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  1. Description of Runtime Capability Runtime is the ability for people to execute a Simio model without investing in that design-time version of Simio. Simio imposes no limits to the number of models you can distribute or the number of people you distribute to. And you are free to distribute outside of your organization if you choose. There is no charge for any such distribution. Two runtime modes are available: Interactive Runtime Uses Simio Evaluation Version which is available free to anyone and may be used without activation. It provides the ability to load a model, run it interactively to view the animation, and even change the model at will. Model changes cannot be saved nor is the capability provided to run experiments or execute custom user-written steps and elements. Only Simio Team Edition is capable of creating models that will run in Interactive Runtime. Full Runtime Uses Simio Express Edition. In addition to the substantial modeling features built into Express, it provides the ability to load and run models, save model changes, run experiments, and execute custom user-written steps and elements. Design and Team Editions can create models for use with Full Runtime.
  2. The current version of Simio does not allow running a model anymore. How can get my clients to view the model (play around with it), without having a license?
  3. Hello I wanna create Blockchain simulation in Simio I have student license, can you please help me how Can i make my topology
  4. I have created a simio model with a big amount of conveyors and i would to change the desired speed of this conveyors while the simulation is running. Is it possible import data with the model is running and change the variable Desiredspeed associated the conveyors? Regards. Thanks you.
  5. I was inspired by the VehicleX3 (vehicle with operator) that was shared on this forum. I would like to use this type of VehicleX3 with an operator who is a worker to simulate a process where the operator is required to take breaks after certain periods of activity. To implement this logic, I think it would be helpful to have Reliability Logic for the worker object in Simio. This doesn't seem to be part of the standard library so I tried to create my own subclass version of Worker with the Reliability Logic "copied" from the Resource object. My attempt to implement this custom object seems to work as long as the custom worker object doesn't "move". If the custom worker object moves, I get the Runtime error "Possible infinite loop detected in process logic". Any assistance in getting the logic working properly, or pointing me to an existing custom worker object that has Reliability Logic incorporated would be greatly appreciated. I'm attaching my small example model to illustrate the error when the worker (P1) is required to move to the Dest1 server as a required secondary resource for processing. WorkerWithFailuresExample.spfx
  6. Hello, this question is related to my question here http://www.simio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2352, in so far that I want to entites to go somewhere and it's a rather complex problem since I don't know which node to send the entities to before runtime. So, is it possible that I delete nodes from a nodelist during runtime? Lets say I have 4 nodes in my list and a process is triggered that deletes a node from thatlist, or a copy of that list? Thanks.
  7. What happens if a model built with Enterprise-only features is opened with Team Edition? Specifically, I have many states in tables for collecting outputs in my model. Can someone with only Team edition still run the model? Will they get error messages? Will they even be able to open the file? Thanks! Adam
  8. Can Simio make runtime versions of models?
  9. In fact, even if I use just two simple nodes without any steps and other objects, it is not possible to create a street route on map, while it was possible until about a month ago. The features of my software are as follows: Version: 12.205.20430 (64bit) License Type: Academic RPS Expiration: 2021 - 06- 30 Best regards, Milad
  10. If you happened to uninstall Simio without returning your roamed license, you need to in reinstall the same version in order to return the roamed license. If you just uninstalled Simio 4.79 or higher, you have another option. In the attached zip file (ReturnRoam.zip), there are 2 executables. Unzip these executable into the C:\ProgramData\Simio folder. Then, run the "ReturnROAM.exe". When prompted, select the license (simio-d = Design, simio-e = Team, simio=n = Enterprise) and the year.month that the sprint was released (e.g. Sprint 87 was released in 2013.04). Then press "Return ROAM". The executable will return the roam license. If successful, the following dialog will be displayed. If it is successful with returning the roam license, it will remove the roamed license parameters from the Simio.Settings file. ReturnROAM.zip
