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  1. Hi folks! I'm trying to model a production line with one worker and several stations that he visits/uses. The process is in a specific order (ie, the entities move in a direct path) but the worker is free to float between stations as needed. The situation I'm facing now is that some stations require him during the beginning and ending, excluding processing time, and other use him the whole time. I have a station that he is called to be at, and he goes and completes the task, then exits the station leaving the entities, goes to finish another task, and then returns to the original station to pick up the entities he left before. How do I make him take those entities to their next location before leaving? I've tried setting the "task selection strategy" to "largest priority" and assigning higher priority to the entities at the original station, but it's not working. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks PS, does anyone have any thoughts/preferences between using processes to seize the worker and delay during the task versus using the station's secondary resources to call him? They seem to be the same thing to me and I was just wondering if there are any tips/tricks/reasons to use one over the other? Double thanks!
  2. Hello, I have created a sub-model with two servers connected by a path that will process n types of entities (i.e. different products that share a work station). In the main model these entities have a table reference assignment (specified at the source) that allows different processing times in each server in the model. If these entities enter the sub-model how can I allow for different processing times? Since there is no source in the sub-model I do not see a way to assign the a reference table (normally done in the source). Thank you for any ideas!
  3. Hello, I am new to Simio and am having trouble with altering process times which differ according to the Model Entity. First, a little more about the background of the problem. I am trying to model a call center and have 12 different Model Entities that move through Free Space according to a sequence table. So for example, as part of the model I want a single server called "Sales" but there are three model entities that eventually end up at that server, but each is processed differently. Could anyone suggest a method to model this phenomena that doesn't involve adding additional servers? Thanks. Kevin
  4. Hi all, I'm a new user to Simio and am having to give myself a crash course in the software, so please bear with me. I posted this in the material handling forum but have realized that this is probably a better question for the SI Objects forum. My project is a manufacturing facility that involves product being created, processed, and finished in tooling, which is transported between process steps by transporter vehicles. My team is attempting to determine the need for additional tooling and transporters in this facility, and so material handling and resources are the main focus area of the project. Can entities seize resources across multiple workstations? IE, an entity (product) would seize a resource (tooling) out of the Source, and continue seizing that same resource as it travels through several workstations, and then release the resource as the entity enters the Sink? In our facility, the product is supported in tooling as it undergoes multiple operations at different workstations, and we need a way to model the tooling utilization. The transporters can come and go freely while the part/product & tooling combination are in process at each workstation. Is it possible to model this in Simio? Or reasoning behind using the objects the way we are is so that we can track utilization of the tooling and transporters to determine at what production rate they cross the 100% utilization rate threshold. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi everyone! As the title sugests I want to know if there is some way to access the entities that are on a Path, similar to what we can do to access the elements on a queue. Thanks
  6. Hi guys, there is someone who knows if is possible create a server process which can identify what kind of entity is just entered in the server? i.e. I have a model where 3 entities are created by the same souce, both of them entered in input in the same server but they have to be processed in a different way so I need to distinguish them. Thank you for your help.
