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  1. Before you start adding state variables to a library object, I suggest that you first familiarize yourself with all of the existing states. One easy way to do this is to instantiate the object (e.g., Worker1) and then go to any expression field and type "Worker." and look at the list. In the case of Worker, there are over 100 states, functions, and properties built-in to the Worker object. Another way is to subclass the Worker, then go to the Definitions tab of the MyWorker object and you can see all of the built-in definitions by category: There is a pretty good chance that what you need is already there. But if not, use the same screen illustrated above and add whatever state (or property, event, ...) that you need. As far as referencing or assigning that custom state or a built-in state, it is done using ObjectName.StateName. For example if you added a state named TimeStartedMove to MyWorker, and you wanted to assign that value, you might assign MyWorker.TimeStartedMove to TimeNow. The tricky part, especially with more complex objects like Workers, is to determine exactly when/how to assign that value. Sometimes you can interact with the model itself to insert an Assign at the correct location (let's say in the Loaded Add-on Process). Or sometimes you might need to override the process logic in your custom object. The SimBits RecordDistanceTraveled and ElectricVehicle are examples to review.
  2. Hi everyone, I am working on a model for a project and I need to make so for each server, only one worker will be assigned and work at that server for the workers entire shift. I have uploaded a simplified version of my model. The workers schedules are already in the model. For example: On day 1, worker 1 works all day so they should go to either room1 or room2 (servers) and then only go to that server for the rest of the day. Worker 2 works only in the morning and should take which room/server is not taken by worker 1. Once worker 2's shift is over, worker 3 should come in and take the room that worker 2 left. After the day is over, the room assignment should reset for the next day. Is there a way to do this in Simio? Thanks in advance for any help! WorkerServerModel.spfx
  3. I have uploaded an example of what I am trying to accomplish for my project. In this model, I need the workers to stay and service only one of the servers(rooms) for their entire shift. During their shift, no other worker should go to that assigned room. However, on different days of the week, the worker will be assigned to different rooms. Ex.) Day 1 - Worker 1 should service room 1, in the morning worker 3 should service room 2 and at night worker 2 should service room 2. Day 2 - Worker 2 should service room 1, in the morning worker 1 should service room 2 and at night worker 3 should service room 2. Day 3 - Worker 1 should service room 1 and worker 2 should service room 2. Day 4 - Worker 3 should should service room 1 in the morning, worker 1 should service room 1 at night, and worker 2 should service room 2 all day Day 5 - Worker 1 should service room 1 all day, worker 2 should service room 2 during the day, and worker 3 should service room 2 at night. Is there a way to accomplish this in Simio? All workers are capable of servicing each room, but will be assigned different rooms depending on the day. WorkerRoomAssignment.spfx
  4. A simple approach is to create the highest resolution image you can find using any map program or other software. Save it off in one of the import formats: Hint: some software allows export as a high-resolution pdf. Then you can convert that pdf to a png file for import into Simio. Then import that as a symbol and place that in your model (preferably to its original scale). Then lock that to the background and build your model on top of it. The main down side of this approach is that it is limited by the resolution of your image, so if you zoom in, it might appear fuzzy.
  5. I have a project where I want to model aircraft moving around an area of a fake map. The only map options I've seen in simio are the ArcGIS World View and Street map under View -> Map View. I uploaded a picture as a symbol and set it as a layer, but when I do that certain areas of the map work and others don't. It's like the map area is 'too busy' and it automatically declutters, which in this case hides aircraft moving in certain areas of the map. I tried to zoom in on areas and the map works as advertised, but for demonstration purposes, I need to have all traffic on the map appear at all times (as if I had a map selected under map view). This wouldn't be a problem if I could set an image as a "background color." Any suggestions?
  6. Hello everyone, I have a server which can potentially have many entities waiting in the input queue. All these entities have different priorities (as a model entity state variable). I want to retrieve these values to then select the highest one and put it on a status label to track this during the run. Is there an option to do this? Regards, MF
  7. Hello, I am trying to use git to track changes when working on Simio projects collaboratively. For this I am saving the project as *.simproj and the resulting file and folder structure looks good. But there are too many time stamp changes that make it difficult to track the "important" changes. For example, I only changed the location of the DefaultEntity in the model and hit save. The resulting changes are shown in the attached screenshot, with 20 files shown as changed. The main changes are related to the time stamp. Is there a way to configure Simio such that fewer files will be affected by each change? Thank you. Annika
  8. I'm making a call center simio model. The 7 types of calls are generated at sources and then move down a path to a server. This server represents a queue that is formed at the call center. After the queue server the calls are transferred to 1 of 7 desks (which are represented by a server) where a call agent is working. How do I make it so the calls do not go to one of the server desks until a desk becomes available. As it currently stands the calls go right through the queue server and build up at some desks even if there are free desks available.
  9. Simio academic offering is not compatible with commercial offering. There is no way to convert the model to be workable in commercial version by the end-user.