  11. Hi Ryan, Thank you for the corrections. As always, spot-on advice, that is very appreciated. I do have a few follow up questions. - Do I set the Initial Sequence property to 'Sequence1' or do I need to tell it the row too? 'Sequence1.Sequence'? Sequence 1 is working, but just wondering. - In the SimBit, Entity Follows Sequence With Relational Tables, there are three types of Entities that all flow through the same source with the Source Property, Table Row Referencing, pulling from the JobTable with the Row Number 'JobTable.ProductMix.RandomRow.' For my model, I have two different entities and the source Bldg is supposed to pull BOTH entities with the Table Row Referencing, "JobsTable" with Row Number: "JobsTable.NumberWorkers.RandomRow." But when the model is run, only one entity is ever used. The Table has an ExpressionProperty of Random.Triangular(3,6,9). Is that the problem? The SimBit's table was an actual number. I tried replacing the Expressions with actual numbers and the Entity switched to use the other one but I am still not able to get half the 34 to be one Entity and the other half to be the other Entity. - How do I get the Vehicle to carry its max capacity? The capacity is set to 6, and it only carries up to 4 entities around at any time. This is incorrect, as the Entities are supposed to be grouped into work teams of Random.Triangular(3,6,9) for their initial Source output move. Afterwards they can be individuals or work teams. The Bldg has the Entity Type defined as the JobsTable.Specialty so it should pull from one or the other (like the below mentioned SimBit), and the with Entities Per Arrival Set at 35; and the Entities themselves are set to a population maximum of 17 each and I get a Runtime error of maximum number exceeds limit for the entities. Why doesn't it hit the limit and then pull from the other Entity? - I'm confused about the network you mentioned above. I thought the nodes had to be linked directly (output to input node). So the busy nodes have a lot of paths radiating out from them and it makes it a little messy. Is there a cleaner way to show the routing? Thank you,
  12. You could use a vector to store the entity locations - you'd have to first give each entity a unique entry into the vector - thus the first entity into the system would use vector[1], etc.. This would only be a reasonable option if the number of entities (trucks) are fixed at a max reasonable number (10, 100, etc.) so the vector could be sized. Efficiency-wise, you may wish to update the entity locations at nodes, as opposed to every x seconds. If you update every x time units, you would need to first use the Search step to search the entities, getting a token for each entity. The vectors can be updated using the entity index into the vector (perhaps store as modelentity.priority if not using priority for any other reason). ModelEntity.Location.X can be used to access the entity location. There is a SimBit titled FindAMinimumState value which describes how to use the Find step with a vector variable. Another option would be to use an output table (depending on your Simio license version) to store/update information on the entity/location. If you have a base model that you have problems running and can share here, please do. Otherwise, send a base model to support@simio.com.
  13. Hello, I have a source that I need to let create 5 entities per arrival before 1 minute runtime and 1 entity per arrival after 1 minute, how do I do that? Thank you
  14. Personally I would use the search block set to search the entity population opposed to the find block. It should also be noted that the Exclusion Expression is evaluated at the start of runtime (if I am not mistaken) hence if this is false, the block will default to false for the entire runtime. Hope this helps.
  15. SimioVisio.mp4 Simio is developing a common exchange mechanism for importing drawings from Visio and other apps. This Topic describes how drawings are imported from Visio (.VSDX files; Visio 2013 or later). This is a run-time release (with code to soon follow). It has a *lot* of bug fixes, plus the addition of a preview tab in the Visio2018 Add-In. The included video has been updated along with the addition of a source-code package. Contained are: 1. A document that describes the procedure and the architecture. 2. A simple example which includes an Add-In (VisioAddIn2018) that imports Visio files (package-runtime.zip) 3. Stencils to use for creating Visio documents for importing to a Simio Facility view. 4. All Source code (package-code.zip) 5. Short video on how to edit Visio stencils package-runtime.zip package-code.zip VisioStencils.mp4
  16. good job! Running in 10.173,there is a runtime warning of status label ...
  17. Entities don't have a facility view , so they can't contain nodes, so they cannot themselves be a destination. --One option is that when the machine fails, have it move to a node to fail, and then have the worker go to that node to work on it. --Another possible approach is to model the machine as a node or a server. As long as there are no links to the node(s), you can use the RelocateObject user defined step to move the object around at runtime. Then you could move the worker through free space to get to the machine's current location.
