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Everything posted by SEVAR1

  1. Hello, In my model, there are multiple servers for which a secondary resource seize is required. Different pools of potential secondary resources are listed in Object Lists. I would like any given server to pick from a different list depending on the value of a Property, For example, if Property==A, then the Server should pick from the Object List "A", if Property==B, then from List "B". I tried changing the "Object List Name" expression to become a conditional one, but it did not work. Should I instead try to keep the List name the same, while changing the members of this list conditionally? Is it something that can be done through an Add-On Process? Thanks a lot for your time!
  2. Hello everybody, I was wondering if it's possible to import/export sub-models, or if I should focus my efforts in trying to build a custom library instead? I'm building some models which could potentially be used in other projects later on if they could be imported instead of rebuilt from scratch. I'm not really familiar with how customized objects are created however. Any input is appreciated
  3. Hi Kaylinn, I built a simple model which I believe does what you need. It might not be the most elegant way to do it but it's pretty simple. I created two state variables (BatchQuantity and PreviousCumulativeQuantity) which dictate the processing time of the server. However, you would need to post your question in the Simio Insiders forum because it's impossible to attach files in here to prevent spam!
  4. Hi oma110, If I understand your problem correctly, I think your issue here is with your entities' Initial Priorities and the Vehicle's Task Selection Strategy. If you do the two following things I think it should do what you want: 1) Set the LowPriority entity's Initial Priority to 2 (in the Routing Logic) 2) Set Vehicle1's Task Selection Strategy to "Smallest Priority" The problem with your current model is that since Vehicle1's Task selection strategy was set to First in Queue, it will do the first 30 entities that were created in Location 1 and then pick whichever entity came first in the transport request queue. Hope it helped!
  5. I would recommend you take a look at the SimBit example "Record Distance Traveled" to measure distances (might have to do some tweaking, I think the basic unit is Meters). Also, if you want to do the calculation you mentioned (distance/speed), if the speed is constant throughout your simulation run, you could create a Response in the Experiments page and use the expression related to your distance and divide it by the value of speed. Hope it helps at least a little! Edit: Another option that could work easily is to check each Vehicle's TransportingTime statistics after an experiment (in Pivot Grid). To find that statistics, check in the category ResourseState and you should find the average transporting time in hours, the number of occurences, etc.
  6. I don't know if I understand your problem correctly, but from what I understand of it, maybe you should consider having 4 different entities instead of assigning by color, and try using "Workstation2.InputBuffer.Contents.Contains(object)". I'm not 100% sure it will work but it might be an option to look into!
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