  10. I am trying to load models into a licensed version of SIMIO RPS that have been created in the academic version of Simio. I am getting a meesage that states that these non-commercial models cannot be loaded into a commercial version of Simo. Is there a way to load theses non-commercial models into the licensed version of Simio RPS? I would like to be able to take advantage in using these academic models to provide solutions that we are identifying.
  11. You can run the model with 'Trace' turned on. This will trace everything happening in the model, including changes to state variables etc. Turning Trace on also generates a CSV file that you can use to debug. You can also use watch window to debug.
  12. Hello, You can go to the process tab in the model. Once in the process tab you can click on create process to create add on processes at the model level.
  13. Hello everyone, I am creating a new "customize" model and try to enable addon process, but I cannot find this option in the following list.
  14. The current version of Simio does not allow running a model anymore. How can get my clients to view the model (play around with it), without having a license?
  15. Happy new year! One thing that I noticed is that with this model, the server never have a state of "blocked". I increased the processing time of Server2 and added a status pie to Server1. The server 1 is either Processing or starved, but never blocked according to the pie. But it should be blocked part of the time since I increased the processing time of Server2 to force this. It looks like the Server1 only accepts a new item to process if the path between Server1 and Server2 has room for at least one more vehicle. So the time that it should be blocked is considered as part of the "Starved" instead. I tried to figure out why this happens without success. Anyone knows why this happens? I attach the model to the post. Thank you! Input Server1 not blocked.spfx
  16. Hello all I am relatively new to Simio and DES. I am trying to model a pallet conveyor. It is a closed loop conveyor. I use the "vehicle" as the pallet that loops around the conveyor. At the source the part (default entity) is loaded on the pallet. At the sink the part is unloaded. The problem that I am encountering is that the vehicles from time to time pile up at the sink, then after a certain amount of time they continue back to the starting point "Source1". This happens more the more I increas the "initialnumber in system" of vehicles The transfer-in Time for the sink is set at 0. At the model trace I read this for the "Input@Sink1" : "the in Token waiting at VisitNode step for '1' other processes to complete." I would apreciate any advice. Many thanks! Vehicle_stuck_at_sink.spfx
  17. Hi, You won't need batch logics of the definition. Just the combiner is enough. I made a simplified version of your model. Producto1 requires 1 med and 1 big, while Producto 2 requires 1 small and 1 big. Pay attention to the process that I created at TransferNode1, you'll need to adjust it for the Producto3 and 4. Watch the Combiner Object aswell. Hope it helps. ExampleSimplified.spfx
  18. Hello Vinicius, thank you for you help but I still having problems with the model. I can understand the logic behind of the SimBit "CombineMultipleEntityTypeOntoPallets" but I have some doubts. I change the model adding a combiner, I creted a intergrer model entity state to identify the quantity of containers, and I have a real state to identify the container but I dont know how change the batch logic of the container to each product. In the definitios tab you can see the batch logics. I hope you can help me Best regards. OptimoContenedores3.spfx
  19. Hello, I am working on a Demo Model and I would like to use the Console feature. The Console has a lot of "pros" because you can decide whether to display/hide KPIs, place buttons...However, it has a couple of "cons" that make its usage less friendly: Console Size cannot be pre-defined. Every time that the Open Console is clicked, the console will be opened in a different place and with a small size, which forces to manually move it and resize it so that everything can be seen more clearly. Gridlines cannot be hidden. I have tried to disable them in the section of view - gridlines, but it has not been possible. Any of you know if these two features actually exist and it's me that I do not know them? Attached there are a couple of screenshots of what I mention and the model itself (DemoModel should be run and right click open console). ConsoleIssue.spfx
  20. Hi there, I'm very much a novice, but currently leveraging the logic in VisitAllServersInAnyOrder simbit to ensure an entity visits an entity is never reworked more than once. I've updated the model entity with required state variables and created a "MyServer" to create the "HasEntityVisited" etc etc. I'm using the "Candidate.MyServer.HasEntityVisited==False" logic for the selection condition in the output node routing logic. However, whenever I run the model I get the error message "Referenced definition type "MyServer" does not match executing type "BasicNode". I've gone over and over the various elements and compared to the working simbit, but can't identify the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Garrett
  21. Without seeing the model, it is hard to give advice...
  22. Without seeing the model, I might guess that it is a timing issue - perhaps the SetRow is not executed before the results are used. You might be able to discern that by stepping through the model Trace and Watch window.
  23. I'm trying to do something similar to do this where an order has 4 different routes or paths it can go (My model currently doesn't have paths). I created 3 separate sequence tables and created a process logic depending on if a certain workstation is already processing an order/entity, to go through this sequence. For some reason, whenever it gets to the "set row" step, there is a table reference error mentioning "no entries found" if though in the process step, I specify which row to start the new sequence. What is the reason behind this error?
  24. Thank you so much: I tried the same setup but it doesn't work like in your model. It could be another problem that I don't see. Kind regards
  25. kindly refer to the attached model. cheers Model_recordbatchmembersAttributetoParentObject.spfx
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