. The assigned value is drawn from the table using an expression like Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. Note that the .timeindexedvalue indicates to get the value associated with the current time. And the .object at the end is used to tell Simio to return that value as an object not a number. 2) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Seizes to seize the name specified in the table using the same expression above Table1.S1Resource.TimeIndexedValue.Object. 3) Use Secondary Resources - Other Resource Releases to release the resource saved in MyResource. TimeBasedWorkerSelection.spfx
  7. Hi I've got a model where the situation is like this: 1. 3 Worker: W1 W2 W3 2. 3 Server: S1 S2 S3 On Monday (work schedule), W1 will work in S1 in the morning and work in S2 in the afternoon. W2 will work on S2 in the morning and S1 in the afternoon. But on Tuesday, W1 will work in S2 in the morning and S3 in the afternoon. W2 will work in S3 in the morning and S2 in the afternoon. The server properties in the secondary resource are "select from the node list." But since the node list for S1 and S2 contain both W1 and W2, and they both have the same hour of working (4+4), when the S1 server seized the resource on Tuesday morning, instead of W1, W2 got allocated instead( W2 should be in S3). I have tried: 1. Using server selection goal to " smallest distance," but it didn't work since the worker will keep swapping the room every day 2. Giving each worker a new initial value and setting the selection goal to "smallest value," but they still have the issue. 3. Try setting idle action for the worker to stay at the node, but sometimes the worker will go to the wrong destination from the first entity, hence no one working in the other room. (2 worker stay together) Is there any method to realize this idea? Thanks in advance
  8. Thank you for the model! It took a long time to get the sprint release but now I can see it and it helps. Now I have another problem. I am trying to do a pick up at two different places and the drop off at one destination. There I want to have the transport costs split on the entity with the calculation TransportCostRate/TransportQty. The logic works like this: The transport from Source1 to Source2 (or BasicNode4) should be charged and assigned to ModelEntity.Cost. Then from Source2 to Server1 another calculation should be done, now with the increased transport quantity in dependency. But in BasicNode4 the process is not triggered by the ModelEntity, but by the Transporter. Is there any way that the process is triggered by the passenger? (the entity in the ridestation). The model is in the appendix. Best regards. Model_421.spfx
  9. there are several easy ways to do this. 1) Subclass the Resource or Worker object with the only change is to add a property or state (ex PTime) to hold the processing time specific to that resource. 2) Put your process times in a table and reference the correct table row for the doctor that is working. The SimBit WorkerPoolWithEfficiency does something somewhat similar.
  10. ConveyorLibrary.spfx Simple conveyor library with a merge controller, slug conveyor, Slug Node and a Photo Eye. Library has two example models. A MergeControllerModel and a PE_ExampleModel. Merge controller,Slug Conveyor and Slug Node are used together to develop a slug merge. ConveyorLibrary.spfx On the slug conveyor you can specify the size of the slug. Slug node controls when the next slug is to be released. As soon as last entity in slug crosses the slug node it will send a signal to merge controller to release the next slug. Ending node of the slug conveyor has to be a slug node. Conveyors before and after slug conveyor are regular conveyors. These objects have not be extensively tested. These can be used to develop other conveyor related objects.