  7. After some experimentation I have figured out how to get entities to interact directly with other entities, without having to add any code on the model level. By using the call: (first entity).location.parent.model.(second entity) inside a search or other process block inside the first entity I can access and manipulate the second entity. Example Model 1 - Ball Toss With Arch Simple Model to show different entities throwing a "ball" back and forth Example Model 2 - RvB Model to show entities "fighting" each other. In this model the entities interact with each other by reducing HP and destroying other entities Ball Toss with Arch.spfx RvBv4.spfx
  8. Hey guys, first of all, thanks for the contribution on these forums, I have learned a lot from the SimBit solutions along with forum threads. Herewith my first post/question: Based on the Vehicle Fixed Route SimBit, I've set up the following model: There are specific pickup/drop-off locations in each of the vehicles' fixed routes. Entities entering at the various Sources will each be allocated a destination location Sinks randomly (ie. at Source_1 Output Node the destination is randomly selected from a DestinationList, which contains all destination nodes). Enities in the right-side loop are only picked up by Vehicle 1, and entities in the left-hand loop are picked up by Vehicle 2. Sequence Allocated to Vehicle 1: Output@Source_1 -- Input@Sink_1 -- Input@Sink_3 -- Input@Sink_5 -- TransferNode1 Sequence Allocated to Vehicle 2: Output@Source_2 -- Input@Sink_2 -- TransferNode1 -- Input@Sink_4 Of course some entities' destinations in the right-hand loop are set to destination sinks on the left-hand loop, i.e. Source 1 entity destination is set to Sink 4, and vv. In this case I would like Vehicle 1 to transfer this specific entity to Vehicle 2 via TransferNode1, after which Vehicle 2 can drop the entity off at Sink 4. There can even be sort of a "swap" of entities which need to go to destinations not in its original vehicle's route/sequence. I've tried setting up a process where Vehicle 1 stops at TransferNode1, checks if entities need to be transferred, and if so, waits for Vehicle 2 which then picks up the entity from TransferNode1. Actually I don't know where to start with this process, or if I'm even thinking in the correct direction? Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  9. Hi guys. I have a timer for each entity. I'd like to know the location (object) of each entity whenever its timer is fired. Can somebody give me some clues on how to do this? Thanks.
  10. Hi, I like to count total number of entities types waiting in front of the servers.Say for example, i am having entity1,entity2,entity3.Each entity is produced from separate sources(source1,source2,source3 respectively) .I got 5 servers(S1,S2,S3,S4,S5). Entity 1 processed in S1-S3-S5 Entity 2 processed in S1-S2-S4 Entity 3 processed in S3-S4-S5 Each entity has different arrival rate. i like to create a expression to sum the total number of entity type 1 waiting in queue infront of the servers S1-S3-S5.if total number of entity type 1 waiting is greater than 100 numbers,the next coming entity type 1 from the source1 should leave the whole system( i mean sink without processing)similarly i like to count for entity2,entity3. Can anyone help me out? Thanks, R
  11. I want to have a source that creates one entity of each part type everyday. The total number of different parts in the system can vary and the user must define a priori. That is, you can have 1 to N different types. Then I want a server that will use the info from a table that contain the process time info for each 1 to N types and the server will use this table to process the entity based on their corresponding process times. I want to do this by placing only one one entity type, one source, and one server. The table will be populated with as many rows (N) as needed a priori. Thanks
  12. Hello, I specified a simple sequence of destinations for an entity with a sequence table and I would like to change the symbol of a subclass server depending on the current node destination of this sequence. I tried to make a process with a decide step but I can not find the good expression to get the current node destination. I am new with Simio so I wonder if it is a good way to proceed or if there is a better one? Best regards,
  13. Hello guys! In the model I'm developing I have a means of transport (lets call it car) that is an entity, another entity that is a driver and a third type of entity that represents the products. The main purpose of the car is to take the driver to a destiny (to get to those destinies he needs to choose between many paths -> selection weight) and then the driver leaves the car, goes into an object I created (channel) takes the products he wants and returns them to the car. Then, if in the same place he is, he wants more products from channels above the one he is on (yy axis), he repeats the process until he is finished. After that he returns to the car and drives to the next set of channels in his "shop list". Until now, I'm modeling this as a batch of a batch (products wanted batched on the driver and driver batched on the car) but I need the products to go to the car whenever the driver returns from a set of channels (so that they don't walk always with the driver) So, I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions as how to do this. I though of something similar to Simbit "UsingAStorageQueue" but instead of using the batch step I wanted to add the products to a queue of the object that represents the car. I tried to create a Station in the car object and I put the driver there through the Transfer step but i can't remove it from that station So, can somebody please give me some advice on what would be the best approach to model this problem? Or, if you think I'm proceeding correctly, can you please tell me what I need to do to remove the driver from the station of the car? Thanks
