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  1. Hi, Thank you so much for taking the trouble of creating the doc document! I am afraid that the three first images refer to the same step (first Search), and the properties of Decide1 and Assign1 cannot be seen. I have tried to open the model with the academic licence I have and have the same issue (I am using in 8.139.13727 release). Sorry for the inconvenience and many thanks for your help. Best regards,
  2. I think with commercial license you can not open a model which is developed by an academic edition. I took snapshots of all inclusions and pasted them in the word file atached as a whole. You can easily track the inclusions from these snapshots. The trick is the definition of a table (i.e., table1 in the model). When the search is performed stRowList returns the rank of object in the object list (i.e., LstServers). I can not manage to compare whether returned server name equals to the server name specified with "whichserver" property in the search step alone (Note that, as far as I remember I changed the type of this model propery as "object" instead of "objectlist", otherwise it does not work). Then I defined a data table which replicates the object list then used a decide step for performing this comparison (i.e., whether returned server name equals to the server name specified with "whichserver" property). Note that, string type state variable definition is irrelevant. It is defined for only verification purposes. Contents_simple_sample_redo.docx
  3. Hi, Many thanks for spending the time to redo it. I am trying to open it and have a compatibility issue. I just downloaded the lastest version but it seems not to work. My version is 8.139.13727 (32bit) and running a full commercial version. Although this goes beyond my initial post, do you have a clue or I might do to open yor model. Best regards,
  4. Hi, Many thanks for your reply. I have created a Seach step that searches through the list lstStations with the Match Condition candidate.Object.Name == ModelEntity.Location.Parent.Name and I get Station8, wich is the object were the entity is. I would like to compare this with the value of rpSynchroStation, but this I am having trouble with. Many thanks, anyways. I am aware that if you cannot open the model, it is not easy to figure what my issue is. Regards,
  5. Unfortunately I cannot open Academic licenses but from what you wrote you are comparing your list reference rpSynchroStation to a name and thus get a mismatch comparing reference to a string. To solve it you need to search through your list to actually get the name. I do not know how the model is set up, but if you need to do a multi-level search (for every output node search through the list), you need two searches after each other. Mind that if there are a lot of elements in these searches, and if you execute it often, you might get performance issues.
  6. At the end of the run you can open up the watch window and everything you need should be available there. You can select all objects you want to display (click, ctrl-click,...) then right-click and select Watch. TIP: If you have a large model and want to select all objects of a given type, you can open up the Properties Window (either on Project Home ribbon or right click on an object), display all the objects of that type, and hit Ctrl-A to select them all. Then right-click in facility window on any one selected and select Watch.
  7. hi Glenn, I am having a trouble with Connection String. I use MS-SQL Server and I define my connection string as " Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=db_projectReport; User Id=sa; Password=aaa " Since I did not get the whole definitions of Simbit DBReadWrite example's connection string which is "Server=localhost; Port=3306; Database=world; Uid=root; Pwd=root" , I do not know exactly what I need to define in my Connection String. Maybe I need to install something similar "MySQL connector" to make a connection between Simio and MS-SQL Server. My error is "A runtime error was detected at time 0.0 hours. Item: DbConnect1 Exception trying to open database connection. Message: 'Cannot open database "db_projectReport" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'sa'.' "
  8. Thanks Gochen for your reply. I really appreciate it. I just rechecked your model but still giving me 10 jobs some of them are duplicated which does not represent 10 different entities (jobs). Anyway, I am going to keep looking for an elegant way to do it based on your hits. Now, let me explain the next step; since the source problem is solved (at least temporary), now I am going to tackle the server and resource objects. I have 10 different jobs waiting to be processed in front of the first sever in the shop. The server cannot process them without resource such as tool, worker, etc...Each job has a processing time on the server but also depending on the resource. I have attached a doc snapshot if you are not able to open an academic license. The goal is: the server has to seize the available resource that has the smallest processing time in order to process the job. I found a nice file in the Simbits which is: SeizingSameResourceFromList. It does part of the job but still to be improved. The same allocated resource sticks to the job all the way. In my case, I want the server to choose from the available resource each time the resource is needed. I hope my explanation was clear enough. Thank you. Model Overview.docx
  9. I cannot open files with academic license but can help with the problem: First of all, do not set the interarrival time to 0, that is dangerous, use entities per arrival to have more than one at the same time. If you set a row on Before Creating Entities, you will get the same row for all entities per arrival. Instead, you should assign jobs On Created Entity, once you already have them. Then you can assign the values to entity states and go forward with processing. For the target, make a queue (storage element) minimizing the processing time and always take the first element.