  11. Hello guys, I am new to the Simio software and also to this forum, but I was told that if I seek for any help I shall find it here. I have a project regarding Mixing and filling lines, and would need some help with solving it. In principle there are 10 mixers and 4 filling lines, each filling the specific jerrycans volume. There are cleaning times involved and would also need help with programming them. I am stuck in the mud at the moment, because my knowledge is insuficient, and would really appriciate some help. I am attaching the word file for a beter view of what is going, and my email if you want to speak with me directly. I am thankful in advance for any kind of help. Nace Information request for challenge 1 - Scheduling MPT (002).docx nace.pesak@student.um.si
  12. Hi Nicolas, I would investigate the Server property called Initial Capacity. This sets how many units of capacity are going to be available for the Server. You could also change this during the run by Assigning the Server's CurrentCapacity State Variable. I suggest checking out the SimBit titled "Worker Uses Work Schedule". You can access the SimBits in the Support ribbon in Simio. In this SimBit, I recommend changing the Initial Capacity for the Servers. You could set them to '6' or any value. When you run, you will see that the entities only move into the Process Station when they have successfully Seized the Secondary Resource. So even though there is 6 units available only 1 will be use when the Worker is able to process the entity. You can also experiment with giving the Worker a different Initial Number In System value so there can be more Workers. You will still see the same behavior; the number of entities that move into the Server for processing will be the number of Workers that were available to be seized. Happy Modeling! Liz
  13. This is problematic in Simio because Simio considers only entity length (not width) and only when on a Path or Conveyor. I think the first thing to do is fix the nose to tail problem. If you happen to use Conveyors to model this, there are built-in features to manage spacing while stopped and different spacing while moving. But unfortunately Conveyors are limited to a single direction, so are perhaps not appropriate if this is a bi-directional taxiway. If you are using Paths, you can fix this by making each plane longer when you draw it. For example, if you are drawing a plane that is 50M long and you want it to stay at least 10M behind the plane in front of it, place a nearly invisible dot about 10M in front of the plane's nose, making the total plane length (including safety spacing) be 60M. Although Simio will still put the entities nose to tail, there will be a 10M safety spacing between the physical planes. The problem of conflict at merge points is a bit more tedious to fix. I'd recommend a resource-based approach, like illustrated in the SimBit in Merging Conveyors Controlled by Gate. You can use this approach even when using Paths.
  14. Hi All, I want to do some calculations just before the simulation ends. I did it previous versions without problem but now on version 15.247, "on run ending" add-on process is not being executed.I tested it even on a new simple model file with source server sink. There is just two assign steps with breakpoints on the add-on process. But in model trace it doesnt show the add-process name, the state variable value is not assigned, and breakpoint is not reached. Anyone experiencing the same problem in this version? Is there a quick solution to this? Or do I have to install older version? Kind regards, Tolgahan
  15. You could also use the Release Batch Early Triggers to recheck the condition after an event.
  16. Hello Javiera, Based on how the model is set up, Guardian_1 and Guardian_2 follow Work Schedules with specific Day Patterns. Looking through the Trace lines, it appears that Pedido_PU.597 arrives and seizes Guardian_1 which, not much longer after it was seized, was scheduled to go off shift based on Work Schedules. The current Off Shift Rule is 'Suspend Processing' which causes the entity being processed to be suspended until the exact Resource is back on shift. To allow the entity to choose an alternative on shift resource, the Off Shift Rule property can be changed it to 'Switch Resources if Possible'. Best Regards, Khaled
  17. Hey, Thanks for your reply. No I have not used a move or size step, I use the worker as a resource. I use it for processing, and have a resource seize and release before processing.
  18. Thank you very much for your help, but simio says I can't use the Release step with the server because I don't have any resources to release. In addition, although the Search step works very well, since I don't have any step that keeps the entities inside the server even if they are not called, they continue to leave the server and merge with entities that should not be merged. If I set the processing time to infinity, despite calling entities with the Search process, the entity does not leave the server. I tried to condition the processing time of each entity according to the "Ventana_de_entrega" state, but as expected, it is not the most appropriate. 21.10.spfx
  19. Hi There, I have lots of experience in simulation but I'm new to Simio - my apologies if my Simio vocabulary/conceptualization is off or if this question has been asked already. I'm working to build a queue model simulation with a network of services and multiple staff types. In my mind, it makes the best sense to do this using the standard library of servers and resource pools (to visualize the network for stakeholders and be able to model multiple staff with different schedules that can each respond to multiple services). Right now, I am starting with a single stage M/M/c type queue to make sure that my implementation is correct before scaling this upwards. I checked out the SimBit titled 'Source – Server – Sink' that has three different M/M/c implementations; however, none of them use Resource Pool objects or combine process triggers with the standard library. I was able to implement a basic model that tries to combine a resource pool with a server by triggering separate Seize and Release process triggers on entry to the server object and after the processing time is completed, respectively. It runs without error; however, the results for average time in system (calculated by an average of a tally statistic that is only recorded for every 500th customer/entity), the results are one third less than in a scenario where I don't use a resource pool and set the capacity of the server explicitly, (which I validated against M/M/c formulae results). Does anyone have tips for how to link servers and resource pools and troubleshoot this scenario? Is there a SimBit or other example out there that is relevant? Am I triggering the seize/resource processes at the wrong points in time? Or is my framework for how to conceptualize this in the Simio environment missing a key concept? Thanks!!