  14. Hi, I'm currently building a model which involves a very large queue of entities to be read into the model and dynamically searched. I've attempted to limit the number in the model through different techniques such as reading in only relevant entities in at one time (from csv), Limiting the search ranges to distinct queues (as opposed to searching entire entity populations) and offsetting the reading and searching intervals (so they don't fall within the same time-stamps and slow the model). Despite this the model still runs rather slowly and (depending on variability) may still breach the 20,000 entities in system mark. I'm curious to find out how anyone else has handled large numbers of entities in the past? Is there a way to disable this 20k entities in system warning? Are there more efficient ways of generating and searching entities? Any feedback would be great. Michael
  15. In the model I attached, I would like entity1 to move based on a sequence, as I assigned it, but entity2 to to go in at transfer node1, and as it reaches the crossroads, go to alternative paths, path8-9-10, with 5% probability each. As far as I know this is not doable since they are different different routing logics, one is based on a sequence, and the other is on a probabilistic manner. Am I wrong? Entity based routing logic.spfx
  16. hello, is there any number in the simulation results which returns the average waiting time for each entity? If not how can I implement this situation easily? Thanks! Regards, Nadine
  17. This model is for a simulation of waste haulage. The model has two types of trucks. One big and one small running to different speeds through the same path. Because of the size of the trucks (capacity), the big truck is going to have more delay time in the resource compared to the small one. This is cyclical process where the truck is loaded, then the truck transport the load and last the truck unload and return to the resource to be loaded again. In the model I am assuming that the entities are the loads. The entity requests any truck available coming after release the load. Then, any truck (big or small) take the load to the unloading area. Now, the time this entity is going to use the resource (loader) depends on the type of the truck, so this entity is going to take more time in the resource area in a big truck. how could I make this simulation in Simio? is it possible to have resources with different time depending on the entity? I was using other software with no success so far.
  18. Hello Simions i'm trying to simulate an ICU room. attached is my small intensive care unit. it consists of: 3 rooms (each room has 2 servers, which are a bed and couch) 1 waiting room (the waiting room has 1 server, which is a chair) 1 reception desk (desk has one server, which is a computer) on the left side of the model enters the visitors (model entity). on the right side of the model enters the patients on stretchers (model entity) my question is: how do i assign the visitor entity to go to a room that has a patient? i want the visitor to go to the couch/bed server in the room once a patient is placed in the bed. Currently, my problem is that the visitor will just randomly go into any room which sometimes doesn't even have a patient. So, i just need to know how do i assign a visitor to the couch once a patient is placed in the bed. Do i need to make some sort of table or state assignment? any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch! sample project runs.spfx
  19. Hi everyone, i'm working on a model similar to the emergency room sample provided by simio. my question is: they show a patient (entity) walking to the bed (server) and when it gets to the bed the entity (patient) changes from walking to lying down on the bed. How is that done? i'm looking around and can't figure out what setting i need to change to make this happen on my model. i have simio version 5.91.10320 (32 bit). any help would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks a bunch!
  20. Hello, could you please explain the difference between entity, model entity and the defaultEntity and give me examples where I have to use which reference in an expression? Thanks a lot! Regards Nadine
  21. Hey, I want to store informations for each entity in a data table or data sheet. The resulting table should contain a list of all entities and for example the corresponding throughput times. In the ideal case average an maximum values are also given in the table. Which posibilities are there in Simio? Regards Nadine
  22. Hi, in my workstation what is the easiest way of making the Bill Of Materials (BOMs) consumption vary according to the entity that is being processed? For example if I get entity A I'll consume the BOM "BOM_of_A": If it is B I'll would consume "BOM_of_B". Thanks!
  23. Hi! I have this: Configurations are like: Then I have the station's contents being displayed in the External definitions. I can count the new entities entering the station.contents, but they don't visually appear in the queue... What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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