  10. Cant open the model (please next time tell us that you use academic version). But from my experience this Error is caused by entity haven't end its transfer step. If you use transfer into station you must create proces mystation_entered triggered by mystation_entered_event and place EndTransfer step there. Otherwise entity hangs in WaitingFor transfer state. The other possibility is that another process is already dealing with this entity and is transfering it. This sometimes happen if you search queue or station for entities and try to transfer them. If you don't check carefully for entities already beeing transfered, you get this message.
  11. I cannot open your model. Please mention that you are using academic license in the future. I do not think there is a good SimBit showing interactions among multiple vehicles. I would strongly advise against that, as you need a node every time (precisely knowing where it happens!) and animation would not look nice. However, what is the purpose of the simulation then, if you know your progress exactly? If you want to show nicely the progress of the works even when you make different progress on various days I suggest doing everything in freespace. This will work only if you accept straight-line movements. You can store the progress in a variable and smoothly iterate in steps. For every day the vehicle will store then e.g. starting position, progress goal, movement direction. Add a vector for a vehicle for progress/distance/whatever for each day. Add a tally for average results among multiple vehicles. With limited number of vehicles you can reference them and create custom events to move around and offset truck from excavator etc. A lot of tedious work. Unless you really need to carry cargo between locations or use multiple resources for a task, use entities instead of vehicles (way simpler). Interaction between entities in freespace will be a challenge though, but you should manage with absolute/relative coordinates.
  12. Simio freezing when the file size is large is a common issue. I hope you are running the 64bit version as it handles that better. I do not know how the number of control variables or needed replications (rather low for the number of inputs imho) is to influence your issue. It is rather heavy symbols, CAD drawings etc. In my experience closing Simio altogether, not just the model, (which cleans temporary files) and then re-opening it anew works best. Mind that Referenced Property (best use Expression Property in object classes) can have a default value and even if it returns an error in the class definitions, it will work well if the main model, providing of course the value is then recognized by the main model. You may want to change then the Runnable property to false in order not to be annoyed. To update the size of an object right-click on it and choose - "Resize to Graphic size" option.(To select all objects of this class is best to first open properties spreadsheet and ctrl+a). I advise against removing objects from the model and placing them again. Too prone to mistakes in typing.
  13. Hi All I like to see the models uploaded in user forum. But many of these are done using student edition. Whenever I try to open these the following msg comes up. How can I see the student version model in other edition of Simio? Any suggestion will be much appreciated Regards Sazzad
  14. Attached is an add-in that will append data from a CSV file into a Simio Table. Both the DLL and code are provided. To run with the DLL, complete the following steps: 1. Download AppendTablesDLL.zip and extract AppendTables.dll. 2. Right click DLL and unblock. 3. Place DLL into C:\Users\\Documents\SimioUserExtensions 4. Open Simio and create New Model 5. Select "Data" tab and run "Add Scheduling List and Tables" button under the Scheduling group....This will create 7 scheduling tables. 6. Next, select the "Append Tables" button under the Scheduling group...When prompted, select "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Simio\Examples\DiscretePartProductionFiles\Materials.csv". 7. Select Materials table...5 materials should be imported. 8. If you run the "AppendTables" again, the data will be updated...The add-in will append the table based on Material Name...It will not clear tables and add rows. The add-in will use the first column name in the file as the key and tries to find a matching column name in the table. If there is a match, the match will be used as the key. If the row already exists in the table, it will be updated. NOTE: This add-in also handle multiple files at a time. When prompted to select a file, choose multiple files. The import will assume the file name (excluding the extension) is the same name as the table. AppendTablesDLL.zip AppendTablesCode.zip
  15. Hi, Check out the appointment arrivals Simbit. Sorry would have looked at your model, but I cant open models built on academic licences.
