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Posts posted by bmarlin

  1. I have been running very large experiments that take a few days to run. Murphy's law seems to interfere through either power outages or automatic updates which can cost me a couple of days of computer time. So I found some code using autohotkey and modified it to work great with SIMIO. autohotkey is a free download and easy to use. The below code runs a loop which hits {control S} on the SIMIO window if it is open every 10 minutes.


    ;run a loop 100 times saving every ten minutes if your SIMIO file is open.

    loop, 100


    ;save file every 10 minutes

    MsgBox, Iteration number is %A_Index%.

    setTimer, AutoSave, 6000000,on


    IfWinActive, ;name_of_simio_file_without_spfx_extension

    Send {Blind}^s




  2. I am working on a rather large model, and the starting conditions are rather important. I would like to establish exact start conditions prior to each excursion. For example, if I have 100 servers, I would like a certain number and type of entity in each server once I begin the run. Is it possible to establish this starting condition in some way? I cannot run my way to this condition due to both changes caused by random number generation and the unexplainable complexities that brought us to the current conditions.

    Slightly off topic, but I have never seen a model with a dynamic number of servers. Are you spawning servers on initialisation? And if so, should I assume you are using freespace?

    I make frequent use of dynamic entities and vehicles in freespace, but have never had much luck in terms of servers etc.


    I am sorry if I was ambiguous, I am not changing the number of servers, rather the number of entities within the servers at the starting time. I am not working in freespace.

  3. I am working on a rather large model, and the starting conditions are rather important. I would like to establish exact start conditions prior to each excursion. For example, if I have 100 servers, I would like a certain number and type of entity in each server once I begin the run. Is it possible to establish this starting condition in some way? I cannot run my way to this condition due to both changes caused by random number generation and the unexplainable complexities that brought us to the current conditions.

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