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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, I want to create a list of tasks from data table which I will use in the server objects tasks sequence. When I want to refer to all of the properties of material requirements to data tables, I am facing a restriction as follows: a) I can refer the material "Action Type" (Consume\Produce) property from server object to data table by adding an "MaterialActionType" enumeration property to data table. b) If referencing in a) was NOT done, for the selected action type (lets say produce was selected), I can refer the "production type" (Material/Bill of Materials) property by adding a "MaterialOptions" enumeration property to data table. However, when I do the task in a) an additional row appears in server object, now showing both consumption type and production type in properties. Then I am unable to set reference to data table as in b) any more. Is it possible to refer BOTH "Action Type" (Consume/Produce) and "Material Options" (Material/BOM) simulatenously? If yes how? Could you please guide? Kind regards, Tolgahan
  2. Hi John, The entity is requesting a ride from the vehicle and the vehicle will seize the driver if available. However, if the vehicle is unable to seize the driver, it will reject the ride request and the entity will move to the Global Visit Request Queue, as you are seeing. You can attempt to have the Vehicle check again if it can now pick up the entity, and it will run the process to check if a driver is available. To have the Vehicle check the Global Request Queue to see if it can give a ride, use a PlanVisit step. Ensure that the Vehicle, in this case Vehicle_A, is the object executing this step. By default, the Vehicles are not aware if the Driver they need becomes available. You might consider using a Subscribe step on the Vehicle's OnInitialized process. This Subscribe step can watch for an Event and if that Event occurs, can trigger a related process. For example, the Vehicle might wait for the Driver.Released Event. When this Event occurs Process1 could run. In Process1, the Vehicle could execute the PlanVisit step. For more information, I recommend the Help pages in the Simio Reference Guide titled "PlanVisit" and "Subscribe". Happy Modeling!
  3. John, I too believe Task Sequences could be very useful for your project. For example, for the multiple patient types coming in, you could utilize a Branch Type of 'Conditional' in your Task Sequence so to only use a certain workflow for that type of patient. There is a general description of Conditional and Probabilistic Branching in the Simio Reference Guide Help page titled "TaskSequence" along with some other helpful information on Task Sequences. Additionally, I recommend you take a look at the SimBits titled "Task Sequence and Worker In Table (from project Task Sequence And Worker)" and "Using Relational Tables to Define Task Resource Lists". If you investigate how Task Sequences are used in these examples, I believe you will find some methods that might help you in your modeling endeavors. If Task Sequences still do not help you achieve your goals, it would be helpful to have more details on what you are trying to do. I think writing your own steps should be resorted to later after other options have been exhausted. If you email in to support@simio.com we can continue our conversation.
  4. Hi Mauricio, You can create a mock warm-up period by using an OnRunInitialized Process. An OnRunInitialized Process is executed when the model is first initialized. For example, you can use OnRunInitialized to Create and Transfer Entities into specific Servers as soon as the model is initialized, which is similar to what a warm-up period does. You can read more about OnRunInitialized in the Simio Reference Guide under the topic "Processes". While using OnRunInitialized can give you similar results to a warm-up period, it is not exactly the same as the Warm-up Period in the Experiments window. Keep in mind doing this will affect your Experiment and any other statistics collected (i.e. if you use a Warm-up Period in the Experiment it will essentially warm-up twice). A second option to explore is using a Timer to trigger a Process that contains a Clear Statistics step. This Timer should only go off once. This option is more similar to what a Warm-up Period in the Experiments window actually does. All the best, Caleb Simio Technical Support
  5. Hi Benjamin, The first thing I recommend is to select Server2 and change the Ranking Rule to 'Smallest Value First' and the Ranking Expression to 'ModelEntity.Priority'. Doing that will allow the entities that are currently arriving to Server2 to jump ahead of higher valued entities in the input queue. In order for Server 2 to process, when free, an entity with a priority value of 1 even if has not entered Server 2's input buffer at that point, you will need to use a process. This process only looks at values that have entered the paths to Server2. Create an AddOnProcessTrigger for Entered for the two paths going to Server2. -Insert a Decide Step and have the Decide Type be 'ConditionBased' and the Condition Or Probability be 'ModelEntity.Priority== 1'. -Insert a Reserve Step after the True arrow of the process. Change the Resource Name to 'Server2'. This reserves Server2 for a ModelEntity with a Priority value of 1 if such a ModelEntity has entered either of the two paths leading to Server2. This is a general idea how to begin to solve your problem. If you want to do further reading, check out the "Reserve" page in the Simio Reference Guide. All the best, Caleb
  6. According to the reference guide, I can attach a status label to a model entity by first choosing the model entity and the creating the status label. It works for me, but not all the time. May I know if there is a way to fix this? My simio version is 10.174 Personal Edition. Thank you
  7. Good morning, Looking at flow nodes, under the Input- and Output flow control sections, there's a slot for Switch Control Variable. I've tried to figure out exactly how this works but could not find anything in any Simio literature so far (Joines Roberts, Introduction to Simio, Simio Reference Guide and this Forum). I'm clearly missing something. How you would make use of this property to make switching between 5+ outbound links more intelligent? Thanks
  8. I don't know much about using the API, but if you search the API help (Simio API Reference Guide.chm) you will find a StartingClockTime Property. It seems like this could be used to set the value, perhaps read from a file.
  9. Dear Simio community members, I have recently started using your software and I have this issue: I create a new User Extension using the help from the Simio Reference Guide. I do nothing special, I even use one of your examples as a template and just edited the description and properties, saved under new name, built and deployed it to check if it works. I am using Visual Studio 2013 with the provided template from Advanced. I deploy my dll file under E:/Program Files(x86)/Simio/UserExtensions. In Visual Studio I have not set anything about 32 / 64 bit architecture and still my Add-in is never visible not with the Simio.exe nor with Simio64.exe. Does anyone have an idea what might be the reason? Thank you for your time! Regards, Kristina
  10. Hey everyone, After reading the documentation and various topics here, I still have a few questions concerning Repeat Groups and tables. -Are Repeat Groups in submodels essentially copied tables, meaning the submodel gets passed a clone of the top level's table? I guess I'm confused because of this sentence in the Reference Guide: If data should only exist on the top level, why not just reference it from the submodel? Sounds like the reference is discarded for a copy, which contradicts the first premise? - Or is the Repeat Group a "Table of references"? In which case it still seems overly complicated to me, couldn't we simply pass the name of the table, without having to pass all columns? Alternatively, why not adding the ability to reference a table from a submodel in the form "Location.Parent.Model.TableName"? The reason I'm asking is that I have a model with many submodels, that all need to access a huge data table. If I'm not mistaken, Repeat Groups require you to pass every single column to every single submodel by hand, since selecting multiple submodels and right-clicking to choose "Select referenced property" doesn't work. I ended up creating a state variable that copied the data table, which I can access from the submodels via "Location.Parent.Model.ArrayName". Although the information is then 'pulled', this sentence adds to the confusion: I might be overthinking this, but storing information in an entity that is sent into an object passes information without properties as well? I'd just like to understand Repeat Groups and moreover I'd like to be able to use the Search Step from the submodel, which doesn't work with the array. I might give the find step a shot at this. Sorry for the lengthy post - any insights are appreciated! -Phil
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