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Posts posted by jkirby

  1. For the month of April, the username of our Exceptional Simio Insider is..... *drum roll*


    What qualifies someone to be Simio Insider of the Month?

    A person who:

    Actively engages in the Simio Insider forum by providing helpful information to others.

    Provides shareable demonstration models or example code.

    Asks thought provoking question about simulation and simulation-based planning and scheduling.

    gocken, we will send you your certificate via email.

    Happy posting!

  2. Hello,

    One approach you could use is have an initial capacity of 0 at the Enfriado servers to hold the entities in the input buffer queues. During the entered event of the input nodes of the Enfriado servers, you could insert the tokens into a storage element. And a "controlling" server could then use process logic triggered by a scan step that determines if the number of entities in the input buffer queues are greater than 1, that would perform a search of those Storage.queue for the Entity with the longest processing time. To determine the processing time, one has to track it. The real state variable on the ModelEntity, ModelEntity.RealStateVariable, would be created and TimeNow would be assigned before processing. Then that is assigned TimeNow - ModelEntity.RealStateVariable after it processes at the previous servers. Once the entity is found from the storage queue, a transfer step would take that entity and pass it to the Cortador server's input node. The search step could look for Candidate.ModelEntity.RealState1 using a Backward search type and a limit of 1. Once the entity is transferred, the entity can be removed from the storage element.


  3. For the month of April, the username of our Exceptional Simio Insider is..... *drum roll*


    What qualifies someone to be Simio Insider of the Month?

    A person who:

    Actively engages in the Simio Insider forum by providing helpful information to others.

    Provides shareable demonstration models or example code.

    Asks thought provoking question about simulation and simulation-based planning and scheduling.

    jzhou, we will send you your certificate via email.

    Happy posting!

  4. Hi Kevin,

    I prefer to use Servers instead of Workstations. You can try this approach. During the failed event of the Server, I search the Resource Owners of the server. Then search the Seized Resources of that Resource owner (the entity), then I decide if the worker is seized. If so, then release it. If I need another worker or resource available when the server is repaired then on the repaired event, I search for the Resource owner of the server again, the entity, and have that entity seize the resource/worker. If it is a worker and I want to move that worker to the server's input node and there is more than one server that fails and repairs, then I use the Input arguments of that process, create a state variable for the server instance. I can then tell the seize step to use the node, ServerStateVariableName.Server.Input.

    I hope this approach gives you some insights as to how to model your system.


  5. I recommend looking at the SimBit called TableReferenceInRepeatingProperty.pdf. You can reference your data table on your server object for the processing times by right clicking on the Processing time property of the server object. Then select Set Reference Property. Click on the DataTableName.ColumnName that you want to have the server point to. The other option is to use the Math.If( ) expression. To find out more about it's syntax, please read the section called Math Functions in the help documentation.


  6. For the month of March, the username of our Exceptional Simio Insider is..... *drum roll*


    What qualifies someone to be Simio Insider of the Month?

    A person who:


    • Actively engages in the Simio Insider forum by providing helpful information to others.

    • Provides shareable demonstration models or example code.

    • Asks thought provoking question about simulation and simulation-based planning and scheduling.


    Elkherbawy, please find your certificate attached to this post.

    Happy posting!

  7. Hello Ahmed,

    You still have your vehicles set to Network only. But there aren't any paths/networks to follow at all for it. It can't travel from one place to the other without them. Therefore, distance traveled is 0. You could place two nodes at each end of the server and have your vehicles move back and forth between those in free space. You'd have to set your vehicles' initial travelmode to Freespace Only.

    Next, you have some issues with your logic. Entities are trying to seize the resources/vehicle. You have your tasks set to seize SomeProperty.HasValue. The .HasValue only checks to see if there is a value in the property. Which it does. But the check is more like a Boolean. 1 or 0. It is not a value or quantity. Then you have the number of units of capacity for each vehicle only set to 1 because work schedule. Which is fine. But even if you take the .HasValue off, you are trying to seize more units of capacity than one. Since your vehicles never have that capacity (remember ride capacity and resource capacity are different things) your order will never finish processing and will always be behind. I would worry about the logic of your model. I have modified your model to over simplify things. Which I recommend doing first. Then building upon that. Get an entity to travel from the start to finish before adding lots of other factors in.

    In the modified model (saved in10.165) , you can see that you have set a Target. The Scheduled finish date versus the actual finish date are tied together.

    As far as constraints, you will see that in the Planning tab, after running the Create Plan button, there is under the Tasks of Section1 where the Constraints are shown. See image. In this case, it's the resource arrival of a vehicle.

    I hope this information helps.

    Thank you,



    Model 1 Modified.spfx

  8. Hello Ahmed,

    First, you have your vehicle network only. And there aren't enough paths or links for it to travel on in the correct directions. I would set it to network if possible for now until you resolve this and you have some of your nodes with Outbound Travel Mode set to Network Only. But the vehicle is having the most issues with the fact that it is being required to be in two places at once and the processing of the entity at the servers will never complete. The first entity goes into the Unloading Server. You have it being moved as a secondary resource to the input node at the server in your task requirements. Then, you have the server itself requiring the AggregateTipperTruck to move to the output node as it is required. The resource capacity for the vehicle can be seized twice and successfully complete processing at the server. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.


  9. How about using a state variable to count the amount of entities that have come out of your source and use another state variable in the source's Entities Per Arrival property? You can fire an event when the "count" state variable has reached a certain number that will assign the variable that you used for the Entities Per Arrival in an associated process to that same fired event. And when a new parent exits from the node of it's source you can check to see if the variable is set to 0. If it is, then assign it to 1 again.


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