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Everything posted by Omedius

  1. What I finally did, I just duplicated the entitiy that was supposed to have consequent arrivals. All properties are the same. Just Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V - even the naming was ok - PartA and PartA1. Now I have changing flow, and all events fire as expected. What I found - for some reason even before this edit the final entities really were distinguished. They were of the same kind, but still the results show that they are different.
  2. Since there are no replies, I believe it is not ready yet. Are there any scheduled to be published anytime soon?
  3. Dear David, Thanks for your reply, I have an Academic version, which I believe has more limited functionality than Enterprise. So, I have added a State column and 10 different state variables, and assigned each state to that new column. It looks almost ok now, though I've got one more question. I have a sequence of arriving discrete entities, which are then converted into flow. It seems that if I have two entities of the same kind arriving consequently, they are both treated as the first one when there is a flow (they flow without any pause, that's intentional). But in the table I have some more properties, which are different between the entities of the same kind, which should be used further in the model. Could you please suggest a way to distinguish the two entities in case of the flow?
  4. Hi, It's my fourth topic in this forum within the last several days... This would be much more general. Are there any books on the market with the deep coverage of the flow library? Like a reference book with some examples would be just great. I checked the preview of 'Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications', looks like it covers only Standard Library (well, with some advanced techniques, but on discrete simulation). 'Rapid Modeling Solutions: Introduction to Simulation and Simio' also focuses on introduction to discrete part of Simio. I managed to achieve certain progress on very simple models with flow library, but wonder whether there is a more detailed coverage?
  5. Hi, I have implemeted a SimBit Leveled Arrivals, when I have entities arriving in a certain order. I also have additional features defined in the data table, which contains the order of entities (numeric definitions). I would like to have statistics on each entity of this table. I tried to introduce an integer column, and modify it as a reference property within State Assignments group, but I failed. To make it easy. In the datatable I have a certain material of certain amount. Depending on these numbers, I would like to count, how many products I will receive from each material. Is it possible to have this within this very single table?
  6. What I finally did, is I used the source and the converter. I found it easier to configure exactly 10 discrete entities that are converted into flow, rather than achieving this with a tank. Thanks for the solutions!
  7. Guys, thanks for pointing me in a new direction. I'm going to investigate this today and provide feedback. But both solutions sound cool!
  8. Ok. I've been looking for replies almost daily, working on a different side... Now, coming back.. Hopefully an easier question. How can I reset the FlowSource after it has generated a predefined volume of an entity? So, I have a table with sequence of volumes. I need to follow this table and generate sequentially the indicated volumes. Let's say that entity is the same for a start (which is actually wrong and the next step will be selecting the entity simultaneously). Simulation should stop only after all the volumes have been generated. UPD: To make it even simpler. Can I just reset the FlowSource so that after it has generated everything is has (MaximumVolume), it resets the generated volume to zero and proceeds again with this amount?.. For, say, two or three times.
  9. Hi, It's the first time I'm working with the flow library. My question relates to configuring a flow of two liquids that come from a single source, but may be of two kinds (different densities). I would like to have one table, describing the properties of the entities, and another table, having one field as a model type, and another one as the weight limit in the flow sequence. So, basically Table1: --Entity--- ---Density (kg/cubic meter)--- ... some other props TypeA 5000 TypeB 10000 Table2: RowNumber (not a field, just for sequence) --Entity--- ---Amount (cubic meters)--- 1 TypeA 10000 2 TypeA 20000 3 TypeB 30000 4 TypeB 25000 5 TypeA 10000 6 TypeB 12000 7 TypeB 10000 I need to make pauses between the sequential flows of different (or the same) liquids, in the order presented in 2nd table, but I believe, I'll figure out how to achieve this. The question is - how do I configure the source? I need to reference both tables, since I need to limit certain values by weight in the source, but have input in volume. I also have some other entity properties that I would need to access further in the simulation. They are in Table1, which is the descriptive table, not the one used for initializing the flow source. What I tried to do - is 1. Specified the entity type as a referenced property from the Initialization table (Table2) 2. I created the RunInitialized trigger for the flow source to SetRow to number 1 (I will further increment the rownumber - if there is a better solution, please advise) 3. I tried to limit MaximumVolume by accessing another table - and here I'm stuck. I need to lookup Table1, but not by id (integer), but by the entity type. So, the lookup table seems not to fit here. Please advise of this design, how do I lookup in a Table1, when I have an entity of known type.
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