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Found 10 results

  1. Hello River, I downloaded your files. The Gate512 was missing. I removed the information in the "30 Departure.xlxs" file that I can run the model ;-). Generally I understood how it works. Answer to your first question: I think you mean these two ways, right? From the left and from the right. In this case I saw that you used the "Routing Logic" in like all Transfernodes. The Outbound Link Rule is "Shortest Path" and you set the "Node Name" to "Input@Takeoff" Simio is using everytime the shortest link path now. Like in the screenshot below: In my opinion it would be better to set the destination once after the Entity got created in the Source for example :-). There are different ways to do that. In your model I removed all Routing Logic in the Transfernodes and used the Routing Logic only in the Output-TransferNodes of the Sources. In Simio you need only to use one time a SetNode-Step or a Routing-Logic to set the destination of an Entitiy and Simio will follow the paths or travel in the FreeSpace. You can use for example a NodeList with 2 different destinations and this Routing-Logic: With the "Selection Goal" Random Simio will randomly choose the destination from the NodeList. I uploaded you your model with the changes as an example: Problem on the taxiway version 17A.zip What did I changed? 1) I removed the Routing Logic in all TransferNodes. 2) I added new Routing Logic to the TransferNodes of the Output-Node of the Sources. 3) I added a NodeList with 2 new Nodes. 4) In the two new Nodes I used a Nodes-Entered-Process and a Transfer-Step to transfer the Entity to the Input of the Sink. Answer to your second question: You can change the destination of an Entity any time. In the Path (Link) you have a function called "NumberTravelors" for example to get the number of travelors currently on this path. So you can use a Expression like "Path123.NumberTravelors < 2". This can be used to decide if a way is full allready that the other way get selected. Or you can use a Integer-State and count up and down. I would use a Node-Entered-Process in the last possible node with a Decide-Step and two SetNode-Step in this case :-). I hope my answer will help you. When you have any other question, you are welcome! Best regards Pascal
  2. Hello, I am modeling a container terminal. I have different servers which model my container storage yard. I have two different Model Entities, "ImportContainers" and "ExportContainers". I created an Add-On Process on Entering the OutputNode of the storage servers. In this process, the destination node is defined ("SetNode"-step) based on the type of Entity and a transporter ride is initiated ("Ride"-step). It works. Now I want to change the destination to a group of servers (which represent a group of truck loading stations). So I grouped the InputNodes of these servers into a NodeList. But in the Add-On Process I can't set the NodeList as a Destination in the "SetNode"-Step. I need this, because I want to set different NodeList's as a destination for my "ImportContainers" and "ExportContainers" respectively. My questions are: 1. How can I set a NodeList as a destination in an Add-On Process? 2. When using NodeList's as destination, how can I be sure that only servers are choosen randomly from that list which are not full? Thanks!
  3. Hello, this question is related to my question here http://www.simio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2352, in so far that I want to entites to go somewhere and it's a rather complex problem since I don't know which node to send the entities to before runtime. So, is it possible that I delete nodes from a nodelist during runtime? Lets say I have 4 nodes in my list and a process is triggered that deletes a node from thatlist, or a copy of that list? Thanks.
  4. We have a SimBit titled 'SelectServerWithShortestLine' in which there are 3 servers to select between and the output node for the Source provides the logic for the selection. The Server input nodes are put into a NodeList named 'Servers'. This list is then used to select between the members based on a Selection Goal 'SmallestValue' based on the expression 'Candidate.Node.AssociatedStationLoad'. The associated station 'load' is defined as the sum of current entities en route to the node intending to enter the stations, plus the current entities already arrived to the node but still waiting to enter the stations, plus the current entities occupying the stations. This can be used whether or not the capacity of the input buffers is specified for the Servers.
  5. Hi, I have model with multiple vehicles and servers in parallel. I made a process for my vehicles to wait for all the entities they carry to process before exiting. Now I would like to create a process for my vehicles to choose a server that is free (or has less number of entity processing). I have already tried to do so by selecting on the previous output node the entity destination to NodeList, and then Smallest value --> Candidate.Node.AssociatedStationLoad, but then my vehicle make a U-turn instead of dropping all entities at the same server. For my vehicle process I tried to put first a Search step : Collection type : NodeList Search Type : foward SearchCandidate.Server.Capacity.Allocated==0 Save Index found : not sure what to use ? Then I would like to set the next destination node of my vehicle to the one found by the search step, but I havn't found how to do it. Can someone be of any help ? Thanks in advance !
  6. I have a situation where I have entities at a single source that are transferred to their destination by a vehicle. Each vehicle delivers 1 entity per trip. The destination is dictated by the entity's state variable ModelEntity.DropOff (if=1, then drop off at server 1, if=2, drop off at server 2, etc..). The vehicle path is the same for all vehicles (pick-up, then server 1, then server 2, etc.... return home) until they drop off their entity. Once they drop off their entity, they immediately return home to pick up another entity. With support's help, I have the model working fine except for the drop-off part (right now vehicles pick-up an entity, follow a nodelist, and dropoff entities at random destinations in the nodelist, and return home to pick up another) . I cannot figure out how to tell a vehicle to drop off a particular entity at a particular destination based on the attributes of the riding entity. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Scott
  7. Hi. I wanted to ask if there is any simple way to select ONE out of couple of alternative destinations specified in a data table? I.e. I have the machines grouped into three manufacturing cells, lets say ProductType A can be produced on machines 1 OR 2 OR 3 within Cell1. Input nodes of each cell are specified in the NodeList. I want to route the entity to one of these 3 machines based on this ResourceState(idle). Any ideas? Detailed description along with the base model can be found in this topic http://www.simio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1765
  8. I need to select Node from NodeList, but based on random. All nodes should have equall probability of beeing selected. Does anybody know if this is possible? I made a workaround with assigning each node a number from 1 to N and then first generate the random number and then search for appropriate Node using SearchStep, but this requires for setting numbers for each node manually and I have a lot of nodes in my model. Is there a way to use a rank of node in the node list? Thanks for help. Petr
  9. Thank you very much Mr. Glen Wirth. The suggested solution to the alternative routes worked very well. In our researches, we have to use more complex algorithms in order to both choose the machine and the AGV to be requested. For instance, I can choose which machine will be the next (from the nodelist) by using Fuzzy Logic and several variables at the same time, such as input buffers, output buffers, distances and so on. Is there some example of using the .NET code in order to define new rules, instead of simply the "Smallest Value First", etc? How can I insert these rules in my model? Regarding the "Schedule and Fire Events...Update states while model is runs" Example, I couldn't open the models, since that my Simio License is Academic. Could you save that in an Academic Version, please? Thank you for your consideration.
  10. Adam, Instead of having the TransferNode reference a NodeList property on the entity, could you have it reference a NodeListProperty in a Table? So, instead of having a Node Property in the Table, have a NodeListProperty instead. And populate the Table with NodeList1, NodeList2, etc. Have your TransferNode reference Table2.NodeListProperty1 and then depending on what row the incoming entity has set to that Table, they'll select the appropriate NodeList. And when you want to change which node list an entity uses, you just change their row reference into that table. I made a few small changes to you model and attached it. In this example, I have two state variables that set the row of the entity as it's leaving the Source so when you want to change which row is assigned, you just change the state variable. Its built in sprint 90. Let me know if you have questions or if this doesn't meet your needs. DynamicRoutingPriority_simio.spfx
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