  16. Hi all, I was trying to modify my Simio model by using xml format, that is, I saved my model in XML format and edited it in Visual Studio. However, when I tried to open the xml file via Simio, it pops out an error message saying "XML contents not verified". It could be real fast to model a large scale model by using XML and my work nature needs modelling large scale model frequently. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Jeng
  17. Well I said it is huge cause I very often get an out of memory error and my machine has 8 GB. However, in this case it just does nothing. I click to paste and it stays processing for a while. After that nothing happens. It also doesn't let me load the project as a library. "Cannot load 'Final@lab_v16' because it has the same originating project id as '[Project Library]' If you want to open both of these projects as libraries, you must create a new project and move the models from one of them into this new project. Then open the new project and the other existing project."
  18. Create a new project, go to ProjectHome ribbon, click load library button. Then, find and select your own model, simply click open to load it into Simio. You will see your model components (i.e., objects from your own library) at left with the name of your library (custom library).
  19. The Transportation Library provides a collection of objects for modeling cargo transportation using trains, trucks, boats, pipes, and robots. The Tanker object is sub-classed from Vehicle and used to transport discrete and flow entities between node locations. The Tanker has all the same functionality as Vehicle, except it has been extended to have weight and volume limits. In addition to standard discrete pickups and drop offs, the Tanker can also perform continuous flow pickups and drop-offs using a Dock object. The Dock object provides support for flow into and out of entities and vehicles (like a Tanker or HopperCar) supporting flow. The Dock is seized/released by the Tanker/HopperCar during loading/unloading operations at the Dock. The Dock may also follow a Work Schedule. The Pipe object may be used to model continuous flow through a fully filled pipe. In contrast to the FlowConnector the Pipe requires time for the flow material to travel. The Pipe can be used to connect flow between Tanks or between a Dock and a Tank to more accurately model the travel time of material flow from one location to another. This is particularly useful in applications where heavy liquids are transported over long distances through a pipe. The Railcar, Locomotive, and HopperCar objects represent various types of train-related vehicles. Train movements are modeled by defining a track network comprised of ControlNode and Track objects, over which trains move. A train is a linked sequence of RailCars, where the first RailCar in the sequence is a Locomotive. The RailCar can represent a wide range of train cars including freight cars, cabooses, passenger cars, etc. In addition a HopperCar is special RailCar that is provided to support fill/empty operations at a Dock. The HopperCar is a RailCar with the added functionality of a Tanker. The RailCars can be linked together in any order; for example a train might contain two or more Locomotives. The RobotBase, RobotLowerArm, RobotUpperArm, and RobotHand objects are the components used to model a multi-axis robot. The RobotHand is specified as the transporter and the movements of the other robot components are automatically calculated to support the required hand movement. Like all Simio-provided libraries, this library is open so you can look at how it was built, learn from it, and subclass your own objects to improve them. The Transportation Library was created totally by deriving its objects from other Simio objects and then supplementing with Process Logic. No C++, Java, or other user code was required to write or use these objects. And you can also customize the behavior to match your own needs. Unlike our built-in libraries, this is not fully supported (although we can provide some help) and we may not continue enhancing it, particularly if we decide to build this capability into the base Simio products. We are anxious to receive your feedback on this library. Here is a zip file containing the library, documentation, and a few examples. Updated 2014-01-23 - The InputFlow node's Initial Maximum Flow Rate property on the Dock object was not being used to regulate the rate the Tanker was filled. This has been Fixed. The rate the Tanker is filled can now be adjusted using the InputFlow node's Initial Maximum Flow Rate property. Updated 2014-02-17 - Updates to the Tanker and Dock objects Updated 2014-03-17 - Updates to HopperCar and Locomotive behavior when dropping off. Also bug fixes. Updated 2014-03-19 - Bug fixes - Loaded car no longer takes off on its own after loading, but waits to be picked up by the locomotive and The Loaded add-on process now runs after the loading is complete. Updates 2014-04-07 - Added ability to allow a RailCar to request a Locomotive. See example DropPickTrain_DetatchToLoadUnload.spfx Updates 2014-04-17 - Bug Fixes to previous update Updates 2015-03-23 - Bug Fixes to previous update TransportationLibrary.zip