  18. This is an excerpt from user manual "Starting in Simio sprint 156, the Seize, Move, Route and Release steps (not all steps) allow for specifying the list members within a table and referencing the TableName.ColumnName within the Object List Name or Node List Name properties. Note that the user has to manually add 'Table.ObjectColumn' to the List Name property because it does not appear in the dropdown or right click table reference. Once specified, this then allows table referencing of list members to be done within the Secondary Resources section of many objects, as well as the Resource Requirements section of task sequence type processing. Routing Logic within object TransferNodes may also include the table type lists. Please note that this also includes the use of table state columns (Enterprise edition) for the list which, combined with the Output tables (see Enterprise Data Window page) and the RemoveRows step, allows for dynamic runtime building of lists. See the SimBits UsingRelationalTablesToDefineNodeLists and UsingRelationalTablesToDefineTaskResourceLists for more examples. "
  19. There is a user-defined RelocateObject step to be able to change the location of any object at runtime, including fixed objects or unconnected nodes. Or alternatively for an entity in free space, you can dynamically assign Entity.Movement.X/.Y/.Z. To assign the cartesian coordiantes, the LocationAt.Geographic function is available for conversion from geographic coordinate to equivalent cartesian. For example, Entity.Movement.X = LocationAt.Geographic(latitude, longitude).X
  20. Hi all, I'm trying to do an information network model, and I need to have hundreds of thousands of "nodes" in this model, each node would need a source, server, and maybe a sink. And the "nodes" need to be connected to each other as well. Is it possible do create such "node" automatically instead of manually creating them? And would the runtime efficiency be okay? or should I switch to other simulation software/language? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  21. Greetings, Trying to set up 2 separate networks (AGV and Tractor networks). I can create the Network Element in Definitions, but I cannot figure out how to assign the paths and nodes to the new networks. I tried the SetNetwork process step, but I get a runtime error: "The object or element reference 'Path 5' returned by property 'SetNetwork.EntityObject' is not of the expected type 'Entity'." How do you set a path's new Network name? Link to the model, with the runtime error (error comes from the OnRunInitialized process): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehn33oxxed5ir43/2-Netowrks.spfx?dl=0 thanks for any help, Kurt
  22. We usually use the word dynamic to mean at runtime (while you are running the model). What you are looking for is building the model at model design time (while you are building the model). Yes, you can create any object during design time. Look in the Shared Items or API folder for the spreadsheet import files. In recent software you can also find some model building during import on the Table ribbon.
  23. Hi Not sure if this post is in the appropriate place, but let me ask my question. I got Simio 9 - Academic license. I made a simple Source-Server-Sink model connected with the Path objects. However - in the Navigation window I don't see these objects. I see only the ModelEntity, the Model and the Experiment folder with the experiment I created. Reading through the book "Simio and Simulation: modelling, analysis, applications" it says the if I need to add properties to an object, I need to select that object in the Navigation window (pp.132-133)...but as I said - I dont see my objects... Am I doing something wrong?
  24. I think with commercial license you can not open a model which is developed by an academic edition. I took snapshots of all inclusions and pasted them in the word file atached as a whole. You can easily track the inclusions from these snapshots. The trick is the definition of a table (i.e., table1 in the model). When the search is performed stRowList returns the rank of object in the object list (i.e., LstServers). I can not manage to compare whether returned server name equals to the server name specified with "whichserver" property in the search step alone (Note that, as far as I remember I changed the type of this model propery as "object" instead of "objectlist", otherwise it does not work). Then I defined a data table which replicates the object list then used a decide step for performing this comparison (i.e., whether returned server name equals to the server name specified with "whichserver" property). Note that, string type state variable definition is irrelevant. It is defined for only verification purposes. Contents_simple_sample_redo.docx
  25. hi Glenn, I am having a trouble with Connection String. I use MS-SQL Server and I define my connection string as " Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=db_projectReport; User Id=sa; Password=aaa " Since I did not get the whole definitions of Simbit DBReadWrite example's connection string which is "Server=localhost; Port=3306; Database=world; Uid=root; Pwd=root" , I do not know exactly what I need to define in my Connection String. Maybe I need to install something similar "MySQL connector" to make a connection between Simio and MS-SQL Server. My error is "A runtime error was detected at time 0.0 hours. Item: DbConnect1 Exception trying to open database connection. Message: 'Cannot open database "db_projectReport" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'sa'.' "
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