  20. You need to put the search, release and transfer steps into the Add-on Process Triggers "Parent Entered" of the Combiners. For example, for the "Juntar_secos" combiner, at the "Parent Entered" Addon process, you would search for Slots.Processing.Contents, matching "Candidate.ModelEntity.Id_Del_Pedido == ModelEntity.Id_del_pedido". After that you should use a release step, to release Server "Slots", and a transfer step to transfer what have been found to Output@Slots.
  21. Well, first thing, you don't need your entities to be bouncing between the output and the input of your server like that. If you want to use it as sort of storage, set both the processing time and the capacity to infinity. After that, at the moment that the parent entity enters the combiner "Parent Entered" you could search the queue of your storage using a search step with something like "Server1.Processing.Contents", with the condition of "Candidate.ModelEntity.State == ModelEntity.State", release the server and transfer what have been found to the output. You need to take some care on some situations, like what if the parent entity arrives first at the combiner then the member at the storage? And some care with batching quantities aswell. But I think you can handle it.
  22. I want to create a list of materials from data table. I can refer to inventory replenishment policy from table by adding by adding "replenishment policy" property from data tables. But how do I define the default values of Re order point and Up to Level parameters for these auto-created materials? I cannot see such option even in the built in Material Table Scheme. Any help is really appreciated. Kind regards
  23. Hi all, I want to create a list of tasks from data table which I will use in the server objects tasks sequence. When I want to refer to all of the properties of material requirements to data tables, I am facing a restriction as follows: a) I can refer the material "Action Type" (Consume\Produce) property from server object to data table by adding an "MaterialActionType" enumeration property to data table. b) If referencing in a) was NOT done, for the selected action type (lets say produce was selected), I can refer the "production type" (Material/Bill of Materials) property by adding a "MaterialOptions" enumeration property to data table. However, when I do the task in a) an additional row appears in server object, now showing both consumption type and production type in properties. Then I am unable to set reference to data table as in b) any more. Is it possible to refer BOTH "Action Type" (Consume/Produce) and "Material Options" (Material/BOM) simulatenously? If yes how? Could you please guide? Kind regards, Tolgahan
  24. I was inspired by the VehicleX3 (vehicle with operator) that was shared on this forum. I would like to use this type of VehicleX3 with an operator who is a worker to simulate a process where the operator is required to take breaks after certain periods of activity. To implement this logic, I think it would be helpful to have Reliability Logic for the worker object in Simio. This doesn't seem to be part of the standard library so I tried to create my own subclass version of Worker with the Reliability Logic "copied" from the Resource object. My attempt to implement this custom object seems to work as long as the custom worker object doesn't "move". If the custom worker object moves, I get the Runtime error "Possible infinite loop detected in process logic". Any assistance in getting the logic working properly, or pointing me to an existing custom worker object that has Reliability Logic incorporated would be greatly appreciated. I'm attaching my small example model to illustrate the error when the worker (P1) is required to move to the Dest1 server as a required secondary resource for processing. WorkerWithFailuresExample.spfx
  25. Hi, currently I am doing my internship at a logistics company. I am simulating the warehouse process, but due to the limitation in the number of symbols I have split the process in an inbound model and an outbound model. Now I came across a problem. There is a X number of employees which both work in the inbound and outbound model. Is there a way that both models can make use of one workers list? Or another way to solve this problem. Kind regards
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