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  1. Thanks a lot. It is very helpful
  2. Thank you so much for your help. I already did this one. In the attached model, I did everything that you did in your model by myself. Again, I have problem with state variable "StaNumberEntered".The only thing is different with your model is that I consider network instead of free space because I want similar to my network. Thanks again, Nadere cutoff.spfx
  3. Thank you so much for your help. Finally, I can understand your model but I have one more question. I define the state variable (StaNumberEntered) in Mysink but it is not appeared in Table. Could you please help why this state variable is not recognized by my table? Thanks, Nadere
  4. Thank you so much for your help. In your sample, entities choose the sink based on the sink's capacity. Which one has the lowest capacity entity is sent to that sink. In my problem, I put counter on each sink. All entities are sent to that sink until the desired value is obtained for that sink then entities go to the second sink, so on so forth. Could you please help about this problem? Thanks, Nadere
  5. Hello, I have a network that it has several sources and sinks. I set the following properties for each path: 1) Initial Traveler Capacity: 770000 2) Drown to scale: False 3) Logical Length: 150 Miles 4) Allow Passing: False 5) Speed Limit: 90 Miles per Hour. By putting these properties on the link, congestion is occurred in the system. When I run the model that entities randomly choose path and sink, TimeInSystem get different values for minimum, maximum and average in result part. However, when I put sequence for all paths and source, TimeInSystem get the same values for minimum, maximum and average in result part while we have congestion in the network. Can you tell me why the TimeInSystem does not change? Thanks, Nadere
  6. I am using transfer step for the entities to the sink but there are different links and path between the source and sink. So, if I use transfer step in add on process, the entity transfer from source to sink directly. Then, the time in system cannot be computed. I want to determine the destination (sink) by using add on process after checking some criteria. Could you please help me about this problem? My goal is to choose the sink after checking some criteria and then send entities from source to that destination(sink) by using some path randomly. Thanks, Nadere
  7. When I put delay step ( 5 minutes), TimeInSystem get the value (0.083 hour) in the result part. What does it mean?Does it mean that the add on process is not correct?
  8. Hello, I have a network with one source and different sinks. I use add on process on the output of my source to choose the sinks based in the capacity. When I run the model, all created entities destroyed in the sinks correctly but in result part, "TimeInSystem" is equal zero. Due to add on process, is it happen?Should I calculate time in system with Tally? Best, Nadere
  9. Thank you so much for your help. I have one more question. Since Path3.DesiredSpeed is equal to 5 m/s. why is the value of the Status Label greater than 5 m/s? Thanks, Nadere EntitySpeed4_me (1).spfx
  10. Hello All, In the attached file, you could accelerate the speed of entities in the free space. I want to do the same thing in the network. Is there any way to accelerate the speed of entities on the path? If yes, could you please help me how I can do it? For example, in the attached file, is there any way to accelerate the speed of entities on path 5 and 3 (After passing point A)? I was wondering if you could let me know how I can do it.  Thanks, Nadere EntitySpeed4.spfx
  11. Hello, I want to simulate an evacuation network problem. When a hurricane is imminent, all people want to evacuate the hazard area to safe areas. Therefore, we have a traffic jam (congestion) on the road. So, The speed of vehicles changes based on traffic. I have a couple of questions: 1) Is there any module in the Simio to consider traffic on the road instead of considering waiting time for server or transfer node. I mean that congestion embedded on the road by decreasing the speed of entities. 2) Are there any options to consider congestion such as considering a segment of a road is decomposed into cells based on the free flow velocity and length of discrete time step. By this division, vehicles can move only to adjacent cells in unit time. The connectors between cells are dummy arcs indicating the direction of flow between cells. For example, if 5 hour takes time to drive from the beginning of the road to the end, we put transfer node after each one unite of time (server---> after 1 hour--> transfer node ---> after 1 hour--> transfer node ---> after 1 hour--> transfer node ---> after 1 hour--> transfer node ---> server ). In the path, vehicles drive with fixed speed and path has a fixed capacity. Therefore, we can consider congestion if a vehicle wait to enter the path. I would be really happy if you could let me know how to consider congestion on the road. Thanks, Nadere
  12. Hello, I want to model an evacuation network design problem with Simio. My goal is to consider traffic congestion in the model. Congestion happens when road capacity is not enough for that amount of people immediately leave the source node. I was wondering if you could let me know how to consider capacity for either path or connector. I would be happy if you could share an example with me. Thanks, Nadere
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