  20. You might build a model like this: Source -> ItemToFlowConverter -> the flow line Where the Source object is the Standard Library Source for creating discrete entity arrivals. So, use a Source to create discrete entities (of possibly varying entity types) from table data. Then have each discrete entity go into an ItemToFlowConverter to be converted into a specified quantity of flow, by specifying the 'Flow Quantity Per Item' property however you like (sounds like that will possibly be a value also coming from table data that was used to define the entity's type). The FlowSource is currently easiest to use as an infinite flow supply of some flow type. You can of course open and close the 'Output' flow regulator (e.g., Assign Output@MyFlowSourceName.FlowRegulator.CurrentMaximumFlowRate = 0 to close the output valve of the flow source). However, if you have a situation with discrete arrivals of flow quantities where each arrival has some entity type and some volume or weight quantity, I think using a Source -> ItemToFlowConverter combination is probably the best way to go.
  21. I thought I would be easy to change Write step, but the fact each replication is in a separate file has a reason. Simio can run multiple replications at once. And using External it crates say 4 processess each with one replication. Each process can run in a different thread. But these processess cannot write in one file simultanously. So I recommend using this Makro to join files together. Sub LoopThroughFiles() Application.DisplayAlerts = False i = 0 Dim StrFile As String StrFile = Dir("C:\Users\.....\NameOfExcelFile*") Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 Workbooks.Open Filename:=StrFile Sheets("Sheet1").Activate Range("A1").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.Copy Workbooks("vysledky_makro.xlsm").Activate Sheets("Sheet2").Activate If Range("A1") = "" Then Range("A1").Select Else Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select End If Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll i = i + 1 Workbooks(StrFile).Close StrFile = Dir Loop End Sub
  22. Nope, the 64bit version still will not open the model with a massive data table (at least not within the 5mins I was willing to wait for it). I left the model opening over night (via the 32bit client), and came in this morning to it opened. I have removed the datatable, and will have to explore using a database, etc.
  23. I am helping to build some models for textbook chapters to distribute so I prefer to leave it blank. My professor cleaned the author with his enterprise version but when I open it with my student version it automatically filled my name. Perhaps it is a bug with the student version for 106? I will try to reinstall SIMIO to see if I can solve it.
  24. A quick work-around is to set the add-on process to consist of a single execute step, with Execute -> Advanced Options -> Token Wait Action set to None (Continue). Have that Execute step execute the same seize-delay-release process from my first comment, and you should be able to get concurrent seizing of both the secondary resource and the server during processing. With your approach, it seems like the seize process is at the model level, meaning that the model object is attempting to seize (and release) the resource, rather than the server or the entity. The error message indicates that the release step is trying to release a quantity (1) of resource, but it doesn’t have any quantity of that resource seized. You could try running the model with the trace window open to determine how the model is behaving (i.e. what is trying to seize what, and when). -Adam
  25. Ok, good to know. I’ve come across the Academic/Commercial divide with example models here on the forums, so I wasn’t sure about between other license types. I have a related feature request: it would be nice to open/run/save a model with a specific license type (“below” the license in use). The example use case is that I am developing a model for a customer who has Team Edition. I have Enterprise Edition, but I want to make sure that I am not using any Enterprise-only features so that I can guarantee full functionality of the model upon delivery. Thanks! -Adam
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